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A stroll with Colin Barnett: Up close and personal with WA's incumbent Premier

"Maybe they thought I was John Howard?," Premier Colin Barnett laughs in a masterful moment of self-deprecation after hordes of boozed-up buffoons mobbed him at Elizabeth Quay.

The Premier isn't exactly regarded as a gregarious bon vivant and has been rumoured to have all the cheery disposition of the Hound from Game of Thrones, so his unique brand of zany is disarming.

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A stroll with Col

WA Premier Colin Barnett takes an evening stroll with WAtoday Political Journalist Brendan Foster and discusses the issues heading into the State Election.

But his visceral humour isn't staged or forced. Unless he's some visionary robotics genius like Anthony Hopkins in the brilliant Netflix show Westworld and his fawning fans are robots?

As the crowd chants "Barnett", "Barnett", the Premier with a beaming smile strides towards them like a great leader entering the finals days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

He is swamped by dozens of selfie-obsessed supporters lining up to get into the Embargo Bar.

"See, not everyone hates me," the Premier chuckles, trying to wrestle himself away from some drunk that smells like he'd been drinking moonshine made in gumboots.


Mr Barnett doesn't shy away from the fact he is on the nose with voters – even despised.

Only a few months ago, a Newspoll revealed his satisfaction rating of 27 per cent was the lowest ever recorded for an Australian premier.

But what most people forget is he has survived eight years as leader of Western Australia during one of the most tumultuous periods in Australian political history.

He has seen five Prime Ministers come and four go, and more changes of governments on the east coast than Labor leader Mark McGowan has used the term "fresh approach".

Remarkably, despite Mr Barnett's plummeting popularity he is in with a real chance of winning his third "premiership" with the election only three weeks away.

But what has he got left to achieve?

"Now I'm Premier I just pick up birds like that - they just flock to me."

Premier Colin Barnett

What is driving the 66-year-old to chase the elusive three-peat?

Not a political animal

"I'm not a political animal - I'm more interested in what I can achieve, not personally, but the government I'm in," he told WAtoday in an exclusive interview.

"In previous campaigns I felt the personal pressures. I'm not feeling it this time, but it's probably going to be the hardest one to win.

"This is the last roll of the dice and I just hope the people trust myself to lead the government in what's going to be an interesting period, then hopefully I would have someone to hand over to.

"I think I would like to feel there is somebody really ready to take it on. Being Premier is not an easy job."

The problem plaguing the Premier is there is no immediate heir to take over his reign.

There were two: accident-prone former Treasurer and close friend Troy Buswell who quit politics citing mental health issues, and the highly rated former Attorney General Christian Porter who has stepped into the federal arena.

For now, the Liberal cupboard is looking a little bare.

The Premier and I are embarking on a tour of Perth, which he believes the Liberal party helped transform from a "dull as dishwater" city into a thriving, vibrant metropolis.

As he points to a number of big ticket items like Elizabeth Quay and the Perth City Link on our stroll, he doesn't want the infrastructure projects to be seen as his own legacy.

Legacies aside, he can't ignore his last months in office pivot around a nightmarish economy that is nothing short of a basket case.

In late December, the Barnett government forecast a surplus of $521 million in 2019/20 but that figure turned into a $535 million deficit when updated figures were released earlier this month.

For the current financial year, the projected deficit is expected to go beyond $3 billion.

The WA government has spent billions of mining boom money on Elizabeth Quay, hospitals, roads, city square and the new stadium at Burswood.

At one stage Victoria's Premier Daniel Andrews accused the WA Liberals of spending money like "drunken sailors" when the Barnett government demanded a bigger piece of the GST pie.

But the Premier is adamant the unprecedented spending on capital works were necessary to drag Perth into the 21st century.

It's selfie time with the premier.

It's selfie time with the premier. Photo: James Mooney

"When I first became Premier in 2008 it coincided with the Global Financial Crisis which hit this state hard," he said.

"Then we had a surge in mining prices and a collapse of mining prices... nothing new in that.

"And our GST fell from 95 cents in the dollar to 30 cents. And at the same time our population went up by 500,000 people.

"So what was I meant to do? Not provide schools or hospitals for a growing population?

"Nevertheless, the level we have got to now is uncomfortable. It's not a catastrophe, but it's uncomfortable and therefore we are planning to sell half of Western Power to pay off $8 million of debt and the $3 billion will help keep building schools and whatever else is needed."

One Nation deal

One party that is planning to scuttle the Barnett government's plan to sell off the state's polls and wires is One Nation.

Ironically, PHON could be handed the balance of power in the upper house on a platter after the Liberals cut an unprecedented preference deal with One Nation.

Mr Barnett claims to have never met One Nation leader and founder Pauline Hanson and denies he was ever involved in any backroom deals.

"I'm not a person that gets involved in preferences and numbers and all the rest of it," he said.

"If its true One Nation gets around 10 per cent of the vote, they are going to get members elected into the upper house regardless of any preference deals.

"I'm not endorsing their candidates or their policies. I get asked about that everyday... go ask Pauline Hanson."

"We need to recognise they will be a factor in the election."

'Not everyone hates me', the Premier quipped.

'Not everyone hates me', the Premier quipped. Photo: Matt Neves

As we head towards the Perth City Link project the Premier's lightning fast cadence is interrupted by some cursing, grunting man who is keen to have a crack at him.

The verbal bluster goes beyond your usual unfriendly banter and I can sense the Premier's protectors moving in.

I suddenly get the sneaking suspicion if things quickly turn ugly, one of the Premier's minder would simply pick me and hurl me towards the alcohol-fuelled agitator.  

Next to the Premier's minders, I look like a shrunken version of Hagrid from the Harry Potter movies.

I half expect to awaken from a coma in three weeks time, speaking fluent French.

I cowardly turn away waiting for an eruption of violence but the "muscle" shoves the man with all the gusto of helping an elderly person that has swilled one too many sherries across the road.

Mr Barnett nonchalantly shrugs his shoulder and says "I get a bit of that".

By the time we hit the Fringe Festival I am walking with all the grace of a man who has just touched soil for the first time in six months after hauling in tuna on a tiny boat off the coast of Scotland.

It's still 35 degrees and my back is gone.

But Mr Barnett isn't finished just yet.

Yagan Square

For the first time his relentless appetite for selling the "city" slows down and his thoughts appear more measured and calm.

He wants to talk about the $73.5 million Yagan Square, a social hub that will sit within the Horseshoe Bridge.

"Perth must have a central square and it must be called Yagan Square," he said.

"It raised a few eyebrows around the Liberal party probably. But Aboriginal people needed that respect and recognition in the heart of the city.

"Liberal governments aren't necessarily seen as dealing with Aboriginal issues, but we settled the South West Native Title – in terms of population of Aboriginal people and geographic area and value, it's the biggest Native Title settlement in Australian history and there will never be a bigger one."

Perth's new food and beverage precinct Yagan Square is due to open in 2017.

Perth's new food and beverage precinct Yagan Square. Photo: Supplied

The Premier is astute, funny and erudite without flaunting it, and is lapping up the urgent vibrancy of Northbridge.

The following day at the Liberals' launch he tells the party faithful Perth "was pumping" when he walked around the city on Saturday night with me.

It's hard to argue. It wasn't that long ago you found booze hounds slumped in doorways sipping on boot polish.

"It was dullsville, now it's got vitality," Mr Barnett boasts.

When the Premier is hugged by a close female friend at Fringe he lets rip with another zinger.

"Now I'm Premier I just pick up birds like that - they just flock to me," he chuckles.

It's clear he's probably at his happier in the company of women, rather than talking politics, but I can't let him disappear without asking him about how the election will play out.

Election will be won in the bush

He feels the election could be won and lost in the country seats.

"All the analysts are tending to ignore country seats," he said.

"We hold Bunbury that could be at risk, equally Labor's at risk in Collie... Kimberley, Albany, Kalgoorlie can go to anyone. Pilbara could go to anyone.

"There hasn't been much analysis of those seats so it could be unpredictable.

"I don't like to use the word underdog but I think Labor is in front.

"There is still three [now two] weeks to go which is a long time in politics, and I think there is going to be unpredictable results and in some cases I think it will be the recognition of a local candidate that might go against the trend.

"I think it's going to be close".

When we finally sit down for a beer, the Premier has a curious habit of placing his hand over his beer.

I'm not too sure if he thinks I'll slip something into his beer and he'll end up back at my house tied to a chair and forced to watch episodes of Doctor Who.

The Premier and Brendan Foster at Fringe.

The Premier and Brendan Foster at Fringe. Photo: James Mooney

Whatever happens the day after the election, the Premier's focus will shift momentarily away; it's his wife's Lynn's birthday.

"This is my last election for Lynn and I and we want to finish the job," he says.

"There are a lot of projects I'd like to see finished and I like to lead the state into what's going to be a different period of growth.

"Then I will step into the sunset."


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