The Election of Donald Trump: The Insurrection of the Oligarchy

New pamphlet from Mehring Books

25 January 2017

Mehring Books is pleased to announce that the new WSWS pamphlet, The Election of Donald Trump: The Insurrection of the Oligarchy, is now available.

The mass, worldwide, demonstrations against the Trump administration on the second day of its term were the largest in the history of the United States. They foreshadow a period of intense class struggle on a scale never before seen.

Trump is the true face of the capitalist oligarchy. The coming to power of his administration is not an aberration in an otherwise peaceful and democratic society, but the outcome of decades of social cuts, growing inequality and unending war, carried out under both Democrats and Republicans.

This pamphlet presents the major articles and statements published by the World Socialist Web Site in the weeks following the election of Donald Trump, tracing the origins of the Trump administration and the role of the Democratic Party in paving the road for the installation of the most right-wing government in US history. They advance a socialist and internationalist strategy for the working class in the fight against austerity, war and dictatorship.

The pamphlet is available for $3.50. You can purchase five or more copies for $3/copy.

To order click here.