

How does Centrelink assess my personal loan?

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I have a loan facility with my bank that enables me to borrow on just about anything and I have used an amount for a wedding and to purchase two cars. How does Centrelink regard this in the calculation of assets?

A departmental spokesperson confirms that money a person spends is not prima facie assessable under the social security assets test.  However, where a person purchases assessable assets, such as a car, the car is assessable as an asset for assets test purposes.

Assessable assets include money, shares, financial investments, investment properties, vacant land, holiday homes, motor vehicles, caravans, boats, household contents, personal effects, businesses, farms and other personal assets.

For social security purposes, the value of an assessable asset is its net market value. The net market value is the amount the owner could expect to receive if the asset was sold on the open market less any allowable charges or encumbrances.

I note you suggested that a rough guide as to the amount needed for retirement is a capital sum of 14 times planned annual expenditure. What age is this for?

Is there a table available on the internet that would provide this information?


There is no simple answer because the amount a person needs in retirement depends on a wide range of factors, including the state of their health, the rate of inflation, how long they think they will live, the rate they draw their money down, and the amount they can earn on their portfolio. Also, as assets diminish, eligibility for the age pension may increase which can slow down the rate assets are being reduced. This is why it is important to form a relationship with a good adviser and assess your portfolio at least every year. On my website is a retirement drawdown calculator that enables you to work out how long your money will last based on certain assumptions that you can enter. But, it is a rough guide only.

If I transfer excess funds over $1.6 million super cap into an accumulation account where it would be subject to 15 per cent earnings tax, will I also have to pay the 2 per cent Medicare levy?  Also, does the fund pay the 15 per cent to the Tax Office directly or do I have to declare it as income on my tax return?

Funds in accumulation mode pay tax of 15 per cent a year from the first dollar earned but there is no Medicare levy inside the fund and if you are over 60 withdrawals will be tax-free. The tax is paid by the fund so there is nothing to declare on your tax return each year. Also, there is no requirement to make any withdrawals. Given that a person can earn $18,200 a year tax free, the big decision for you is whether the funds should be held in accumulation or in your personal names. Your accountant will be able to guide you.

I am a Commonwealth public servant in an unfunded superannuation fund. I am getting conflicting reports about whether I will be able to claim a tax deduction for any additional contributions I make after June 30. Can you please clarify?

After June 30 anybody will be able to claim a tax deduction for additional concessional superannuation contributions, but total concessional contributions including salary sacrificed contributions cannot exceed $25,000 a year.

As you are in a defined benefit fund, you may find that the notional concessional contribution that are attributed to you would be at least $25,000. If that is the case you cannot make additional concessional contributions.

I live in a leased apartment in a retirement village.  Any capital gain is included in the total from which the village owners take their deferred management fee at the sale of the apartment. When I sell the lease, is it subject to capital gains tax? If so, is the tax calculated on the total proceeds or on the amount left for me after the deferred management fee has been deducted?

Capital gains tax does not apply – the property is regarded as your principal residence.

Noel Whittaker is the author of Making Money Made Simple and numerous other books on personal finance. His advice is general in nature and readers should seek their own professional advice before making any financial decisions. Email:

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