The Official Twitter Blog

Keeping you connected to everything from Twitter.

Results from The Twitter Blog for: March 2017

#SheInspiresMe: Celebrating International Women’s Day

Today marks #IWD2017: this year’s International Women’s Day, a time to celebrate the accomplishments of women around the world while also acknowledging the progress that remains ahead. Twitter is “What’s Happening” across the globe — and what we’ve seen happening throughout the past year is powerful voices and movements come together to speak up for women’s rights.


Our Latest Update on Safety

We’re continuing our work to make Twitter safer, moving faster than ever to do so. During the past few weeks alone, we’ve made a number of changes on this front including updating how you can report abusive Tweets, stopping the creation of new abusive accounts, implementing safer search results, collapsing abusive or low-quality Tweets, and reducing notifications from conversations started by people you’ve blocked or muted.