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brisbane times

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Riverfire is expected to draw about 485,000 people to the Brisbane River on Saturday, so let us help you get the best out of your night under the fireworks.
Riverfire is expected to draw about 485,000 people to the river on Saturday, so get the best out of your night under the fireworks.
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brisbane times

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More than 90 Korean backpackers have been underpaid thousands of dollars while working on a farm in south-east Queensland.
More than 90 Korean backpackers have been underpaid thousands of dollars while working on a farm in south-east Queensland.
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brisbane times

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Goodbye wheelie bins and rubbish trucks.
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brisbane times

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Tiahleigh Palmer's foster father will be charged with her murder, bringing an 11-month investigation into the slain Logan schoolgirl's death to a close.
Tiahleigh Palmer's foster father has been charged with her murder in a long-awaited breakthrough in the 11-month investigation into the slain Logan schoolgirl's death.
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brisbane times

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A search and rescue operation has been launched for a young family missing for more than 12 hours after setting out on a boat in the Torres Strait.
A search and rescue operation has been launched for a young family on a boating trip missing for more than 12 hours in the Torres Strait.
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brisbane times

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A massive increase in the number of women fleeing domestic violence to emergency accommodation has been linked to the high-profile deaths of Tara Brown and Karina Lock.
A massive increase in the number of women fleeing domestic violence to emergency accommodation has been linked to the high-profile deaths of Tara Brown and Karina Lock.
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brisbane times

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Tourists to south-east Queensland could pay an extra $1 to $2 per night on their hotel room bill and raise $7million towards the $30 million a year extra needed to keep the Brisbane River clean.
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brisbane times

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A six-year-old boy has been airlifted to hospital after his face, mouth and throat were burnt in a campfire accident.
A six-year-old boy has been airlifted to hospital after his face, mouth and throat were burnt in a campfire accident.
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brisbane times

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There is no need for an inquiry into foster care in Queensland following the murder of schoolgirl Tiahleigh Palmer, according to a peak carers group.
There is no need for an inquiry into foster care in Queensland following the murder of schoolgirl Tiahleigh Palmer, according to a peak carers group.
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brisbane times

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Almost one in 10 mobile speed camera fines cannot be issued, with illegible and obstructed number plates helping motorists dodge tickets.
Illegible number plates get drivers off scot free.
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brisbane times

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Somebody from the gym rang me yesterday afternoon. Wanting to know where I'd been. Michelle Bridges keeps emailing me. My watch taps me on the wrist every hour and tells me, quite rudely, that it's time to stand up and get moving, even though I work at a standing desk and when I'm writing my splodey books I like to make big splodey arm gestures and noises when things blow up on the page.
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brisbane times

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Conservationists have lodged an appeal to stop the construction of Australia's biggest coal mine, slated for Queensland's Galilee Basin.
Conservationists have lodged an appeal to stop the construction of Australia's biggest coal mine, slated for Queensland's Galilee Basin.
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