Havoc! As floods hit new areas, 108mph winds cause power cuts, shut motorways and force passengers off trains. Now prepare for a month's rain in two days from THREE storms waiting in the wings

Storms banner

The Met Office has issued a red weather warning - the most severe level of threat - for 'exceptionally strong winds' of up to 100mph. The rare alert, which was last issued 13 months ago, is in place for western parts of Wales and some north-western parts of England this evening. Pictured: The wing of a FlyBe plane appears to clip the ground as it lands at Manchester Airport in high winds (top left), a woman battles the wind and rain as she walks past the flooded River Severn in Worcester (centre), the Royal Engineers rescue residents in flood-hit Egham in Surrey (bottom left), a fallen tree traps a man in his lorry cab on the A39 near Bridgwater in Somerset (top right), and huge waves batter the seafront at Southsea in Hampshire (bottom right).

So why wasn't Thames dredged? In case a rare mollusc was disturbed - despite the region being described as one of the most 'undefended flood plains in England'

Thames mollusc

Despite distressing scenes of flood-hit families, it’s not bad news for all the inhabitants of the Thames Valley. The river’s population of Depressed River Mussels is safe. As residents faced an uncertain future, it emerged the Environment Agency rejected calls to dredge the flood-hit lower reaches of the Thames because of the presence of the endangered mollusc.

It could be even worse! Thames Barrier has been closed 29 times in the past 10 weeks to protect London - a fifth of its total use since being built in 1983

New record: The Thames Barrier has been closed a record 29 times in just 10 weeks to prevent the Capital from flooding

It was used four times in the 1980s, 35 times in 1990s and more than 100 times since 2000. Last month it was closed on 13 consecutive tides and it has now been shut a total of 29 times in the last 10 weeks.

Minister's rant at 'diabolical' Tories: As PM accused of 'fantasy' pledge on flooding aid, leading Lib Dem exploits crisis to launch attack

Ed Davey has used the floods crisis to launch an extraordinary attack on Conservatives who question climate change

Liberal Democrat Energy Secretary Ed Davey (pictured) has used the floods crisis to launch an extraordinary attack on ‘diabolical’ and ‘wilfully ignorant, head in the sand, nimbyist’ Conservatives who question climate change.

£5,000 grants to flood-proof homes but minister claims Cameron's 'money is no object' pledge is NOT a blank cheque

Pledge: David Cameron, who today chaired a meeting of the Cobra emergency committee, said last night that 'money is no object' but a senior minister today insisted there was no 'blank cheque'

Councils warned the government that money needed to reach them 'as quickly as possible', as MPs called for VAT to be cut on repairs to flooded homes and cash for major new road and rail projects.

Stop sending UK money to rich countries, demand MPs

Britain's aid budget has increased by 30 per cent in the past year to £11billion to hit David Cameron¿s controversial target of spending 0.7 per cent of national income on foreign aid

Britain's aid budget has increased by 30 per cent in the past year to £11billion to hit David Cameron's controversial target of spending 0.7 per cent of national income on foreign aid.




Sinkholes, sewer leaks and power cuts for MONTHS: How underwater flooding will keep water levels rising even if the rain stops

Deep underground, a hidden network of tunnels, pipes and cables are gushing with water. The levels are unprecedented and engineers claim the infrastructure will be affected for months to come

Data from the British Geological Survey reveals that water has saturated the ground at unprecedented levels, placing pipelines, cables and tunnels at risk.

Watch out for the crosswind! Pilot battles to land passenger plane at Manchester Airport amid 45mph gusts

Manchester Airport

This photograph shows the terrifying moment a captain battled to land a Flybe passenger plane, understood to have come from Waterford in Ireland, at Manchester Airport in strong winds.

Environment Agency staff told not to visit flood-hit Berkshire village after suffering abuse from locals

An EA spokesman said: 'Some of our staff faced verbal abuse whilst working in Wraysbury on Monday'

Environment Agency staff were abused in Wraysbury, Berkshire and were told to retreat by police. They have now been told to report any further abusive incidents to the agency.

Clever, sporty and a keen musician... then Joanna turned into a monster: Family tell how loving sister became a triple murderer

Joanna Dennehy

Smiling proudly, she looks like any other ordinary bookish schoolgirl (right). But Joanna Dennehy, who enjoyed all the benefits of a middle class upbringing in the home counties, would grow up to become a ‘sadistic serial killer’ (left). While her sister Maria joined the Army and went on to serve her country in Afghanistan, Dennehy descended into a life of drug abuse, alcoholism and casual sex.

Rising number of jail inmates in police cells: Fewer than 500 places left in prisons nationwide as number of offenders rockets

For each night inmates stay in police station cells taxpayers have to cough up £55

Currently, there are fewer than 500 spaces left across the entire prison estate after the number of inmates rocketed to 85,235.

GPs warn of crisis in public confidence over NHS database: Royal Collage warns health service of failing to inform patients about data sharing

The Royal College of GPs has warned the NHS that they face a backlash for lack of information about their data sharing plans

Plans to harvest private data from patients’ NHS files are causing a ‘crisis of public confidence’, the Royal College of GPs said yesterday.

Headteachers who can't improve poor schools 'should quit': Ofsted chief says best leaders appreciate tough inspections and want to turn around failing institutions

Head of Ofstead Sir Michael Wilshaw has indicated a tough stance on headteachers that are finding it hard to improve their schools, saying that they should 'quit'

Headteachers who lack the ambition to improve struggling schools should quit, according to the head of the schools watchdog.

Scots won't keep pound if they go it alone, says Osborne: Chancellor joins Balls in cross-party warning

George Osborne will today rule out the idea of a formal currency union between an independent Scotland the rest of the UK

Chancellor George Osborne will today rule out the idea of a formal currency union with the rest of the UK.

Interest rates could stay low till 2020 hints Carney: Bank of England chief points to rise early next year but days increases will be 'gradual'

Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, pictured today, said the recovery has gained momentum but interest rates would not rise for some time

Governor Mark Carney said the recovery has 'gained momentum' as he ditched his policy of linking increases in interest rates to unemployment falling to 7 per cent.

A triple boost for Osborne on growth, jobs and inflation: Bank says economy will be in much better shape than expected by the General Election

Chancellor George Osborne's pre-election plans were given a major boost as the Bank of England predicted the economy will be in a much better state coming polling day

Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney hailed Britain as 'one of the strongest economies in the advanced world' as he predicted stronger growth, tumbling unemployment and lower inflation in the coming years.

Children as young as six have been acting out drug and rape scenes from Grand Theft Auto in the PLAYGROUND, says British headteacher

Headteacher Morian Morgan has written to parents following concerns that children as young as six are re-enacting scenes from Grand Theft Auto

Morian Morgan, headteacher at Coed-y-Brain Primary School, in Llanbradach, Caerphilly, has written to parents after staff witnessed the behaviour.

It's official: Commuting to work makes you miserable (and spending more than half an hour on a bus is the worst way to travel)

How commuters compared to people who drive to work

The longer people take getting to the office, the less happy they are and the less they think their lives are worthwhile.

MoD biggest equipment deals are £6.1bn over budget and running woefully late

Rising costs: The two new Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers, shown in an artist's impression, are £754 million over budget

The cost of Britain's aircraft carriers, pictured, fighter jets, submarines and other state-of-the-art kit has soared a staggering 12.3 per cent since they were ordered, the National Audit Office said.

Pictured: The British married father-of-three suspected of being Syria prison suicide bomber as anti-terror police swoop on his terraced house in Crawley

Abdul Waheed Majeed

Abdul Waheed Majeed, 41, joined Al Qaeda-inspired militants after travelling from his home town of Crawley in what he said was an aid convoy. The devout Muslim, who left for the war-torn state six months ago, regularly spoke to his wife and children through the internet phone service, Skype. But yesterday his family revealed he died at the wheel of a lorry bomb driven into a prison in Aleppo a week ago. As well as killing dozens, the attack allowed hundreds of inmates to escape.

Chelsea tractor? Try Aberdeenshire: County now has the most 4x4s after five years of soaring off-roader sales

Her Royal Highness the Queen drives a Land Rover, a vehicle that has been given the name 'Chelsea tractor' in recent years because of its popularity with rich people in urban areas

They have been known for decades as ‘Chelsea Tractors’ after the upmarket London borough in which their well-heeled 4X4 owners drive them.

Toyota recalls 713,000 Prius cars in North America after finding software glitch that could cause the vehicles to stop suddenly

A total of 1.9 million Prius cars have been recalled globally as a result of the latest software malfunction in the hybrid cars- this time which is at risk of stalling out

Toyota has recalled 1.9 million Prius cars globally because of a software glitch that could cause the vehicle to stall but no accidents or injuries have been reported.

If you're sick of parking fines, try employing the services of a van sitter

Businessman Will Davies employs a team of van sitters to help his tradesmen escape fines from traffic wardens. Stock picture

The unique scheme has been successfully trialled by aspect.co.uk, whose property maintenance team operates round-the-clock in central London.

How a change in weather could trigger a STROKE: Very cold or humid temperatures can cause fatal clot to develop

People are more likely to have a stroke, and die from it, where there are big changes in air temperatures

A Yale University stiudy found people are more likely to have a stroke, and die from it, where there are big changes in air temperatures and higher humidity.

Exercise is the best treatment for those suffering osteoarthritis say health chiefs dismissing the view it is 'just part of the ageing process'

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has today said exercise should be the principal treatment for those diagnosed with osteoarthritis

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence insists that physical exertion can help the condition and ease pain.

Breast cancer drug that extends life by six months gets go-ahead: Treatment that reduces side effects will help women with most aggressive form of the disease

A new breast cancer drug which extends women's lives by almost six months is now available for patients

Campaigners claim the drug Kadcyla offers a ‘precious lifeline’ for women with the most aggressive form of the disease who have tried other treatments.

The great statins divide: As go-ahead's given for one in four adults to be offered heart drug, one doctor says this mass pill-popping is folly...

Is it worth the risks? Dr Malhotra claims up to one in five patients on statins suffer from side-effects which include muscle pain, cataracts, short-term memory loss and erectile dysfunction

NICE seems to be siding firmly with the drug companies and relying on industry- sponsored statistics which consistently under-report - some would even say hide - the risk of side-effects, writes Dr Aseem Malhotra.

Statins are cheap and effective way of avoiding 10,000 heart attacks and strokes a year, claims top academic

Is it worth the risk: Prof Baigent says the benefits of taking statins far outweigh the hazards

While prescribing statins to those with a low risk of heart attack may seem illogical, consider this: more than half of deaths from coronary disease occur in people with no previous problems of this kind, writes Prof Colin Baigent.

£1-a-month drug could HALVE risk of prostate cancer: Heart failure medication 'stops cancer cells growing'

Taking digoxin daily could reduce a man's risk of prostate cancer by 50 per cent

Men who take digoxin are at lower risk of cancer, say rsearchers at Seattle's University of Washington and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre.

Banker and his wife tried to get a deaf pensioner declared insane after ‘venomous’ right of way row over 12 inches of land so they could boost value of inherited home

Bayliss preview

Peter and Kim Bayliss, pictured, began a 'venomous' campaign against deaf carer Sandra Saxton, 69, right, to stop her using a right of way behind their cottage, inset, in Westerham, Kent. Central London County Court heard that when Mr Bayliss' mother, who lived there, went into care, the Baylisses began trying to stop Mrs Saxton using the tiny strip of land behind the Bayliss house. They told Sevenoaks Council's social services that Mrs Saxton needed to live in a home and tried to turn neighbours in what had been a 'happy little community' against her, the judge said.

Argentina accused of intimidation after British cruise ship in South America is ordered to lower red ensign

Admiral West accused Argentina of 'flexing its muscles' after the country's largest region banned British ships bearing the 'red duster' flag from docking in Buenos Aires

Admiral Lord West of Spithead, who fought in the Falklands War, said a law banning ships flying the red ensign from docking, is 'insulting'.

RAF grounds all Voyager planes after one aircraft plummets several thousand feet during flight to Afghanistan

Investigation: The MoD has launched an investigation to find out what caused the flight scare. A spokesman said flights will resume as soon it is deemed 'safe'

The Ministry of Defence has launched an investigation to determine what caused the plane, which was carrying nearly 200 service personnel, to suddenly lose altitude.

Timing of Wills' boar hunt is 'unfortunate': Wildlife charities take aim at prince's shooting jaunt

Top guns: Prince William and Prince Harry arrive is Spain with friend Jecca Craig

The future king led a meeting at London Zoo yesterday, in his role as President of United for Wildlife, to develop an international response to the slaughter of endangered animals for their body parts.

'Yvette does no cleaning': Ed Balls may land himself in trouble as he reveals irritation that his wife doesn't help around the house

Ed Balls has revealed that his wife, fellow Labour MP Yvette Cooper, does no cleaning around the house

Miss Cooper and Mr Balls are regularly referred to as Labour’s ‘Golden Couple’. But his comments suggest that their marriage is plagued by the same problems as everyone else’s - arguments about the housework.

Immigration minister who quit over cleaner can claim £8,000 pay-off

Payout: Former Immigration Minister Mark Harper is entitled to £8,000 after he resigned

Mark Harper is entitled to the cash despite resigning for hiring a Colombian woman with no right to be in Britain to clean his London flat and do his ironing.

Clegg pledges tax bonus just before the election: Deputy PM vows to raise threshold by £500

Nick Clegg will demand a £500 increase in the tax-free threshold to £10,500 in next month's budget, meaning savings will appear in people's bank accounts in April 2015

Nick Clegg will announce plans to raise the tax-free threshold by £500 to £10,500 next month, with savings showing up in bank accounts in April 2015.

Fury at the Westminster 'flood tourists': Fed-up families hit out at welly-wearing politicians jostling for the best photo opportunities


The invasion of senior politicians into flood-hit areas has started to backfire, with local communities accusing them of being little more than 'flood tourists' in search of a photo opportunity.

Britons 'too ignorant' for EU referendum: Top official says debate on Europe is so distorted that people could not make an 'informed decision'

'Dangerous': Viviane Reding was criticised for making assumptions about what qualifies Britons to cast a vote on EU membership

Viviane Reding, vice-president of the European Commission, questioned whether British people are capable of making a decision in an EU referendum.

Tragedy of talented teenager who died after taking horse tranquiliser ketamine at music festival

Ellie Rowe, 18, collapsed at the Boomtown Fair in Winchester after taking ketamine

Former soldier who lost both legs in Afghanistan fitted with world's most advanced bionic knee worth £70,000 which works with Wii gaming technology

Former soldier who lost both legs in Afghanistan fitted with world's most advanced bionic knee worth £70,000 which works with Wii gaming technology

Gregg Stevenson, 29, (left) from Pendle, Lancashire, was sweeping for mines with the 24 Commando Engineer Regiment in Kajaki, Helmand Province, when a Taliban IED exploded.

Biology teacher took fatal overdose after rare disorder caused her to become obsessed by ‘evil’ plastic surgeon who removed cancerous mole from her face


Victoria Meppen-Walter, 44, from Heywood, Greater Manchester, had surgery at the private Transform Clinic in Cheshire and said afterwards she was left in 'burning pain'.

Guitarist who suffered horrific burns after he was ELECTROCUTED for two minutes as he sound-checked for ferry gig wins £6,400 compensation

Guitarist who suffered horrific burns after he was ELECTROCUTED for two minutes as he sound-checked for ferry gig wins £6,400 compensation

Dominic Zyntek, 23, from Coventry, West Midlands, was given compensation after being electrocuted for two minutes when he plugged in his guitar aboard the Pride of Hull ship leaving him with burns (right).

'Our daughter would still be alive if GPs hadn't missed her cancer FIVE times', claim heartbroken parents

Victoria Liggatt died after doctors failed to realise she had cancer and that it was spreading around her body. She had seen five different GPs but none referred her for an MRI scan despite her having a persistent cough

Victoria Liggatt, 42, from Derbyshire, died last week after GPs at Holywell Medical Group failed to diagnosed her cancer.

Baby given NO chance of survival before she was born defies the odds to become a 'healthy, feisty little girl'

Kaylyn Fry (pictured with her mother, Ayla Blaikie), six, was given no chance of survival when the placenta ruptured 16 weeks into her mother's pregnancy

Six-year-old Kaylyn Fry, from the Scottish Borders, was not expected to survive after the placenta ruptured just 16 weeks into the pregnancy.

Two British skiers killed within a week in Swiss Alps following tragic accidents

Tragic: Chris Longbottom died in an avalanche in the resort of Col de Forclaz in the Swiss Alps

Chris Longbottom, 39, died in an avalanche in the resort of Col de Forclaz on Sunday, while a 65-year-old man who is yet to be formally identified suffered fatal head injuries while skiing off-piste on Monday.

Father-of-two has brain tumour removed through his NOSE to save his sight

Simon Stevenson-Black, 39, was diagnosed with a brain tumour after suffering from headaches and blurred vision. He is pictured with his wife, Kate, and his daughters Faith, six, and Lily, eight

Simon Stevenson-Black (pictured with wife Kate and daughters Lily and Faith), 39, from Lancashire, was diagnosed with a tumour after suffering headaches and blurred vision.

Mother's shock as huge sinkhole swallows daughter's trampoline in garden

Gretel Davidson is facing a £10,000 bill after a huge sinkhole appeared overnight in her back garden

A shocked mother from Barnehurst, London, is facing a £10,000 bill after a huge sinkhole deeper than a double-decker bus appeared overnight in her back garden, swallowing her daughter's trampoline.

She didn't win a medal, but Britain's Chemmy Alcott says coming 19th place was as good as gold after defying medical science to even compete at Sochi

The 31-year-old is a testament to the skill of surgeons and her own courage having overcome an astonishing 42 fractures and four career threatening breaks to ski in her fourth Winter Olympics

The 31-year-old is a testament to the skill of surgeons and her own courage having overcome an astonishing 42 fractures and four career threatening breaks - one where her ankle bone ripped through her ski boot - to ski in her fourth Winter Olympics. She only returned to the competitive ski slopes in January from a broken leg and took part in an historic race that saw the first ever tie in the history of the Winter Games when Dominique Gisin, of Switzerland, and Slovenian Tina Maze recorded exactly the same time to share the gold medal in the alpine downhill.

So much for the Winter Olympics! Sunkissed beachgoers strip off in Sochi as hot weather turns ski and snowboard runs into slush

What Winter Olympics? Spectators took a break in Sochi to enjoy bright blue skies on the beach and sit under palm trees - while ski runs melt and athletes complain that conditions could soon become dangerous

The Black Sea resort is hotter today than the last 10 Winter Games cities - and six of the last 10 summer ones. Visitors including British medal-winner Jenny Jones have stripped off on Sochi's beaches and under palm trees.

The heartwarming moment a Canadian coach runs out to replace a Russian competitor's broken ski so he could finish the course in front of his hometown crowd

Canadian cross-country ski coach Justin Wadsworth sprinted over to help Gafarov when he spotted the Russian struggle toward the finish line with a mangled broken, ski.

Canadian cross-country ski coach Justin Wadsworth sprinted over to help Anton Gafarov when he spotted the Russian struggle toward the finish line.

Environmental activist who criticised impact of Sochi Winter Olympics is jailed for three years for spray painting a fence

Jailed: A judge in the southern city of Krasnodar ruled to convert an earlier suspended sentence for Yevgeny Vitishko, pictured, into a full prison term after deciding he had broken the terms of the agreement

A judge in the southern city of Krasnodar ruled to convert an earlier suspended sentence for Yevgeny Vitishko, 40, into a full prison term after deciding he had broken the terms of the agreement.

Pictured: Horrifying squalor inside home of couple jailed for raising three children in filthy conditions with 'overpowering stench' of excrement, alcohol and rotting food


Marla Everett, 32, and Matthew Cartwright, 39, lived with their three children at a home in Grimsby, Lincolnshire, that was full of rotting food, discarded fast food packaging, empty larger cans and faeces (pictured). When an officer gained entry to the property, he was hit by a swarm of flies, a stench of urine, excrement and stale alcohol and found both parents in a stupor, a court heard. Cartwright and Everett each admitted three offences of cruelty to the boys, now aged three, nearly two and one. Cartwright was jailed for 15 months and Everett for a year.

Jury take less than an hour to find husband guilty of murdering his wife after she admitted to affair with saxophone player in jazz band

Mark Arthur, who has been convicted of murder after he stabbed his jazz singer wife in the heart

Mark Arthur, 50, of Gosforth, Newcastle, was found guilty of knifing his wife Heather in the study of their home following a row between the couple.

'Exceptionally stupid' man who wrecked stabbing trial by snapping courtroom photo with his phone and posting it on FACEBOOK is jailed

Keiran Graham, 24, has been jailed after he took a photograph in court during a stabbing trial

Keiran Graham (pictured), 24, from Gloucester, admitted contempt of court, apologised to the judge, Alistair McGrigor, and claimed he did not realise he had committed a criminal offence.

Married British father of two arrested for allegedly paying 12-year-old girl to pose in lingerie while he photographed her in Kazakhstan

Peter Baruch walking to Uralsk City Court

Married father-of-two Peter Baruch, 38, from London, has been arrested on child pornography charges involving at least one girl in Uralsk, Kazakhstan.

British Muslim and his wife admit posting videos mocking the horrific killing of Lee Rigby on YouTube

Royal Barnes, 23, admitted posting sick videos on YouTube glorifying the killing of Lee Rigby and mocking tributes left at the murder scene

Royal Barnes, 23, recorded and uploaded three videos shortly after the murder in Woolwich, south London, in May 2013.

Convicted killer given a job as a care worker was caught on CCTV attacking a patient and jamming her head in a bin

A convicted killer who was given a job as a care worker was captured on CCTV abusing a patient by jamming a bin on to their head

Alison Richardson (pictured) was caught on camera abusing a patient at The Priory hospital in Middleton St George, near Darlington.

X Factor Tulisa is back in court - and back to black: Pop star adopts sombre look for appearance to deny punching male blogger


The former X Factor judge, 25, from Friern Barnet, north London, is accused of assaulting writer Savvas Morgan at the festival in Chelmsford, Essex, last summer.

Homesick burglar broke out of jail because he had no fellow Yorkshiremen to talk to in prison 'full of Lancashire and Liverpool people'

Escape: Richard Milburn disliked HMP Kirkham, near Preston, because it was full of 'Lancashire and Liverpool people'

Richard Milburn could not stand living with 'Lancashire and Liverpool people' for another seven months, and ran away from HMP Kirkham near Preston, pictured.

Schoolboy gang locked up for savage attack on a man for being GINGER after they confessed to their teachers

Scene: The cyclist was attacked as he waited at a set of traffic lights in Manchester city centre

The four teenagers surrounded the victim, 38, at a set of traffic lights in Manchester city centre (pictured), leaving him needing major surgery.

Man, 25, charged with murders of pair thought to be his father and grandmother after bodies of man and woman are found in house

A man has been arrested on suspicion of murder after two people were found dead at a five-bedroom house

Glen Patterson, 25, has been charged with two counts of murder after police arrested him when they were called to Benton, North Tyneside, at 9.15pm yesterday to reports a man was causing a disturbance.

Animals seen so rarely we think they're extinct: lack of sightings of pine martens and nightjars blamed on their shyness and our lack of interest in nature

A lack of sightings of rare animals in Britain can be attributed to a number of factors: Their rarity, their sleeping patterns, their skittishness and now, our lack of interest

Never peered at a pine marten, glimpsed a golden eagle or noticed a nightjar? You are far from alone. So few of us have ever spotted these creatures in the wild that we have actually come to believe they are extinct. But it is the combination of their shyness and our lack of interest in nature that is to blame, rather than diminishing numbers.

Britain's most expensive parking space goes on sale for an eye-watering £400,000 (or for that you could park in the NCP nearby for 31 YEARS)

Britain's most expensive parking space goes on sale for an eye-watering £400,000 (or for that you could park in the NCP nearby for 31 YEARS)

The exclusive underground parking space (bottom left), located near the Royal Albert Hall in Kensington, London, (pictured main) costs 15 times the average UK salary of £26,500.

From Benefits Street to Downing Street: White Dee says she will stand as MP as she attacks Government for welfare system that encourages people to scrounge off state

White Dee, pictured with daughter Caitlin has announced she is to stand as an MP and has said the benefits system encourages people to be scroungers

The reality TV star says the benefits system is 'too comfortable' and will stand as an independent MP at the next election.

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Midsomer Murders star Gwilym Lee arrives home to find BURGLARS ransacking his house.. but finds real life police turn up LATE and 'then refuse to pursue his case'

Mr Lee, left waited for police to arrive rather than confronting the intruders at his home himself

Gwilym Lee, left decided not to use the skills he picked up playing DS Charlie Wilson and instead waited outside for the police.

Personal trainer is PROSECUTED for exercising with clients without a licence in one of London's royal parks

Alexis Ajavon Baron Cohen

Alexis Ajavon Baron Cohen (pictured), 43, who works in Primrose Hill, is believed to be one of the first coaches to be taken to court over the offence.

EasyJet fined £42,000 for ordering a disabled woman off of a plane because she was 'a security risk'

'Social outcast': Marie-Patricia Hoarau, 41, was forced off a 2010 Easyjet flight from Paris to Nice because she did not have a 'helper'

Wheelchair-bound Marie-Patricia Hoarau, 41, said the British airline made her feel like a 'social outcast' when forcing her off the plane for flying alone.

Is this the ultimate airport lounge? Huge room the size of a football pitch has a golf simulator, massage beds, 41 bars… and a massive Scalextric set

Hours spent at airports waiting for late flights can become tedious, unless you are passing time at the 'world's most luxurious lounge' which has just opened in Istanbul

Hours spent at airports waiting for late flights can become tedious, unless you are passing time at the 'world's most luxurious lounge' which has just opened in Istanbul. To pass the time passengers who book a place in the massive 5,900 m2 lounge can play a round of golf and drive cars on a giant Scalextric. Almost the size of a football pitch it has a huge capacity and can hold more than 1,000 executive guests.

The pictures that will make you feel sick just looking at them: 'Urban ninjas' scale China's tallest building

The pictures that will make you feel sick: 'Urban ninjas' scale China's tallest buildings and have the dizzying snaps to prove it

Vadim Makhorov and Vitaly Raskalov climbed continuously for two hours before conquering the partly constructed Shanghai tower - with no safety equipment.

'Thanks for the baby brother but I really wanted a puppy': Kids tell it like it is with hilarious - and brutally honest - notes


Proving just how matter-of-fact kids can be is a collection of handwritten notes from American children addressed to parents, Santa, and even God.

'Thanks for everything': The touching moment a chimp who was nursed back to health hugs Jane Goodall before being released into the outdoors

Wounda was one of the more than 160 chimpanzees living at the Jane Goodall Institute's Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Center in the Republic of Congo.

Wounda was one of the more than 160 chimpanzees living at the Jane Goodall Institute's Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Center in the Republic of Congo.

Tortured, branded, burned alive: Inside the land where lynch mobs still hunt witches and men guard graveyards against to stop sorcerers feasting on the dead

Witch burnings are on the increase in the highlands of Papua New Guinea

Witch burnings are on the rise in Papua New Guinea as women tortured as sorcerers by drug-fuelled tribesmen in primitive villages amid a mining boom just north of Australia

The most unflattering headshots ever? Model-turned-photographer shoots subjects under UV light to reveal shocking sun damage


New York-based model-turned-photographer, Cara Phillips, used ultraviolet light to reveal the age spots that would otherwise go unnoticed.

The Victorian Asbo kids: Some of the first ever police mugshots show 19th-century petty criminals including one aged just TEN who was jailed for stealing a tin horn worth just 40p

The Victorian Asbo kids: Some of the first ever police mugshots show 19th-century petty criminals including one aged just TEN who was jailed for stealing a tin horn worth just 40p

The black and white photographs date to the mid-19th century - and show a series of Victorian child criminals, all arrested in Dorchester, Dorset and the surrounding area.

Syrian opposition proposes expulsion of all foreign fighters at peace talks as Assad’s war planes pound rebel-held town

The Syrian opposition proposed the expulsion of all foreign fighters during peace talks, while government warplanes bombed a rebel-held town near the Lebanese border

The Syrian opposition proposed the expulsion of all foreign fighters during peace talks, while government warplanes bombed a rebel-held town near the Lebanese border.

Horror as mother, 20, is beheaded in front of her young son after getting trapped in doors of elevator as it shot to the next floor

Elevator preview2

Olga Tilinina, 20, was with her son Maxim when the lift doors suddenly slammed shut, trapping her between them, in her block of flats near Moscow, Russia.

Thirteen people killed when terrorists threw grenades into cinema as it showed pornographic film in Pakistan

Attack: Volunteers inside the Shama cinema in Peshawar, Pakistan, which is the town's last to show pornographic films, after three grenades were hurled into the audience yesterday. At least 10 people were killed

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: 20 more were wounded at Shama cinema, the last in conservative city of Peshawar to show X-rated movies, which it put on three times a day in a cannabis-shrouded backroom.

Michael Schumacher 'now battling pneumonia' as doctors slowly bring him out of his coma following ski crash


Germany's biggest newspaper Bild said that Schumacher, 45, developed the lung infection last week at the University Hospital in Grenoble.

Fans who sued Michael Jackson’s doctor for emotional distress after the singer’s death are awarded ONE EURO each by French court

Remember The Time: The French fanclub successfully sued for emotional damages caused by the death of Michael Jackson

The French fan club sued Dr Conrad Murray, responsible for giving Michael Jackson's a lethal dose of anesthetics in 2009, in a court in Orleans.

Police arrest alleged leader of the notorious Pink Panther jewel theft gang behind more than 120 robberies including £88m Cannes heist

Caught: Serbian Borko Ilincic, 33, is said to be a leader of the Pink Panthers gang

Borko Ilincic, a 33-year-old Serbian, was detained by officers from the National Police in the town of Alcala de Henares, just outside Madrid.

Pope Francis was very nearly Pope John: Pontiff wanted to name himself after reformist 'Good Pope' of the Sixties

What's in a name? Pope Francis

It has emerged that the then-Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio told a colleague he wanted to be named after Pope John XXIII.

Fury as passenger snatch control of Belgian commuter train's PA to tell Jewish passengers to 'get off at Auschwitz and take a short shower'

An SNCB train like the one involved

The suspects were able to access the Namur to Brussels train's tannoy during the peak of the evening rush hour to make the offensive suggestion.


cricket killing        

ALEX BRUMMER: Morally bankrupt! Five years after the crash, Barclays is making a mockery of its vow to be a beacon of integrity

Antony Jenkins, chief executive of Barclays, took over in the summer of 2012, in the wake of the banking crisis

City experts estimate Barclays could be set to close as many as a quarter of their 1,600 branches. The bank has argued the move will improve the service for customers.

STEPHEN GLOVER: Money no object to fight floods? Pull the other one, Dave. We're drowning in debt...

British Prime Minister David Cameron talks with farmer Tony Davy during a visit to Goodings Farm in Fordgate, Somerset. Cameron visited flood-hit areas on Friday following criticism of his government's handling of a crisis that has left swathes of the country under water

Ever since the Coalition came to power nearly four years ago, its central message has been that in unprecedentedly difficult economic times it will have to count the pennies extremely carefully.

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Money is no object (for foreign aid, of course)

Prime Minister David Cameron said 'money is no object' when it comes to helping those affected by the flooding

Strengths he may have, but the Prime Minister has an increasingly worrying propensity to shoot from the hip. And the latest example of this crass silliness was his statement that ‘money is no object’ to deal with the floods.

QUENTIN LETTS: Pickles, a baking potato amid a truckle of cherries

The weekly Prime Minister's questions has had calls to be more subdued after criticisms that it was getting too heated

Something called the Hansard Society – Establishment trundlers, denizens of the Blob – wants Prime Minister’s Question Time to be more genteel.