Terror of woman driver trapped inside her car as engine exploded into flames after alarm system locked her in

Lauren Zajac

Family of joyrider who was killed after crashing a stolen car win £20,000 compensation as the police chasing him were 'untrained'

Father-of-one Lee Lewis, 22, who was killed when his stolen car hit a wall during a 12-mile chase by four police cars driven by 'untrained officers'

Lee Lewis, 22, died after crashing a stolen car following a police chase. His family, from south Wales, have won £20,000 compensation because 'untrained' officers chased him.

Texting at the wheel kills more teenagers every year than drink-driving, study reveals

Lethal: Texting while driving has become the biggest cause of teen deaths in America - killing more than 3,000 teenagers every year (stock image)

More than 3,000 teenagers are killed every year across America in car crashes caused by texting while driving compared to 2,700 from drink driving.

Britain's legendary Land Rover gears up for its 65th anniversary celebrations

The Queen regularly takes to the wheel of a Land Rover

The British car maker is marking its big day with a striking display of its heritage and future technology, proving that although it's 65, the car won't be pensioned off.

How one in ten drivers have nodded off at the wheel

Nearly half (48 per cent) of the drowsy drivers blamed monotonous roads while a quarter (25 per cent) said they were lacking sleep overnight

Some 3.4 million motorists - 9 per cent of the total - have fallen asleep while driving in the past 12 months Often this is just a ‘micro-sleep’ that can last for a second or so but long enough to cause a tragedy.

Bank holiday boost for motorists as biggest supermarkets slash price of fuel by 2p

Shell announced £5billion quarterly profits

Morrisons, Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury all cut prices byb up to 2p each, crediting a fall in wholesale price of fuel. It means that today, petrol will be around 129.7p a litre and 134.7p for diesel.

Crackdown on potentially lethal loophole that allows thousands of 'high risk' drink drivers back on the road

'High risk' drink-drivers

In future drink drivers will have to pass a medical examination to prove they are not ‘alcohol dependent’ before being allowed back behind the wheel.

Devastated father discovered his 13-year-old son had been killed in car accident when £30,000-a-year boarding school posted tragic news on its website

Tragedy: William Avery-Wright died on a road outside his school, but his father only learned his son had died in a road accident after his boarding school posted the news on its website

William Avery-Wright had been knocked down by a Land Rover as he crossed a main road on his way to rugby practice.

Grandfather, 69, banned from selling award-winning flowers outside his home 'in case he distracts drivers'

Colourful display: Pensioner Joe Poultney, has been ordered to stop selling flowers outside his home in Barlaston, Staffordshire, in case it distracts passing drivers

Joe Poultney has been ordered him to stop selling the plants, used to raise hundreds of pounds for charity every year, by Stafford Borough Council chiefs who claim the colourful bouquets distract drivers.

Council paints double yellow lines down a cycle path which is too narrow for a car to drive through

You definitely can't park here! Council paint double yellow lines down a cycle path which is too narrow for a car to get down

The cycle lane in Nottingham is just over four feet wide - so even the smallest cars are unable to squeeze down there and park. However, the council say the lines are needed to protect cyclists.

Biker caught doing 122mph went on to internet forum to ask for advice on how to avoid speeding points

Andrew John Kelly, 37, took to the forum to find out how he could get off the speeding charge after he was clocked with a friend.

Andrew John Kelly, 37, took to the forum to find out how he could get off the speeding charge after he was clocked with a friend.

Balotelli stuns spectators by taking his £200,000 Ferrari for spin around an indoor go-kart track (that's one way to get round AC Milan's karting ban)

Mario Balotelli took his new £200,000 Ferrari for a spin on an indoor go-kart track

The footballer is forbidden by his contract to go karting in case he gets injured but found a loophole by taking his new sports car for circuits on the 600m track near Milan.

Young motorists can save £200 on car insurance by using 'black box' technology to prove they can drive safely

Cheaper driving: Comprehensive research has found that telematics can help bring down insurance costs

Young drivers who face steep costs for motor cover could save an average of £201 – or 12.5 per cent - by choosing telematics technology over a standard policy, research has found.

Top chartered surveyor run over and killed by a car while lying in the road after two bottles of wine during eight-hour drinking session

Top chartered surveyor run over and killed by a car while lying in the road after two bottles of wine during eight-hour drinking session

Mother-of-three Caroline Vaughan-Salter, 49, was killed almost instantly after she was struck by a car on Hyde Park roundabout in central London, the inquest was told.

Pay-as-you-go flop: M6 toll road 'should be nationalised' urges transport chief as traffic drops by 40 per cent

Under used: the M6 Toll Road should be nationalised rather than expanding the original M6 to cope with the projected 25 per cent increase in traffic over the next 15 years, transport chief Geoff Inskip said

Britain's only privately run toll road, the M6 in the West Midlands, should be nationalised the head of the region's local transport authority has said.

Racing driver dies in smash in front of thousands of spectators at Donington Park classic car event

Christian Devereux preview

Christian Devereux’s (pictured) 1965 Mini Cooper S spun off course crashed into another vehicle at the famous Donington Park circuit in Derby, yesterday.

Zara Phillips lends a royal hand to tyre change as she supports drive to get women into engineering

 Zara Phillips

The Queen's granddaughter was at the first day of the Royal Windsor Horse Show where she announced a new engineering scholarship programme.

CHRIS EVANS: Citroen's 'anti-retro' rival to the Mini is zippy and fun. If only it was more rewarding to drive

In the classic tradition of the ever-so-cute 2CV, the Citroen DS3 has acquired a rolling full-top roof

To drive, the DS3 is like a pretty but grumpy French waitress, wondering why she’s serving you as opposed to the other way round.

Nissan turns over a new LEAF: Japanese manufacturer unveils its redesigned electric car which promises to end 'range anxiety'

Eco chic: The sleek new Nissan LEAF has plenty of space and handles like a dream

With a longer range, lots of extra space and a heavier steer, the Nissan LEAF might be small but it drives like one of the big boys - and that's no bad thing.

CHRIS EVANS: Would you Adam and Eve it? The city runaround with a very Old Testament name

Adam is not a bad car. He's comfy and kind, and has big wing mirrors, which I love, and a reassuringly robust gearstick

The Adam. Don’t think about the name. It’ll drive you crazy. It did me. But Adam’s big selling point is his customisation.

Be a good sport, Dad! Ray Massey test drives the new Toyota GT 86 car

Value? The Toyota GT 86 car, starts at £27,995, but extras such as heated seats quickly rack up a larger bill

It has classic sporty looks, a spirited driving performance and is an engaging Toyota to suit carefree, boy racers now with families in tow.

Is the flying car FINALLY here? First model set to go on sale in two years - and there is even a version that can take off vertically if you get stuck in a traffic jam

TF-X shown flying over the fields of Massachussets

The first flying car from Massachusetts-based firm Terrafugia is due to go on sale as early as 2015. It has also unveiled a new TF-X model could be small enough to fit in a garage, and can take off from a vertical position.

What the brain of Google's self-driving car sees: The 'Terminator's-eye-view' that shows just what it takes to navigate a city

The image tweeted by Idealabs found Bill Gross shows what Google's self-driving car sees as it turns left. Gross claims the cars collect 1GB of data every second

The latest image, showing what Google's self-driving cars see as they drive around, has been tweeted by Idealab's founder Bill Gross.

Smart car headlights that make rain almost invisible to drivers could 'save lives on the roads'

Intel engineers say the system would eliminate up to 80 per cent of visible rain during a heavy storm

Developers from technology firm Intel hope the headlights will reduce the number of accidents by improving visibility for motorists and enable them to effectively see through rain.