The only person who gives Fergie the hairdryer treatment: Why Sir Alex Ferguson's wife is even more formidable than he is

Sir Alex Ferguson's 'formidable' wife Cathy keeps him in check

The rise of 'Pinterest stress': How image-sharing site's 'perfect' photos of cakes and crafts make mothers feel inadequate


Forty-two per cent said that surfing the photo-sharing site made them feel depressed about the fact that their own lives did not reflect the same picture-perfect standards.

Morning sickness that lasts all day, bloating, excess hair, acne... Why does NO ONE warn women about the horrible side effects of pregnancy?

A pregnant woman

The First Rule of Fight Club: You do not talk about FIGHT CLUB. This reminds me of pregnancy. No one tells you the truth about what it’s really like until you are in it yourself.

Women have £2,000 worth of beauty products in their bathroom cabinets - but only use £327 worth (and 1 in 5 is never even opened)

Nearly three per cent of women have over £5,000 worth of cosmetics stored in their bathroom cabinet

A new study reveals that most women own 65 beauty products, which cost on average £30.22 each - but most said they use just 11 favourite items every day.

Parents' fury after Disney gives Brave heroine Merida 'Victoria's Secret hairdo' and Barbie waist in 'sexy' princess makeover

Parents' fury after Disney gives Brave heroine Merida 'Victoria's Secret hairdo' and Barbie waist in 'sexy' princess makeover

A petition to reverse the makeover, which celebrates Merida's crowning as Disney's 11th princess on Saturday, has been signed by 26,000 frustrated people. The heroine's springy curls have been smoothed out into neat waves, her waist is thinner, eyes wider, cheekbones higher; and most importantly, she has lost her trusty bow and arrow.

Can I get a handbag with that? Selfridges to launch world's first luxury drive-thru shop


Forget Big Macs and diet cokes, because Selfridges are unveiling the world's first luxury drive-thru offering everything from Burberry coats to Chanel handbags.

Would you spend £50 on a lipstick? The luxury make-up product that comes with NO logo and 'makes outlining your lips easy'

Would you spend $75 on a lipstick? The luxury make-up product that comes with NO logo and 'makes outlining your lips

The long lasting lipstick from luxury perfumery, Serge Lutens, in Paris has arrived on American shores. The refillable lipstick, available at Barneys, comes in six shades.

Yes, they DID just ask you that! The weirdest questions you could face in an interview... and how to answer them

'Bring it back to your personal facts and your key brand message', says Danielle Restivo

You’re almost at the end of a job interview. You've given your presentation. And then you’re asked: What kind of animal are you?'

My VERY unlikely slimming secret: 20 stone woman with a sugar addiction swaps Mars bar binges for chocolate TEA - and loses SEVEN stone

Stephanie Jones,

Stephanie Jones, 38, from Abercynon, South Wales, slimmed down from 20st and size 32 to 12st and a healthy size 16 by drinking chocolate tea.

May-hem! Record 220,000 hen and stag parties flood UK this month.... and £60 MILLION will be spent on these increasingly lavish last nights of freedom

'Despite the recent recession we have seen continual growth in our industry and I think this is definitely set to continue'

The most popular destinations include Bournemouth, Nottingham and Newcastle for stag parties and London, Brighton and Bristol for hens.

How sexist advertising causes men to adopt 'violent and sexually aggressive behavior' as they aspire to the macho ideal

Hidden impact: Men's adverts could trigger anti-social behavior in young males, according to a new study

Researchers at the University of Manitoba in Canada analyzed 527 adverts pulled from a slate of popular U.S. men's magazines, including Wired, Maxim and Golf Digest.

Sopranos mobster Steve Schirripa on his 'tough love' approach to raising girls and how 'fathers these days don't take charge'

Steve Schirripa releases book on 'tough love' approach to parenting

Actor Steve Schirripa, who plays mobster Bobby Baccalieri, has released a book called Big Daddy's Rules: Raising Girls is Tougher Than I Look.

Martha meets her matches! Domestic goddess comes face-to-face with suitors after signing up to online dating site

Martha Stewart appears with two potential dates on the TODAY show

Despite an overwhelming response, she narrowed down her choices to just two potential suitors, who she met this morning on the Today show.



She is arguably the best dressed Victoria's Secret Angel and when she isn't flaunting her bikini body on the beach, she is looking just as glamorous on the red carpet. Here we show you how to get her look for a fraction of the cost...

Fierce and fabulous: Alessandra Ambrosio Fierce and fabulous: Alessandra Ambrosio



This really IS puppy love! Couple sacrifice summer holiday so beloved DOG can marry her toyboy lover in lavish £500 ceremony

This really IS puppy love! Couple sacrifice summer holiday so beloved DOG can marry her toyboy lover in lavish £500 ceremony

Sheena, a six-year-old German Spitz from Kettering, Northants, has married her toyboy sweetheart Gethin, a one-year-old Pomeranian, in a lavish wedding ceremony costing £500 - savings which came out of her owner Sue Doherty's summer holiday fund.

Pajama-clad Katie Couric grins with foamy mustache as she joins her daughters in bed for new Got Milk? ad

Dairy queen: Katie Couric and her two daughters are the newest stars of the 'Got Milk' ad campaign

The TV host and her girls, Ellie, 21, and Carrie, 17, don white foam 'mustaches' and tout the benefits of drinking dairy in a TV commercial, which hits screens tomorrow.

We fought for equality. So why do greedy wives still sponge off their ex-husbands?

Women have fought for equality, and many battles have been won, but divorcing women are still making out they are pathetic little Fifties housewives

In these days of equal education, opportunities and access to professions, women are still humiliating themselves by expecting (and receiving) huge and continuing settlements when a marriage ends.

Can these clothes save M&S? LIZ JONES meets the woman set to perk up Marks' dowdy designs - and gets an exclusive sneak preview

liz jones

The person who will dress more of us than any other, and shape our wardrobes over the next few years is 51-year-old Belinda Earl.

Phillip Lim teams up with Target to launch collection of sleek handbags and classic leather jackets for 'an on-the-go wardrobe'

Phillip Lim for Target

The New York-based designer, 30, will release collections for both men and women including dresses, bags, jackets and accessories, ranging in price from $19.99 to $299.99.

Billionaire Spanx founder Sara Blakely will donate half of her fortune to charity as the first woman to join Warren Buffett and Bill Gates' Giving Pledge

Paying it forward: Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx, is the first female to join Warren Buffett and Bill Gates¿ Giving Pledge

The 42-year-old, who owns 100per cent of her privately held company and recently topped a list of America's 50 Most Powerful Mothers, told Forbes: 'I've always wanted to do something like this'.

As more teenagers have weight-loss surgery, a horrifying insight into the terrible price they pay as they grow up: Agony of the children given gastric bands as young as 13

Malissa Jones from Selby, North Yorkshire, who has become anorexic after having a gastric bypass operation.

A shocking number of children undergo life-threatening surgery every year as a third of British children are classed as overweight before they start secondary school.

Prejudice. Abuse. And surgery that needs nerves of steel. A brave and moving account of... The cruel reality of feeling Nature trapped you in the wrong sex

Jane Fae sets out her own experiences of being transgender, as well as the prejudice she's faced

Transgender women. Transgender men. Sex-changers. Body-swappers. Wherever you go, these days, whichever way you turn, you just can't seem to get away from them, writes Jane Fae.

How tracing my husband's pain-filled past helped me cope with the horror of losing him

Voyage of a lifetime: Jacques and Jeannette

Through filling in the gaps in her husband, Jacques' history, Jeannette Kupferman has gone some way to filling the hole in her own life — the agony of which anyone who’s experienced bereavement will recognise.

The secret to being a happy mother? Hire five nannies to do the boring bits

Katie Hopkins pictured with her three children (r-l) India, Max and Poppy

It's time for career woman to let go of guilt and acknowledge there’s nothing wrong with employing other women to do all the traditional ‘female’ jobs which — quite frankly — hold us back from achieving all that we are capable of.

The lady is a VAMP! Gothic berry lips dominate the make-up looks at the Met Gala

Gothic berry lips dominate the make-up looks at the Met Gala

New York-based make-up artist Rachel Wood, who has worked with stars including Vanessa Hudgens and Rosario Dawson, told MailOnline that the vampire trend was most definitely back.

The Great British (Fake) Bake Off: Is there any fake tan that won't turn you tangerine? We put them to the test...

Tan enthusiast Anna Pursglove finds out which at home fake tans really work

Available in every shade from deep Brazilian bronzes to sun-kissed caramels, and with enticing extras, there's something out there to tempt everyone.

Average woman spends £15k in her lifetime replacing make-up she has lost

One in ten ladies - 11 per cent - would prefer to lose their coat than their makeup bag

Almost half have lost makeup in the back of a cab, a quarter has dropped some down the toilet and a third waved it goodbye after leaving it at an ex-partner’s house.

Beauty confidential: Catwalk glamour at Poundland prices


This week, ELSA McALONAN was asked to take part in the 'Poundland Challenge', when the budget store sent her a bag of beauty products to use.

'Try being romantic in body shapers': New ad pokes fun at the torturous extremes women will try to get rid of their cellulite

Cellulite confessions / Vichy

The satirical video for Vichy's CelluDestock anti-cellulite range, sees women open up about body shapers, body wraps and the 'torture device' that is the 'shake belt'.

The dangers of eyelash extensions: Popular beauty treatment can cause infection, allergic reaction and even make natural lashes fall out, warn medical experts

eyelash extensions

Medical experts say that often the adhesives used by beauty salons in the treatment contain formaldehyde, which many people are allergic to.

Introducing 'Brotox': The £20 anti-ageing product that is just for men

Botox for men

Manotox claims to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and smooth skin - all without surgery. Its success is due to two new ingredients called liftonin and gransil.