Atlas of Kurdistan

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The Wikimedia Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons.
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The introductions of the country, dependency and region entries are in the native languages and in English. The other introductions are in English.
Kurdish-inhabited area by CIA (1992).jpg

Flag of Kurdistan.svg

Kurdistan كوردستان

Kurdî كوردی Kurdistan

Kurdistan tê wateyê welatê kurdan. Welatê Kurdistan di nav dewletên Tirkiye, Sûriye, Iraq û Îranê de hat perçe kirin. Beşên Kurdistanê ev in: Bakurê Kurdistanê, Başûrê Kurdistanê, Rojhilata Kurdistanê û Başûrê Rojavaya Kurdistanê.

العربية كردستان

كردستان تعني أرض الكرد، وهي المنطقة الجغرافية التي يقيم فيها الأكراد في الشرق الأوسط. المنطقة موزعة على خمس دول هي: العراق، إيران، سوريا، و تركيا و أجزاء من دول الاتحاد السوفياتي السابق. من الصعب تحديد المنطقة الجغرافية لكردستان لعدم اعتراف الدول آنفة الذكر بهذا الكيان. ويعتقد الأكراد أنه تم تقسیم كوردستان علی الدول الأربعة قسرا في اتفاقیة لوزان المبرمة بین الدول المنتصرة في الحرب العالمیة الأولی. تعترف إيران والعراق بمنطقة كردية على أراضيهم. اما سوريا التتي تحتوي علي اقل عدد من الأكراد بين الدول الاربع، و نظيرتها تركيا فترفضان ذلك.

Türkçe Kürdistan
Kürdistan, Kafkaslar'ın güneyi ve Orta Doğu'da, Türkiye, Irak, İran, Suriye, Ermenistan ve Azerbaycan ülkelerine ait toprakların bir kısmını kapsayan yerleşim bölgelerini adlandırmak için kullanılan bir terim.
فارسی سرزمین کردستان

سرزمینی که کردها در آن زندگی می‌کنند (به کردی: کوردستان/Kurdistan) نام دارد. کردستان نام یکی از ایالات بزرگ ایران بوده است که در جنگ چالدران بین نیروهای شاه اسماعیل اول صفوی و سلطان سلیم اول عثمانی در سال ۱۵۱۴ میلادی انجام گرفت و بر اثر شکست ایران، بخش بزرگی از کردستان از ایران جدا شد و نصیب عثمانی ‌گردید ("کردستان عثمانی").

English Kurdistan - Kurdistan
Kurdistan is an extensive plateau and mountainous area in Middle East, inhabited mainly by Kurds. It covers large parts of eastern Turkey, northern Iraq, northwestern Iran and smaller parts of northern Syria and Armenia. It roughly includes Zagros and eastern Taurus mountain ranges. From a political standpoint, Iraqi Kurdistan is the only region which has gained official recognition internationally as an autonomous federal entity.

Short name Kurdistan
Official  name Kurdistan
Status Divided by Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria
Capital Idem
Population 25–30 Million inhabitants
Area 190,000 km² - 390,000 km² km²
Major  languages Kurdish, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Armenian
Major  religions Muslim
More information Kurdistan, Geography of Kurdistan, History of Kurdistan and Politics of Kurdistan
More  images Kurdistan - Kurdistan (Category).

General maps

Kurdish-inhabited area by CIA (1992).jpg Kurdish-inhabited area
Kurdish Areas Sorani.png Kurdish-inhabited area
Gegenwärtiges Kerngebiet der kurdischen Siedlungsgebiete.jpg Kurdish-inhabited area
Kurden.jpg Kurdish-inhabited area and Kurdish Diaspora in the Middle East
Kurdisches Siedlungsgebiet.PNG Kurdish-inhabited area
Kurdish-inhabited areas of the Middle East and the Soviet Union in 1986.jpg Kurdish-inhabited area
Kurdish-inhabited area by CIA (2002).jpg Kurdish-inhabited area
Kurdish language.jpg Kurdish language area
Iranian languages distribution.png Kurdish language area
Iranian languages area.png Kurdish language area
Moderniranianlanguagesmap24.PNG Kurdish language area
Iranian tongues.svg Kurdish language area
Iranian Language Status.png Status of Iranian languages
SOUTHERN KURDISH.JPG Southern Kurdish dialect

History maps

This section holds a short summary of the history of the area of present-day Kurdistan, illustrated with maps, including historical maps of former countries and empires that included present-day Kurdistan.

Starożytny Bliski Wschód w XV wieku p.n.e. (Ancient Near East 1450 B.C.).jpg Map of the state of Mitanni in 1450 BC
Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia c. 1450 BC.png Map of the state of Mitanni in 1450 BC
Near East 1400 BCE.png Map of the state of Mitanni in circa 1400 BCE
Carte du Mitanni.png Map of the kingdom of Mitanni at its maximal extension
Karte Mittani.png Map of the state of Mitanni
Mitanni map.png Map of the state of Mitanni
MittaniMap.jpg Map of the state of Mitanni
Butler Oriens.jpg Ancient Media
Brue, A H ; Levasseur, E 1875 Asie Mineure, Armenie, Syrie, Mesopotamie (S).jpg Ancient Media
Brue, Adrien Hubert, Asie-Mineure, Armenie, Syrie, Mesopotamie, Caucase. 1839. (CG).jpg Ancient Media
Median Empire.jpg Median Empire, around 600 BC
Median Persian Empire 1923.JPG Median Empire, around 600 BC
Median ua.PNG Median Empire, around 600 BC
Median-empire-600BCE.png Median Empire, around 600 BC
Kingdoms of Lydia, Media, Cilicia, and later Babylonia.png Median Empire, 600 BC
Median Empire.svg Median Empire, since 600 BC
Median Empire ru.svg Median Empire, 6th century BC
Cyrus Empire ua.png Achaemenid Persian Empire in the time of the Cyrus the Great
The Conquests of Cyrus the Great.png Achaemenid Persian Empire in the time of the Cyrus the Great
Antoine Philippe Houze . L'Empire des Perses. 1844 (A).jpg Achaemenid Persian Empire, 588-536 BC
Antoine Philippe Houze . L'Empire des Perses. 1844.jpg Achaemenid Persian Empire, 588-536 BC
Brue, Adrien Hubert, Asie-Mineure, Armenie, Syrie, Mesopotamie, Caucase. 1839. (G).jpg Achaemenid Persian Empire, 579-560 BC
Ancient near east 540 bc.svg Achaemenid Persian Empire, around 540 BC
Achaemenid Empire En.svg Achaemenid Persian Empire, around 500 BC
Achaemenid-empire-500BCE.png Achaemenid Persian Empire, around 500 BC
Achemenids500BC.png Achaemenid Persian Empire, around 500 BC
Illustrerad Verldshistoria band I karta 4.jpg Achaemenid Persian Empire, around 500 BC
Map of the Achaemenid Empire.jpg Achaemenid Persian Empire, around 500 BC
Perserreich 500 v.Chr.jpg Achaemenid Persian Empire, around 500 BC
Persia (PSF).png Achaemenid Persian Empire, around 500 BC
World 500 BCE.png Achaemenid Persian Empire, around 500 BC
Persian empire 490bc Bactria.gif Achaemenid Persian Empire, around 490 BC
Iran-achaemenids (darius the great).jpg Achaemenid Persian Empire in the time of the Darius the Great
Achaemenid Empire ~480 BC.png Achaemenid Persian Empire, around 480 BC
File- Achaemenid Persian Empire ~480 BC.png Achaemenid Persian Empire, around 480 BC
Map achaemenid empire en.png Achaemenid Persian Empire
MarchofCamybsesII.png Achaemenid Persian Empire
Shepherd-c-018-019.jpg Macedonian Empire, 336-323
MacedonEmpire.jpg Macedonian Empire, 334-323 BC
Map of the Empire of Alexander the Great (1893).jpg Macedonian Empire, 331-301 BC
Alexander-Empire 323bc.jpg Macedonian Empire, 323 BC
Diadochi satraps babylon.png Macedonian Empire, 323 BC
Excellent map of Alexander’s conquests using the Latin nomenclature, published in Germany in 1893.jpg Macedonian Empire
Illustrerad Verldshistoria band I karta 6.jpg Macedonian Empire
Map-alexander-empire.png Macedonian Empire
Mapa de Alejandrías.svg Macedonian Empire
Seleucid-empire-323BCE.png Seleucid Empire, 323 BC
Diadoch.png Seleucid Empire, 303 BC
Seleucid301BC.png Seleucid Empire, 301 BC
Seleucid-Empire 200bc.jpg Seleucid Empire, 200 BC
194fkr.JPG Seleucid Empire, 194 BC
Diadochen1.png Seleucid Empire
Seleucid persia map.PNG Seleucid Empire
Seleukidenreich.png Seleucid Empire
Scythia-Parthia 100 BC.png Parthian Empire, 100 BC
Imperio Parto.png Parthian Empire, 1st century BC
Maps of the Armenian Empire of Tigranes.gif Kingdom of Gordyene, 95-66 BC
Near East ancient map.jpg Kurdish Kingdoms of Corduene-Sophene, 63 BC
Map Parthian Empire-fr.png Parthian Empire, 60 BC
LocationParthia.PNG Parthian Empire, 60 BC
Parthian-empire-50BCE.png Parthian Empire, 50 BC
Corduene sophene commagene osrhoene.png Roman dependency of Corduene (as of 31 BC)
Parthia 001ad.jpg Parthian Empire, 1 AD
Roman HanEmpiresAD1.png Parthian Empire, 1 AD
Parther reich.jpg Parthian Empire
Parthiav2.jpg Parthian Empire
Parthiav3.svg Parthian Empire
Asia 400ad.jpg Sassanid Persian Empire and Eastern Roman Empire, around 400 AD
Roman-Persian Frontier, 5th century.png Roman-Persian Frontier, 5th century
Asia 500ad.jpg Sassanid Persian Empire and Eastern Roman Empire, around 500 AD
公元500年的萨珊王朝.svg Sassanid Persian Empire, around 500 AD
Kushanshas-Hepthalites 565ad.jpg Sassanid Persian Empire, 565 AD
Roman-Persian Frontier, 565 AD.png Roman-Persian Frontier, 565
Byzanc-Justinián.png Sassanid Persian Empire and Eastern Roman Empire, 6th century
Carte empire Sassanide.png Sassanid Persian Empire, 6th century
Persia 600ad.jpg Sassanid Persian Empire, 600 AD
Byzantine Empire 600AD.png Sassanid Persian Empire and Eastern Roman Empire, 600 AD
Sassanid Empire 620.png Sassanid Persian Empire, 620 AD
Sassanid Empire 226 - 651 (AD).GIF Sassanid Persian Empire, 226-651
Indo-Sassanid.jpg Sassanid Persian Empire
Sassanid empire map.png Sassanid Persian Empire
Sassanid-empire.gif Sassanid Persian Empire
Sassanides02.png Sassanid Persian Empire
Empire Perse.jpg Persian Empires, 610 BC-651 AD
Roman-Persian Frontier in Late Antiquity.svg Roman-Persian Frontier in Late Antiquity, 4th-7th centuries
Hasanwayhids map.png Hasanwayhid dynasty (10th-11th century)
Marwanids dynasty.jpg Marwanids rule areas (990-1085)
Ghori Dynasty 1149-1212 (AD).png Ghurid Iranian Empire, 1149-1212
Ayyubid Dynasty 1171 - 1246(AD)-Masry.PNG Ayyubid Empire, 1171-1246
Ayyubid Dynasty 1171 - 1246(AD).PNG Ayyubid Empire, 1171-1246
Ayyubid Dynasty 1171 - 1246(AD).png Ayyubid Empire, 1171-1246
AyyubidGreatest.png Ayyubid Empire, 1188
Ayyubid Greatest Extent 1188.png Ayyubid Empire, 1188
Ayyubids1189.png Ayyubid Empire, 1189
Ayyubid.png Ayyubid Empire, 1190
Ayyubid Dynasty.svg Ayyubid Empire, 12th century
Anatolia1200.png Anatolia and surrounding regions in AD 1200
-Mamlukes -Ayyubid Dynasty - Masry.PNG Ayyubid Empire, 1250-1260
Ayyubids 1257.png Ayyubid Empire, 1257
Eyyubiler.png Ayyubid Empire
Das Reich Timur-i Lenks (1365-1405).GIF Timurid Persian Empire, 1365-1405
Mongol dominions.jpg Timurid Persian Empire, 1405
Mongol dominions.png Timurid Persian Empire, 1405
Mongol dominions1.jpg Timurid Persian Empire, 1405
Timurid Dynasty 821 - 873 (AH).png Timurid Persian Empire
Timur Empire.jpg Timurid Persian Empire
Zemljevid Timur Lenk imperij.png Timurid Persian Empire
Safavid Empire 1501 1722 AD.png Safavid Persian Empire in 1501-1722
Safavid map ak.svg Safavid Persian Empire in 1501-1722
LocationSafavid.PNG Safavid Persian Empire in 1512
Map Safavid persia.png Safavid Persian Empire, 16th-18th century
Iran-afsharids(1).jpg Afsharid Iranian Empire, 1723-1735
Afsharid (1736-1802).svg Afsharid Iranian Empire, 1736-1802
Persia1741.PNG Persia in 1741
Iran-ghajar-agha mohammadkhan.jpg Qajar Persian Empire during earlier years of Qajar dynasty
Iran-ghajar- fathali shah.jpg Qajar Persian Empire
Persia1808.JPG Persia in 1808
Persia 1814.jpg Persia in 1814
Kurdish states 1835.png Kurdish Independent Kingdoms and Autonomous Principalities circa 1835
Khurasani kurdish exclave 1835.png Khurasani Kurdish exclave circa 1835
Ardalan German.png Ardalan state
Ardalan.PNG Ardalan state
Persia afghanistan 1848.jpg Persia in 1848
Corduene-Korchek-rus.png Kurdish states from 2nd century BC to 19th century
Mosul Province 1897.png Mosul province, 1897
Map Iran 1900-en.png Persia and Ottoman Empire in 1900
Iran 1900.jpg Persia in 1900
1907 Persia map.jpg Persia in 1907
Iran1916.jpg Persia in 1916
Kurdistan1920.png Proposed Kurdish state by the Treaty of Sèvres (1920)
FR-WW1-1920.png Proposed Kurdish state by the Treaty of Sèvres (1920)
TreatyOfSevres (corrected).PNG Proposed Kurdish state by the Treaty of Sèvres (1920)
TratadoDeSevres1920.svg Proposed Kurdish state by the Treaty of Sèvres (1920)
Persia 1921.JPG Persia in 1921
Umgriffe Kurdistans.png Kurdish statehood in the 20th century
Kingdom of kurdistan 1923.png Kingdom of Kurdistan in 1923
Kingdom of Kurdistan (1923).png Kingdom of Kurdistan in 1923
Red kurdistan 1923 1929.png Red Kurdistan (Kurdistan Uyezd, Kurdistan Autonomous Province) in Soviet Caucasus, 1923-1929.
Red kurdistan 1930.png Kurdistani District (Red Kurdistan) in Soviet Caucasus, 1930.
LocationRepublicofKurdistan.png Republic of Mahabad (1946)
Republic of mahabad and iranian azerbaijan 1945 1946.png Republic of Mahabad (1946)
Southern and western kurdistan.png Map showing the claimed borders of Southern and Western Kurdistan (Rojava)

Old maps

This section holds copies of original general maps more than 70 years old.

Kashgari map.jpg Map by Mahmud al-Kashgari (1074), showing Arz ul Akrad Arabic for land of Kurds locatd between Arz ush Sham (Syria), and Arz ul Iraqeyn (Iraq Arabi and Iraq Ajami).
Daniel Keller. Asiae nova descriptio (Antwerpen, 1590).LU11.jpg Old map of Kurdistan from 1590
Ancient Kurdistan.png Historic map from 1721, showing borders of Curdistan provinces
William Faden. Composite Mediterranean. 1785.D.jpg Old map of Kurdistan from 1785
William Faden. Composite Mediterranean. 1785.E.jpg Old map of Kurdistan from 1785
Rigobert Bonne. Perse. 1787 (I).jpg Old map of Kurdistan from 1787
Rigobert Bonne. Turquie d'Asie. 1791 (L).jpg Old map of Kurdistan from 1791
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon. Turkey in Asia. 1794 (EC).jpg Old map of Kurdistan from 1794
Cary, John, ca Turkey in Asia 1801 (HD).jpg Old map of Kurdistan from 1801
Darton, William. Turkey in Asia. 1811 (I).jpg Old map of Kurdistan from 1811
Pinkerton, John. Turkey in Asia. 1813 (J).jpg Old map of Kurdistan from 1813
Lucas, Fielding Jr. Turkey in Asia. 1823 GA.jpg Old map of Kurdistan from 1823
Colton, G.W. Turkey In Asia And The Caucasian Provinces Of Russia. 1856 (GE).jpg Old map of Kurdistan from 1856
Johnston, Alexander Keith (1804-1871). Turkey in Asia, Transcaucasia. 1861 (E).jpg Old map of Kurdistan from 1861
Johnston, Alexander Keith (1804-1871). Turkey in Asia, Transcaucasia. 1861 (EF).jpg Old map of Kurdistan from 1861
Garnier, F A , Turquie, Syrie, Liban, Caucase 1862 (J).jpg Old map of Kurdistan from 1862

Iraqi Qurdistan

Kurdistan 1975.png Kurdistan Autonomous Region in Iraq in 1975
Kurdistan 1998.png Kurdish Federation in 1998
KurdishFederation1998.png Kurdish Federation in 1998
Iraq kurdish areas 2003.jpg Kurdish areas in 2003
Kurdistan 2009.png Kurdistan Region in Iraq in 2009
Kurdistan 2012.png Kurdistan Region in Iraq in 2012
Kurdistan governorates 2012.png Governorates of Kurdistan Region in Iraq in 2012
Kurdistan governorates 2015.png Governorates of Kurdistan Region in Iraq in 2015
Iraqi Kurdistan in Iraq (de-facto and disputed hatched).svg Location of Iraqi Kurdistan (dark red) with respect to Iraq (white) and claimed areas (hatched) on a map of the Middle East.
IraqiKurdistan DeFactoMap.png Iraqi Kurdistan region
Iraq Kurdistan location map.svg Iraqi Kurdistan region
Autonomous Region Kurdistan-en.png Iraqi Kurdistan region
Iraqi Kurdistan.jpg Iraqi Kurdistan region
KurdistanRegion Governorates.png Governorates of Iraqi Kurdistan region
Dihok governorate 2012.png Dihok Governorate of Kurdistan Region in 2012
Hewler governorate 2012.png Hewlêr Governorate of Kurdistan Region in 2012
Silemani governorate 2012.png Silêmanî Governorate of Kurdistan Region in 2012
Silemani governorate 2015.png Silêmanî Governorate of Kurdistan Region in 2015
Helebce governorate 2015.png Proposed borders of the Helebce Governorate of Kurdistan Region in 2014-2015
Etnie irachene 1983 cia.jpg Kurds in Iraq, 1983
Iraq ethno 2003.jpg Ethnic and religious distribution of Iraq. The Kurdish population is shown in pink
Demografiadoiraque.jpg Kurds in Iraq
Narodyiraku.png Kurds in Iraq

Syrian Kurdistan

Claimed and de facto territory of Rojava.png Map showing claimed and de facto territory of Rojava
Rojava.svg Map showing claimed and de facto territory of Rojava
Rojava february 2014.png Map showing de facto borders of Western Kurdistan (Rojava) in February 2014
Rojava june 2015.png Map showing de facto borders of Western Kurdistan (Rojava) in June 2015
Rojava Kurdisch kontrollierte Gebiete.jpg Map showing de facto borders of Western Kurdistan (Rojava) in June 2015
Northern Syria - Rojava october 2016.png Map showing de facto borders of Western Kurdistan (Rojava) in October 2016
Rojava cities.png Map showing the claimed borders of Western Kurdistan (Rojava)
Rojavaye Kurdistane welat ku wkp.png Map showing the claimed borders of Western Kurdistan (Rojava)
Rojavaye Kurdistane bajar ku.png Map showing the claimed borders of Western Kurdistan (Rojava)
Rojava february2014.png Map showing de facto cantons of Western Kurdistan (Rojava) in February 2014, as well as territories claimed by Western Kurdistan (Rojava), but not controlled by the Kurds in February 2014
Rojava february2014 2.png Map showing de facto cantons of Western Kurdistan (Rojava) in February 2014
De facto cantons of Rojava.png Map showing de facto cantons of Rojava
Rojava Cantons.svg Map showing de facto cantons of Rojava
Cantones del Rojava.jpeg Map showing de facto cantons of Rojava

Iranian Kurdistan

IranianKurdistan.png Kurdish inhabited areas of Iran
Map of Iranian Kurdistan.png Kurdish inhabited areas of Iran
Iran ethnoreligious distribution 2004b.JPG Kurdish inhabited areas of Iran
Iran-Ethnic map.PNG Kurdish inhabited areas of Iran
[[|border|251x400px]] Kurdish inhabited areas of Iran
Iran-Ethnic map.PNG Kurdish inhabited areas of Iran
Kopia Iran-Narody.gif Kurdish inhabited areas of Iran
IranKurdistan.png Kurdistan province of Iran
Locator map Iran Kordestan Province.png Kurdistan province of Iran
Iran locator10.png Kurdistan province of Iran
Kurdistan province.png Kurdistan province of Iran
Kordestan-provinz.JPG Kurdistan province of Iran
Kordestan map.png Kurdistan province of Iran

Turkish Kurdistan

[[|border|251x400px]] Kurdish inhabited areas of Turkey
PKK-Conflict-de.png PKK Conflict
Турецкий Курдистан.jpg Turkish Kurdistan

Notes and references

General remarks:

  • The WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons. The main page is therefore the portal to maps and cartography on Wikimedia. That page contains links to entries by country, continent and by topic as well as general notes and references.
  • Every entry has an introduction section in English. If other languages are native and/or official in an entity, introductions in other languages are added in separate sections. The text of the introduction(s) is based on the content of the Wikipedia encyclopedia. For sources of the introduction see therefore the Wikipedia entries linked to. The same goes for the texts in the history sections.
  • Historical maps are included in the continent, country and dependency entries.
  • The status of various entities is disputed. See the content for the entities concerned.
  • The maps of former countries that are more or less continued by a present-day country or had a territory included in only one or two countries are included in the atlas of the present-day country. For example the Ottoman Empire can be found in the Atlas of Turkey.

Entries available in the atlas

General pages
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Entities with undisputed sovereign status
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Entities with disputed sovereign status
Abkhazia • Azawad • China (Republic)/Taiwan • Islamic State • Kosovo • Nagorno-Karabakh Republic • New Russia • Northern Cyprus • Palestine • Somaliland • South Ossetia • Tamil Eelam • Transnistria • Western Sahara

Dependencies and other overseas territories
Akrotiri and Dhekelia • Åland • American Samoa • Anguilla • Aruba • Ascension Island • Ashmore and Cartier Islands • Baker Island • Bermuda • Bouvet Island • British Indian Ocean Territory • British Virgin Islands • Cayman Islands • Christmas Island • Clipperton Island • Cocos (Keeling) Islands • Cook Islands • Coral Sea Islands • Curaçao • Faroe Islands • French Guiana • French Polynesia • French Southern and Antarctic Lands • Gibraltar • Greenland • Guadeloupe • Guam • Guantanamo Bay • Guernsey • Heard Island and McDonald Islands • Hong Kong • Howland Island • Isle of Man • Jan Mayen • Jarvis Island • Jersey • Johnston Atoll • Kingman Reef • Macau • Martinique • Mayotte • Midway Atoll • Montserrat • Navassa Island • New Caledonia • Niue • Norfolk Island • Northern Mariana Islands • Palmyra Atoll • Pitcairn Islands • Puerto Rico • Réunion • Saint Helena • Saint-Barthélemy • Saint Martin (France) • Sint Maarten (Netherlands) • Saint-Pierre and Miquelon • Svalbard • Tokelau • Tristan da Cunha • Turks and Caicos Islands • United States Virgin Islands • Wake Island • Wallis and Futuna

Disputed subnational entities and territories
Crimea • Cyrenaica • Galmudug • Himan and Heeb • Jubaland • Kashmir • Khatumo • Kurdistan (Syrian) • Paracel Islands • Puntland • Spratly Islands • Falkland Islands • South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands • Bajo Nuevo Bank • Serranilla Bank • Southwestern Somalia

Subnational autonomous entities
Aceh • Adjara • Adygea • Altai • Andalusia • Aosta Valley • Aragon • Asturias • Athos • Azores • Balearic Islands • Bashkortostan • Basque Autonomous Community • Bonaire • Bosnia and Herzegovina (Federation of) • Bougainville • Brussels • Buryatia • Canary Islands • Catalonia • Chechnya • Chuvashia • Corsica • Dagestan • Easter Island • England • Extremadura • Flanders • Friuli-Venezia Giulia • Gagauzia • Galicia • Galápagos Islands • Gorno-Badakhshan • Guangxi • Ingushetia • Inner Mongolia • Kabardino-Balkaria • Kalmykia • Karachay-Cherkessia • Karakalpakstan • Karelia • Khakassia • Komi • Kurdistan (Iraqi) • Madeira • Mari El • Muslim Mindanao • Mordovia • Nakhichevan • Navarre • Nevis • Ningxia • North Ossetia-Alania • Northern Ireland • Nunatsiavut • Quebec • Saba • Sakha • Sardinia • Scotland • Sicily • Sint Eustatius • Srpska • Tatarstan • Tibet • Tłı̨chǫ • Trentino-Alto Adige • Tuva • Udmurtia • Vojvodina • Wales • Wallonia • Xinjiang • Zanzibar

Other regions
Basque Country • Burzenland • Catalan Countries • Frisia • Kurdistan • Manchuria • Sandžak • Sápmi • Svenskfinland • Székely Land • Transylvania

Former sovereign nations
Austria-Hungary • Byzantine Empire • Caliphate • Czechoslovakia • Republic of West Florida • Frankish Empire • Kingdom of Hawaiʻi • Inca Empire • Iroquois Confederacy • Macedonian Empire • Ottoman Empire • Prussia • Roman Empire • Soviet Union • Republic of Texas • Vermont Republic • Yugoslavia

Former dependencies and overseas territories
Netherlands Antilles