Auto Workers Issues

Support grows for framed up Maruti Suzuki workers in India

By Jerry White, 21 March 2017

Opposition to the brutal life sentences meted out to 13 Maruti Suzuki workers is growing in India and around the world.

“I think it’s a set-up with the union and Caterpillar”

Caterpillar-UAW deal: Workers denounce information blackout

By Marcus Day and George Marlowe, 21 March 2017

Less than a week before they are set to vote on a six-year contract proposal, workers have still not received any details on the content of the deal.

Thirteen sentenced to life imprisonment in India

Free the framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers!

By International Committee of the Fourth International, 20 March 2017

Thirteen Maruti Suzuki workers have been condemned to life in prison as the result of a monstrous frame-up mounted by the automaker, the police and judicial authorities, with the full complicity of India’s principal political parties.

India: Framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers sentenced to life imprisonment

By Keith Jones, 18 March 2017

India’s ruling elite has imposed savage sentences on the Maruti Suzuki workers to intimidate the working class and reassure investors that it will ruthlessly enforce sweatshop conditions.

Workers have the right to study the full contract!

Caterpillar-UAW deal: An anti-worker conspiracy

By Marcus Day, 18 March 2017

In an attempt to overcome worker opposition to further concessions, the UAW and Caterpillar are coordinating an information blackout over details of a proposed six-year contract announced Wednesday.

The UAW’s corporatist alliance with Trump

By Niles Niemuth, 17 March 2017

UAW President Dennis Williams’ appearance Wednesday with President Donald Trump and the Big Three auto bosses to promote “American First” nationalism is further confirmation of the anti-working class character of the unions.

Indian court to hear sentencing arguments against framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers

By Shannon Jones, 17 March 2017

Thirteen autoworkers could face the death penalty in a case that has seen blatant collusion between company management, police and Indian state officials

India: 31 victimized Maruti Suzuki workers convicted on frame-up charges

By Kranti Kumara and Keith Jones, 14 March 2017

Prosecutors will seek the death penalty for 13 car assembly workers, including the leadership of an independent union formed in opposition to a company-stooge union.

As backdoor UAW-Caterpillar negotiations and tax fraud investigation continue

Former Caterpillar worker speaks on 2012 Joliet, Illinois strike betrayal

By Marcus Day, 13 March 2017

Caterpillar is in the midst of a worldwide restructuring, laying off tens of thousands and closing multiple plants.

GM spin-off of Opel-Vauxhall poses need for international fight to defend auto jobs

By Jerry White, 9 March 2017

GM’s move is part of a restructuring of the global auto industry that threatens the jobs and livelihoods of tens of thousands of workers around the world.

“They want to cut thousands of jobs.”

PSA purchases Opel-Vauxhall from General Motors

By Marianne Arens, 8 March 2017

The works council and IG Metall union are covering up the danger facing the jobs and living standards of workers after the takeover of Opel and Vauxhall by the PSA Group.

“The corporations are our enemies, not immigrant workers”

General Motors announces 1,100 job cuts at Lansing, Michigan plant

By Shannon Jones and Jerry White, 7 March 2017

Just three days after laying off 1,300 workers at its Detroit assembly plant, GM announced it was cutting another 1,100 workers at a factory near the Michigan state capital.

Sanders covers for UAW at Mississippi Nissan rally

By Ed Hightower and Jerry White, 7 March 2017

Sanders was the keynote speaker at Saturday’s rally in Canton, Mississippi where the United Auto Workers is campaigning to win recognition at the Nissan auto factory.

As UAW maintains information blackout on contract negotiations

Federal agents raid Caterpillar headquarters in Illinois

By Marcus Day, 6 March 2017

The dramatic operation hints at the immense criminality and fraud that characterize the day-to-day workings of giant transnationals.

“They’re laying people off and scattering them to the winds to find employment”

GM layoffs of 1,300 workers at Detroit assembly plant

By a reporting team, 4 March 2017

The layoffs are a major blow to workers and to the city, which is already the poorest big city in America with an official unemployment rate of nearly 10 percent.

“They are just here trying to make a living for themselves and their families”

US auto workers speak out in defense of immigrants

By a WSWS reporting team, 3 March 2017

While the unions are aligning with Trump and his “America First” nationalism, workers are reacting against attempts of the administration to whip up anti-immigrant hysteria.

As officials end subsidies and resume water cutoffs

Michigan blames Flint water crisis on racism: Part one

By James Brewer, 3 March 2017

A 138-page report on the Flint water crisis delivered on February 7 covers up the class issues in the poisoning of the city.

UAW orders thousands of Caterpillar workers to stay on the job as contract expires

By Marcus Day, 2 March 2017

The UAW and Caterpillar have maintained a media blackout in the current negotiations as they prepare to demand further concessions from workers.

Nine-month lockout of Honeywell workers ends as UAW pushes through company’s demands

By Jessica Goldstein, 1 March 2017

The betrayal of Honeywell workers in South Bend, Indiana underscores the anti-working class character of the United Auto Workers union.

UAW shuts down strike at Kansas City auto parts supplier plant

By Shannon Jones and Nick Rodriguez, 28 February 2017

The settlement maintains a low-wage regime at the factory that makes parts for the General Motors Fairfax Assembly Plant.

“They are leaving us basically to fend for ourselves”

Detroit GM workers speak on layoffs as deadline draws near

By Shannon Jones, 25 February 2017

The layoffs will add to the already high unemployment rate in Detroit, which stands at close to 10 percent.

“The UAW smooths everything out for the company”

One week to GM layoffs in Detroit

By Shannon Jones, 23 February 2017

The auto sales boom of the last six years is winding down as the threat to jobs mounts both in the US and internationally.

As Trump promotes America First nationalism at South Carolina Boeing plant

UAW to launch “Buy American” campaign

By Shannon Jones, 18 February 2017

The UAW is ramping up its promotion of economic nationalism in line with the reactionary America First demagogy of the Trump administration.

On eve of GM Detroit layoffs

Jeep announces partial shutdown of Toledo, Ohio complex

By Shannon Jones, 17 February 2017

The UAW is collaborating with GM to lay off some 1,300 workers at the GM Detroit-Hamtramck plant while trying to divert anger with a reactionary “Buy American” campaign.

Caterpillar to move headquarters from Peoria to Chicago

By Alexander Fangmann and Owen Green, 14 February 2017

Caterpillar’s decision to move its headquarters to Chicago will contribute to the further economic decline of Peoria.

“It’s like we’re working for a temporary agency”

As deadline nears, autoworkers speak on General Motors layoffs in Detroit

By Shannon Jones, 10 February 2017

With only weeks to go before 1,300 layoffs, opposition is mounting to the job cuts.

SEP meeting in Detroit Saturday to oppose GM layoffs

10 February 2017

The SEP and the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter have called this meeting to organize and mobilize opposition to the layoffs throughout the region.

GM makes $9.4 billion in global profits as it slashes thousands of jobs

By Jerry White, 8 February 2017

GM is doling out $14 billion in stock buybacks even as it lays off 3,300 workers in Michigan and Ohio.

GM Canada slashes CAMI workforce in Ontario

By Carl Bronski, 4 February 2017

The announcement exposes the lying claims of Unifor and its President Jerry Dias that the latest round of concessions contracts would secure the Detroit Three’s Canadian “footprint.”

“It’s not the fault of Mexican or Chinese workers”

1,200 GM workers laid off at Lordstown plant in Ohio

By Jerry White, 31 January 2017

More than 2,000 General Motors workers, including 1,245 in Lordstown, Ohio, were laid off the same day that Trump delivered his inaugural address.

“Sure he wants jobs in America—by lowering our wages”

GM autoworkers speak out on layoffs and Trump

By Jerry White and Shannon Jones, 26 January 2017

Amid all the claims about new investments and jobs, General Motors is pressing ahead with the destruction of 3,300 jobs in Michigan and Ohio.

Automakers announce US investments, anticipate big profits under Trump

By Jerry White, 20 January 2017

Over the past weeks major US- and foreign-based automakers have announced they will maintain or expand production in the US and, in some cases, trim back operations in Mexico.

Ford contract worker killed at Rouge complex outside of Detroit

By Tim Rivers, 14 January 2017

A contract worker, Ricky Mcintosh, died Wednesday morning after a fall from an overhead crane.

“The union is not for us”

Detroit autoworkers speak out against GM layoffs

By Shannon Jones, 14 January 2017

With layoffs scheduled for March 5, workers are facing temporary plant closures that play havoc with their lives and finances.

Protest by Illinois auto parts workers wins broad support on Facebook

By Shannon Jones, 7 January 2017

In a confrontation recorded on video, plant management called police on protesting workers after robbing them of promised severance pay.

“People are working two to three Saturdays in a row and they are laying people off”

Anger mounting among US autoworkers in wake of GM layoff announcement

By Shannon Jones, 30 December 2016

Young workers and temporary workers will be hardest hit by the layoffs as many gave up other jobs to work at GM.

“They have no concern for workers. You are just a number”

US autoworkers express anger, opposition to GM layoffs

By a WSWS reporting team, 23 December 2016

Autoworkers reacted with anger and defiance in the face of the announcement by GM that it is cutting 1,192 jobs at the company’s Detroit-Hamtramck Assembly plant.

General Motors announces mass layoffs of workers in the US

By Jerry White, 21 December 2016

In its latest layoff announcement, the largest US automaker said it would eliminate the second shift at its Detroit-Hamtramck assembly plant, wiping out 1,200 jobs.

Volvo to lay off 500 workers at Virginia truck plant

By Ed Hightower, 17 December 2016

The company is requiring the very workers they will terminate in February to come in to work overtime shifts this Saturday.

German engineering workers protest job cuts in Berlin

By our reporters, 30 November 2016

The IG Metall trade union and works council intend to present a business plan to management under which job cuts will supposedly be a “last resort.”

After six-month lockout, workers reject UAW-Honeywell ultimatum

By Jerry White, 26 November 2016

Honeywell workers in the US are waging a courageous struggle against corporate management and the UAW, which is backing the company’s demands for health care concessions.

The lessons of the Canadian autoworkers’ contract struggle

By Roger Jordan and Carl Bronski, 19 November 2016

Unifor’s imposition of another round of concessions contracts underscores the urgency of autoworkers repudiating its nationalist, pro-company perspective and building new organizations of struggle.

“Workers are going to see Trump is not going to do anything for them”

Autoworkers react to the election of Trump

By Shannon Jones, 17 November 2016

Autoworkers contacted by the WSWS acknowledged that Trump had been able to tap into the deep social anger and alienation among workers towards the political establishment.

Volkswagen is charged with aiding Brazilian dictatorship in torturing workers

By Armando Cruz, 16 November 2016

Workers were seized on picket lines and brought into VW plants to be interrogated, beaten and tortured.

Further signs of auto slowdown as GM announces job cuts

By Shannon Jones, 10 November 2016

The layoffs, which will go into effect in January and will impact 2,000 workers, are set to hit the assembly plans in Lansing, Michigan and Warren, Ohio.

Canada: Unifor scuttles strike at Integram Seating plant in matter of hours

By Carl Bronski, 8 November 2016

Fearful that the Integram strike would cut into the profits of the Detroit Three and galvanize opposition to the low-wage two-tier system, Unifor went into overdrive to shut it down.

Auto parts workers launch strike at Integram facility in Windsor, Ontario

By Roger Jordan, 7 November 2016

If the strike remains under Unifor’s control, it will inevitably be isolated and betrayed.

Reject Ford Canada-Unifor sellout agreement

For a counteroffensive of North American autoworkers against wage and job cuts

By Roger Jordan, 5 November 2016

Ford Canada workers should combine a “no” vote on the concessions deal with an urgent appeal to autoworkers in the US and Mexico for a united struggle against the auto bosses and their union accomplices.

Unifor promotes concession contracts and big business Liberals

By Roger Jordan, 3 November 2016

Unifor works with the auto bosses to ensure their Canadian operations are “globally competitive,” while collaborating with the big business Liberals in pursuing austerity and war.

Unifor announces sell-out agreement with Ford Canada

By Carl Bronski, 1 November 2016

Unifor leaders acknowledged there are “bad things” in the proposed deal with Ford and elements they “don’t like,” but refused to say anything more about them.

Mexican and US autoworkers face Ford plant shutdowns

By Marc Wells, 28 October 2016

Ford is suspending production in the US and Mexico in the face of declining sales.

Unifor prepares pattern sellout for Ford Canada workers

By Carl Bronski, 27 October 2016

In advance of the approaching contract deadline at Ford, Unifor President Jerry Dias is defending the sellout agreements imposed at General Motors and Fiat Chrysler.

Layoffs hit US auto industry as sales slow

By Shannon Jones, 25 October 2016

Sales for 2015 are set to come in well below the record levels of 2016, leading the major auto companies to carry out production cuts, with the support of the UAW.

Unifor’s Detroit Three “pattern” pact and the ruling class assault on pensions

By Roger Jordan, 25 October 2016

Big business representatives are applauding Unifor for giving up newly-hired autoworkers’ right to a guaranteed pension and are calling for this to become a new Canada-wide standard.

1937: When Canadian and US autoworkers fought together

By Roger Jordan, 20 October 2016

Coming just weeks after the Flint sit-down strike, the 1937 strike at GM’s Oshawa facilities contains pivotal lessons for autoworkers fighting to defend their jobs and rights against the Detroit Three and the Unifor bureaucracy.

Unifor rams through another sellout deal at Fiat-Chrysler

By Carl Bronski, 17 October 2016

The large “no” vote for a concessionary agreement Unifor is touting as the best in years indicates mounting opposition not just to its terms, but to the pro-company Unifor.

“How can you have a fair election if you don’t have the full information?”

Windsor Fiat Chrysler workers denounce Unifor sellout deal

By a reporting team, 15 October 2016

A Word Socialist Web Site Newsletter reporting team encountered strong opposition to the tentative contract deal between Unifor and Fiat Chrysler, based on the scant details released by the union.

Vote “No” on FCA-Unifor sellout deal

Build rank-and-file committees to resist company-union concessions

By Roger Jordan, 15 October 2016

If the latest concessions deal is to be defeated, everything depends on the independent initiative of FCA workers.

Fiat-Chrysler workers must demand to see Unifor-FCA sellout deal in full

By Roger Jordan, 14 October 2016

FCA workers must reject the attempt to stampede them into another rotten concessions agreement and assert their democratic right to see the proposed contract in full.

“It’s not a union anymore, it’s a business”

Canadian autoworkers react to Fiat Chrysler sellout

By our reporters, 13 October 2016

Canadian autoworkers reacted strongly to the announcement of a concession-laden deal Tuesday between Unifor and Fiat Chrysler.

Form rank-and-file committees to unite workers in the US and Canada

Vote “no” on the Unifor-FCA agreement!

By Carl Bronski, 12 October 2016

The WSWS Autoworker Newsletter calls on Fiat-Chrysler workers in Canada to reject the sell-out agreement and form rank-and-file factory committees to mobilize autoworkers north and south of the border.

Unifor thwarts strike by Canadian Fiat-Chrysler autoworkers

By Roger Jordan, 11 October 2016

Unifor announced just before midnight Monday it had reached a rotten concessions agreement with Fiat-Chrysler modelled on the contract that it recently rammed through at GM.

As autoworkers mobilize against concession demands

Unifor President Dias attempts to “whipsaw” Canadian auto plants

By Carl Bronski, 8 October 2016

Militant opposition to the miserable GM pattern settlement is growing at Fiat Chrysler and Ford Canada auto plants.

Political lessons from the Canadian auto “bailout”

By Roger Jordan, 7 October 2016

A successful autoworker counter-offensive requires not only a political and organizational break with the pro-company Unifor, but a political struggle against the entire ruling class and their political hirelings.

Ford Australia’s closure demonstrates need for a global auto workers’ strategy

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 6 October 2016

Ford’s shutdown of its Australian production tomorrow is one of the final nails in the coffin of an entire industry, at the hands of the transnational auto companies.

Opposition grows to GM Canada pattern contract

By Carl Bronski, 5 October 2016

Fearing mass rank-and-file opposition to the rotten “pattern” agreement Unifor reached at GM Canada, the local leadership at Ford’s Oakville assembly plant now claim to oppose it.

“If they bring back the same contract as GM we are going to reject it”

Unifor sets stage for Fiat-Chrysler sellout

By Carl Bronski, 4 October 2016

Unifor’s bargaining team at Fiat-Chrysler in Canada is putting the finishing touches on the “pattern” agreement initially negotiated at GM late last month.

UAW lines up behind Trump’s call for trade war

By Shannon Jones, 4 October 2016

The nationalist ravings of Trump dovetail with the UAW’s corporatist program based on the subordination of the working class to the interests of the American auto companies.

SEP presidential candidate Jerry White visits Windsor

Growing opposition from Canadian autoworkers to Unifor-backed sellout contracts

By a WSWS reporting team, 4 October 2016

FCA Canada workers warmly greeted White and stopped to discuss their contract battle as well as the broader political questions raised by the US elections.

Canadian autoworkers denounce contract sellout

By Carl Bronski, 29 September 2016

Workers at Canadian plants operated by the Detroit Three auto companies spoke to the WSWS Autoworkers Newsletter of their opposition to contract concessions and the pro-company policies of Unifor.

Workers’ strikes spreading throughout South Korea

By Ben McGrath, 29 September 2016

The South Korean working class is fighting against government-led attempts to cut wages in public and private businesses.

Unifor’s big lie exposed

Ontario Liberal government reveals GM investments are not finalized

By Carl Bronski, 27 September 2016

A minister has let slip that Unifor’s much-trumpeted investment “guarantees” at General Motors Canada—“guarantees” it “won” through further concessions—are not a done deal.

Unifor president jeered by hundreds at Oshawa meeting

GM Canada workers narrowly approve sellout deal

By Carl Bronski, 26 September 2016

Having rammed through a concessionary 4-year “pattern agreement” at GM, Unifor will now try to impose it on workers employed at Ford’s and Fiat-Chrysler’s Canadian operations.

GM autoworkers denounce Unifor at ratification meeting

By our reporters, 26 September 2016

Workers at the ratification vote decried the union’s refusal to release the full contract and its collusion with GM management.

“I’d say it’s the worst election ever”

US autoworkers speak out on war, inequality and the 2016 elections

By Eric London and Thomas Gaist, 26 September 2016

In working class cities, suburbs and rural towns across the United States, the hatred for Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump is palpable.

Vote “No” on GM Canada contract

Build rank-and-file committees to resist Unifor sellout!

By Roger Jordan, 24 September 2016

A “No” vote is an important first step in galvanizing the opposition of autoworkers throughout North America to concessions and givebacks enforced by Unifor and the UAW.

Opposition mounts among GM Canada workers

Unifor refuses to release “contract” before Sunday vote

By Carl Bronski, 23 September 2016

Opposition is growing to Unifor’s attempt to ram through a sell-out deal without even providing the supposed “agreement” to General Motors Canada workers.

Unifor touts collaboration with big business Liberals after blocking strike at GM Canada

By Roger Jordan, 23 September 2016

The mutual backslapping between Unifor and the Liberals over the latest sell-out deal must be taken as a warning by workers.

Demand release of full details and two weeks to vote

Contract “framework” at GM Canada continues attack on autoworkers

By Carl Bronski, 21 September 2016

Unifor is trying to rush through a sell-out agreement before GM Canada workers have a chance to study the full details of the still uncompleted deal.

Unifor blocks strike at GM Canada

By Roger Jordan, 20 September 2016

Past promises of “job security,” along with union-backed concessions, have done nothing to stop the destruction of jobs.

Strike deadline looms at GM Canada

By Carl Bronski, 19 September 2016

The aim of the automaker and Unifor is to use the threat of job losses to push through another corporate-friendly agreement to set the pattern at Ford and Fiat-Chrysler.

Auto companies continue assault on jobs, working conditions

One year since 2015 US auto contract battle

By Shannon Jones, 17 September 2016

The warning raised by the SEP and the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter about the rotten nature of the contracts negotiated by the UAW is being borne out.

UAW balks at solidarity action as Canadian auto talks continue

By Carl Bronski, 15 September 2016

In remarks to the press, UAW President Dennis Williams refused to commit to any specific solidarity action in the event of a strike by autoworkers in Canada.

For a counteroffensive against the auto bosses!

A socialist-internationalist strategy for Canadian Detroit Three workers

By Socialist Equality Party (Canada), 15 September 2016

To prevent Unifor from sabotaging their struggle, auto workers must build new organizations of struggle, democratically controlled by the rank-and-file.

Opposition grows to skilled trades reorganization at Fiat Chrysler

By Shannon Jones, 12 September 2016

The changes are correctly seen as a means of eliminating skilled trades jobs, which traditionally require more training and are paid at a higher rate.

Unifor selects General Motors Canada as pattern bargaining target

By Carl Bronski, 8 September 2016

The selection of GM is a signal to the Detroit automakers that Unifor is set to negotiate deals that attack the wages and benefits of autoworkers and bolster corporate profits.

“The union is letting the company do what it wants”

Fiat Chrysler CEO issues threat to Detroit jeep workers

By Shannon Jones, 1 September 2016

In a not so veiled warning, Fiat Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchione told Jefferson North workers last week that the status of their facility is up in the air.

“It’s our turn to reap some of the rewards of record profits”

Canadian autoworkers overwhelmingly approve strike action

By Carl Bronski, 31 August 2016

Voter turnout at many of the union locals was extremely high, reflecting a determined mood of militancy, but the Unifor union has no intention of waging a serious struggle.

Trudeau given hero’s welcome by Unifor bureaucrats

By Roger Jordan, 27 August 2016

Unifor President Jerry Dias lauded the actions of the pro-austerity, pro-war Trudeau government as “a pinnacle start for working people.”

“There is going to be a civil war in this country”

SEP presidential candidate Jerry White campaigns at Detroit auto factory

By a WSWS reporting team, 26 August 2016

An SEP campaign team encountered widespread hostility to the establishment candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and openness to a socialist alternative.

Signs of slowdown in US auto industry

By Shannon Jones, 13 August 2016

Ford, General Motors and Toyota recorded sales declines in July.

As Canadian auto talks begin, Unifor promotes nationalism and corporatism

By Carl Bronski, 13 August 2016

Leading Unifor officials were effusive in their praise for Detroit Three management, demonstrating again their utter servility to corporate bosses.

Farm equipment giant John Deere lays off 120 workers as sales plummet

By George Gallanis, 1 August 2016

The third round of layoffs in 2016 raises the total number of workers cut by Deere in the US to 2,000 over the last two years.

As profits rise, Chrysler to end US passenger car production

By Shannon Jones, 29 July 2016

The ending of passenger car production puts a continued question mark over the fate of workers at the Sterling Heights Assembly Plant and Belvidere, Illinois Assembly.

Unifor and Detroit Three use job threats to beat back demands of Canadian autoworkers

By Carl Bronski, 26 July 2016

With labour agreements covering 23,500 Canadian autoworkers expiring on September 19, Unifor and the Big Three are preparing to exchange proposals for a new four-year deal.

US government investigates allegations Fiat-Chrysler falsified sales figures

By Shannon Jones, 23 July 2016

The auto company confirmed that it is under investigation by both the SEC and the FBI for an alleged scheme to pad its monthly sales totals.

Oversaw 1979 Chrysler concessions

Former UAW official Marc Stepp dies

By Shannon Jones, 7 July 2016

The sweeping concessions Stepp and other union officials imposed on Chrysler workers were a milestone in the corporatist degeneration of the UAW and the American labor movement as a whole.

Volkswagen: 700 workers lose their jobs in Germany

By Dietmar Henning, 5 July 2016

The VW board is using the company’s current crisis to make long-planned cuts in its workforce, relying heavily on the IG Metall trade union and its related works councils.

UAW exposes secret 2014 deal with Volkswagen to recognize union

By Shannon Jones, 28 June 2016

Behind the backs of workers who had voted to reject UAW affiliation, the union tops conspired with management to unilaterally impose the UAW on a recalcitrant workforce.

Canadian autoworkers face fight against threatened plant closings

By Carl Bronski, 22 June 2016

As in the US, the Detroit automakers and the Canadian unions are using the threat of plant closings to ram through concessionary contracts.