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'My father killed Leanne Holland'

A man who is believed to likely be responsible for the murder of Leanne Holland nearly two decades ago was a "friend" of the investigators, the daughter of the man has alleged.

Graham Stafford served nearly 15 years for the September 1991 murder of the 12-year-old Goodna schoolgirl, but his conviction was quashed on Christmas Eve last year.

'Kim', who spoke with Fairfax Radio 4BC under an assumed name this morning, said there was a "very high possibility" that her father had killed Leanne.

She said her father, who had served prison time for acts of incest against her, had been a police informant and was in close contact with the investigating officers.

"Some of the things that were done to me and, it came out, happened to Leanne as well are very much the same," Kim told 4BC.

"Just being tortured in similar ways with cigarettes and lighters and the abuse ... it was happening at the same time - when Leanne went missing, I was being assaulted."


Kim said she had even been assaulted in the same area of bushland where Leanne's body was found.

"He was very sadistic in the things that he did do to me. When I have looked at things that have happened to Leanne, they are identical to what he had done to me," she said.

"He took me in to the same bushland where Leanne's body was recovered."

Kim said her natural father had helped police in the murder investigation and had shown her photographs of Leanne's body.

"One afternoon a police car arrived at the house and a police officer handed my natural father a file and my natural father brought it inside," she said.

"I was sitting on the couch watching TV and he handed me a file and told me `this is what happens to little girls who don't do what they're told'."

Private investigator Graeme Crowley, who co-authored Who Killed Leanne? with Bond University criminologist Paul Wilson, told 4BC told those post-mortem photographs had been circulated in prison.

Mr Crowley said Kim's evidence had "filled in a lot of blanks" in his investigation into Leanne's death.

"We have a lot of evidence that points to other people being involved and I believe if the police fleshed those leads out, that would end up with the arrest of someone else," he said.

Mr Crowley said Kim's story checked out.

"When [Kim] came to me with these allegations, some of them I found quite outrageous but I have been able to verify them independently, particularly in relation to the allegations of the relationship between her father and the Goodna police," he said.

Mr Crowley said the speed at which Mr Stafford was charged indicated that "the detectives had been given his name as a suspect" and speculated it may have been Kim's father who passed on that information.

"All the dots fall into a row, so to speak," he said.

Kim said she came forward to Mr Crowley after she saw an Australian Story feature on the case.

She said she wanted police to re-open the investigation into Leanne's murder.

"I think that Graham Stafford's been through enough," she said.

"I'm just sorry that I didn't come forward earlier for Graham Stafford, but I was afraid."