Flat Wage Growth Survey, 2017

A recent survey conducted by job search engine Adzuna revealed ¾ Australians are struggling to save money and afford holidays, following consecutive quarters of record low wage growth.

The ABS December quarter wage price index saw private-sector wage growth fall to a record low of just 1.8%. Below is the full survey answered by more than 500 Australians about the impact of flat wage growth:

Are you female or male? Are you female or male? Are you female or male? Are you female or male?
AnswerOptions AnswerOptions ResponsePercent ResponseCount
Female Female 46.2% 252
Male Male 53.8% 293
Where do you live?  Where do you live?  Where do you live?  Where do you live? 
AnswerOptions AnswerOptions ResponsePercent ResponseCount
NSW NSW 33.4% 176
VIC VIC 22.6% 119
QLD QLD 19.7% 104
WA WA 11.2% 59
ACT ACT 2.5% 13
SA SA 8.2% 43
NT NT 1.3% 7
TAS TAS 1.1% 6
AnsweredQuestion AnsweredQuestion 527 527
SkippedQuestion SkippedQuestion 19 19
What age group are you in? What age group are you in? What age group are you in? What age group are you in?
AnswerOptions AnswerOptions ResponsePercent ResponseCount
15-24 15-24 5.9% 32
25-34 25-34 18.1% 98
35-44 35-44 22.0% 119
45-54 45-54 29.2% 158
55-64 55-64 22.7% 123
65+ 65+ 2.2% 12
AnsweredQuestion AnsweredQuestion 542 542
SkippedQuestion SkippedQuestion 4 4
Have you received a pay rise in the past year? Have you received a pay rise in the past year? Have you received a pay rise in the past year? Have you received a pay rise in the past year?
AnswerOptions AnswerOptions ResponsePercent ResponseCount
Yes Yes 28.0% 152
No No 72.0% 391
AnsweredQuestion AnsweredQuestion 543 543
SkippedQuestion SkippedQuestion 3 3
Are you expecting a pay increase this year? Are you expecting a pay increase this year? Are you expecting a pay increase this year? Are you expecting a pay increase this year?
AnswerOptions AnswerOptions ResponsePercent ResponseCount
Yes Yes 31.1% 168
No No 68.9% 372
AnsweredQuestion AnsweredQuestion 540 540
SkippedQuestion SkippedQuestion 6 6
Do you believe you are being under paid?  Do you believe you are being under paid?  Do you believe you are being under paid?  Do you believe you are being under paid? 
AnswerOptions AnswerOptions ResponsePercent ResponseCount
Yes Yes 59.1% 318
No No 40.9% 220
AnsweredQuestion AnsweredQuestion 538 538
SkippedQuestion SkippedQuestion 8 8
Are you working as many hours as you would like? Are you working as many hours as you would like? Are you working as many hours as you would like? Are you working as many hours as you would like?
AnswerOptions AnswerOptions ResponsePercent ResponseCount
Yes Yes 44.5% 240
No No 55.5% 299
AnsweredQuestion AnsweredQuestion 539 539
SkippedQuestion SkippedQuestion 7 7
Has flat wage growth impacted your ability to save money? Has flat wage growth impacted your ability to save money? Has flat wage growth impacted your ability to save money? Has flat wage growth impacted your ability to save money?
AnswerOptions AnswerOptions ResponsePercent ResponseCount
Yes Yes 74.7% 405
No No 25.3% 137
AnsweredQuestion AnsweredQuestion 542 542
SkippedQuestion SkippedQuestion 4 4
Do you believe everyday items have become more expensive?  Do you believe everyday items have become more expensive?  Do you believe everyday items have become more expensive?  Do you believe everyday items have become more expensive? 
AnswerOptions AnswerOptions ResponsePercent ResponseCount
Yes Yes 93.0% 504
No No 7.0% 38
AnsweredQuestion AnsweredQuestion 542 542
SkippedQuestion SkippedQuestion 4 4
Have you had to reduce your discretionary spend on items such as holidays etc?  Have you had to reduce your discretionary spend on items such as holidays etc?  Have you had to reduce your discretionary spend on items such as holidays etc?  Have you had to reduce your discretionary spend on items such as holidays etc? 
AnswerOptions AnswerOptions ResponsePercent ResponseCount
Yes Yes 89.5% 486
No No 10.5% 57
AnsweredQuestion AnsweredQuestion 543 543
SkippedQuestion SkippedQuestion 3 3
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