Protect Your Brand and People with our Compliance Courses

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Online Compliance & Learning Solutions

Learning Seat provides online compliance and training solutions to over 500 organisations across Australia and New Zealand. Our products include a course library which contains more than 300 courses, custom e-learning development services and a learning management system.


Legally compliant courses to help you reduce risks to your business.

Professional development courses

Search through more than 300 titles in our course library.

Learning management system

Improve the way you deliver, monitor and report on learning.

Custom course development

Engaging and cost effective learning solutions fit to your business requirements.

Employee Induction

Ensure employees feel engaged and productive from day one.

Care Compliance Suite

Provide your aged care workers with the resources and knowledge needed to deliver quality service and care with Learning Seat’s Care Compliance courses.

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Are you a small business owner?

Are you Small Business Owner ?

Every business needs compliance training, no matter their size. Learning Seat has developed the Compliance Academy to allow small and medium sized businesses to access online training at a reasonable cost.

Our Blog

Keeping the Moral Boat Afloat: Sustaining Workplace Ethics

Keeping your workplace ethical is not as simple as an on or off switch. It’s an organic proces... read more

Receptionist awarded $170,000 after employer breached the Fair Work Act 2009

A receptionist has won an adverse action case against her former employer – a brothel called the Dai... read more

Meet Us at the AITD National Conference 2017

Learning Seat will be exhibiting at the annual AITD National Conference at the Sydney Masonic Centre... read more

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A Best-Practice Guide To Delivering Leadership Development Download whitepaper