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Fixing the trains: What will happen in first 100 days of govt strike plan

The Palaszczuk government has launched a strike attack to fix Queensland Rail, including returning bins to inner-city stations.

Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Jackie Trad announced the government's "high-level implementation plan", titled Fixing the trains, on Wednesday, and announced the appointment of new QR chief executive officer Nick Easy.

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It comes after months of train pain that followed the opening of the Redcliffe Peninsula Line, including hundreds of cancellations, with a dearth of train drivers among the factors that caused timetable issues.

The bins were removed before the G20 Leaders' Summit in 2014, with the first bins returned to Central Station late in 2016.

Ms Trad said since the release of the Strachan report, which detailed what went wrong, the government had hit the ground running.

"We have committed to implementing all 36 recommendations," she said.


"The 'Fixing the trains' action plan is a blueprint for this new era.

"It prioritises great service and reliability for commuters and encourages cultural changes across the whole organisation.

Ms Trad said the plan would restore public confidence in the Citytrain network and ensure QR accelerated training and recruitment.

As part of the action plan, Ms Trad has instructed QR to do the following in the first 100 days:

  • Appoint a chief customer service officer
  • Introduce community catch-ups so customers have a new forum to provide feedback directly to QR and the government
  • Strengthen QR's customer charter so it is a contract with commuters, delivering improved customer service benchmarks
  • Work to deliver more timely and reliable information so commuters can confidently plan their journeys
  • Facilitate entrepreneurs, developers and researchers to use transport data to develop more innovative products and services to benefit customers
  • Commence a station audit to determine which stations need an immediate refresh to improve customer access and facilities
  • Roll out a bin blitz, returning bins to inner-city stations between Toowong, South Brisbane and Bowen Hills

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