Federal Politics

Turnbull warns Australia is in an 'energy crisis'

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull speaks to media on sidelines of at Indian Ocean Rim Association summit in ...

Declaring that Australia is in the midst of an energy crisis, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has said he will call together the chief executives of east coast gas companies to address the threat to their customers.

205 records in 90 days: 'Angry summer the new normal'

Dryer conditions are making inland Australia less habitable.

Scientists have confirmed what anyone who lived through the past summer know to be true - climate change is driving hotter and longer summers that are becoming "the new normal", according to scientists, with worse to come unless tough action is taken.

Malcolm Turnbull's Pauline Hanson problem

Tip of the hat: Malcolm Turnbull joined WA Premier Colin Barnett on Barrow Island in Western Australia last year.

Malcolm Turnbull is not travelling west this week for the final gruelling days of the Western Australian state election, but his government's low standing and the taint of a resurgent Hansonism are playing their roles in the local contest.

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