Together Against Prevent

Netpol is a signatory to ‘Together Against Prevent’, which enables opponents of the government’s ‘anti-radicalisation’ programme to make a public stand against its draconian surveillance methods and the systematic targeting of political dissent, particularly within Muslim communities.

The idea is a simple one: groups display the campaign logo on tjheir websites and sign up to a simple statement of opposition to Prevent.

For further information on the campaign, click here

New guides for anti-fracking campaigners

Netpol has produced new guidance for the anti-fracking movement on resisting police surveillance and understanding laws affecting protesters.

Over nine fact sheets, we have tried to respond to many of the most common questions, from both participants in protectors camps and from local groups who are organising meetings and street stalls. Unfortunately, there is growing evidence that many police forces classify any form of organised opposition to extreme energy extraction as ‘suspect’.

To find out more, visit Anti-Fracker Guides.

Find a Solicitor

Netpol coordinates a list of experienced solicitors based on the recommendations of other activists and campaigners. Click here to find out more.

Netpol Resources

We have a collection of guidance and  advice on a range of subjects aimed at protestors, legal observers and the general public. Find out more here.

Sign up to our mailing list

Around once a month, Netpol sends out an email with campaign updates, information on recent media coverage and links to our own comment and analysis. To sign up, click here

Subject Access requests

Find out how to discover if your details are on the national ‘domestic extremist’ database here

Netpol in the media

Find out more about media coverage of Netpol’s work here

Contact us

Find out more about how to get in contact with Netpol here