On the occasion of March 8 – International Women’s Day, we are releasing for distribution two beautifully designed pamphlets on the themes of building working class feminism as well as additional recommending readings and resources. 

A Conservative Threat Offers New Opportunities for Working Class Feminism

“This much is clear: the Women’s March represents a political opening to rebuild a revolutionary feminist movement (in conjunction with other developing struggles) that advances demands to improve the lives of working people and embraces conflict with the liberal, capitalist character of the feminist movement of the day.”

Text in English / Download the Trifold Flyer in English

Text in Spanish / Down the Trifold Flyer in Spanish 

Breaking the Waves: Challenging the Liberal Tendency Within Anarchist Feminism

“Breaking the Waves is a call to break with liberal feminism and acknowledge the necessity of reconstructing our own anarchist feminist historical tradition. We are simultaneously declaring a need for anarchists who are feminists and feminists who are anarchists to discuss and debate what anarchist feminism means in practice and to refine that definition through renewed struggle. … Our politics are more than just useful tools for managing our personal lives; they represent the blueprints for a world worth fighting and dying for.”

Article Text / Download the Pamphlet 

Radio Interview on “Breaking the Waves”

Covering topics in the article and beyond, one of the authors discusses working class feminism, the destructiveness of call out culture, the cult of the individual in the US, making revolutionary politics relevant to every day people, and on the impact of Trump’s election.

“What’s causing a lot of people anxiety is the anxiety of not knowing what exactly will be in play [under a Trump presidency] and how this will pan out economically or with social rights. I think this is the point where we can decide, an important juncture, are we going to organize to defend the little stuff that we have now against attack – or can we use it, can this be a political opening to create an offensive?”

Listen to the interview

Reflections on Anarchism, Feminism, Anarcha-Feminism and Social Movement Work Today

A bilingual panel even held in Los Angeles in February 2015 with Lorenalia Mans of the FOL/Frente de Organizaciones en Lucha (Argentina), Inger Flem Soto of La Alzada, Acción Feminista Libertaria (Chile), and Romina Akemi, of Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra (US).

Additional Recommend Readings:

Insurrections at the Intersections: Feminism, Intersectionality and Anarchism

A critique of liberal conceptions of ‘intersectionality’ and an outline of an anarchist, class struggle approach. Text / Pamphlet

Queer Liberation is Class Struggle

How can we form organizations today that take up the struggles that queer workers, both employed and unemployed, face at the workplace and in doing so, further the struggle for all of the working class? So that our victories are also class victories? The need for a working class queer liberation theory and practice is not just an academic foray. It is a necessity for us to reach out beyond the abstract lingo of queer theory, beyond the annals of academia, urban centers and progressive non profit scenes. Text / Pamphlet

With Allies Like These: Reflections on Privilege Reductionism

Enjoying a relatively hegemonic position in Left conversation, anti-oppression politics have come to occupy the position of a sacred object—something that expresses and reinforces particular values, but does not easily lend itself to critical reflection. Indeed, it is common for those who question the operating and implications of anti-oppression politics to be accused of refusing to seriously address oppression in general. A political framework should be constantly reflected upon and evaluated—it is a tool that should serve our struggles and not vice versa. Text / Pamphlet

Black Rose Anarchist Federation
We are an organization of revolutionaries who share common visions of a new world – a world where people collectively control their own workplaces, communities and land and where all basic needs are met. A world where power and participation flow from the bottom upwards and society is organized for peoples’ aspirations, passions, and needs rather than profit, racial prejudice, patriarchy, or imperialism; and where we live sustainably with the planet.