Category Archives: Greece

Cops Threw Belongings of #RefugeesGR in Garbage Bins After Evictions

Without the help of grassroot initiatives people would be homeless after the eviction of 2 squats in Athens, Greece. Cops threw personal belongings including documents of evicted refugees in garbage bins. People trying to find their belongins. Image: Khora

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Statement: Raid The Concentration Camps, Not The Squats

Yesterday we reported about the eviction of 2 squats in Athens, Greece and the demonstration last night that was attacked by Greek police. Today we publish a statement by the coordinating body of the refugees’ squats. Image: A refugee inside … Continue reading

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#Athens #Greece: Cops Attacked Demo Against Evictions Of #SquatsGR

Earlier today we reported that the “liberal” and wanna be leftwing Syriza government evicted 2 squats in Athens, Greece. More than 200 people were detained during the evictions, About 100 of them were released again. Refugees with papers were released, … Continue reading

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#Athens: Khora’s Social Centre on Squat Evictions & #Refugeesgr Living There

In the early morning hours Greec police evicted the Villa Zografou and The Hospital squat on Alkiviadou in Athens, Greece. About 200 people were detained. We publish a statement from Khora’s Social Centre about the evictions.

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Working With #Refugees on the Balkan Route “To Get Shit Done!”

Cars of Hope is a group from Wuppertal, Germany that works with refugees along the so called “Balkan route”. After more borders were closed in Europe, and the implementation of the EU/Turkey deal, a lot of things have changed. An interview with … Continue reading

Posted in Greece, No Borders, Refugees, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

#Thessaloniki: Fascists Protest Against Refugee Children At Elementary School #RefugeesGR

About 30 fascists of the so called “Patriotic Union”protested against 9 refugee children at an elementary school in Oreokastro, a suburb of Thessalonki, Greece. Riot cops protected the fascists against counter protesters but in at least one case the cops … Continue reading

Posted in Antifa, Greece, Refugees, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

#GDTrial: #Antifa’s Clashed With Nazis & Cops In Courthouse

Antifa activists clashed with Golden Dawn fascists and cops in a courthouse in Athens, Greece during the trial against members of the Greek fascist party today. Cops were filming antifascists and family members of victims of attacks by Golden Dawn … Continue reading

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#RefugeesGR Update: Freedom for Mahmoud A.

On Thursday 8th of February, Mahmoud A. was brought for his interrogation with the prosecutor in Kilkis in Northern Greece. He is accused of having organized a demonstration in the refugee camp Idomeni at the Greek-Macedonian Border on 10th of … Continue reading

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Videos #Athens #Greece: The Battle For The Square

Video: Unseen footage from the siege of the greek parliament by tens of thousands of people, during the discussion and vote for the second packet of austerity measures, that took place between 10 and 12 February 2012, signifying the last … Continue reading

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#Repression #RefugeesGR #Greece: Freedom for Mahmoud A!

On Friday 3rd of February Mahmoud A. got arrested in the asylum center of Thessaloniki when he came to attend the interview for his asylum application. He was brought to the police station of Thessaloniki and did not know why … Continue reading

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