Monthly Archives: February 2017

#NoG20 #Hamburg: We Are The Other World: Don’t Mourn, Let’s Organise!

April 7 from 11 am to 6 pm (in Hamburg) Invitation to an International meeting to prepare the mobilisation against G20 summit.

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#JusticePourTheo France: March Against Police Killings Unites The Left

Over a hundred organisations from around the world, including a number of anarchist groups and British organisations, are backing the callout for a massive march in Paris to take place on March 19th against police brutality. Led by the families of people who have died at the hands of police and following on from weeks of protests and clashes in the streets, organisers say that, as the law is adapting to the needs of the police rather than the people, France’s working classes must assert dignity and unity. Continue reading

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#Hamburg #NoG20: Invitation to the second Action-Conference against the G20-Summit

From Hamburg to Munich, from Barcelona to Athens, from Toronto to Sydney activists prepare themselves for the protests against the G20-summit – for a whole week before the summit, Hamburg will be the location for manifold protests. Together we are … Continue reading

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Podcast: #Antifa Organizing in #Ontario and Beyond

On this week’s episode of Talking Radical Radio, Scott Neigh speaks with Walter Tull, a long-time militant anti-fascist who is currently based in Toronto. Tull speaks about the wave of anti-fascist activity that peaked in the 1980s and 1990s, about … Continue reading

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The Syrian Kurds & Allegations of War Crimes: The War of Disinformation

Critics respond to Roy Gutman’s special report on the Syrian Kurdish militia.

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#EZLN Strategies for Resistance Under Neoliberalism: Lessons From the Zapatistas & the Landless Workers’ Movement

This essay examines the Zapatista Army of National Liberation and the Landless Workers’ Movement and the ways that these movements have been able to persist for decades and surpass frequent limitations of revolutionary action under neoliberalism. These lessons are essential … Continue reading

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Police Violence In #Baltimore: Cops Assault 16 yr Old, Who Was Threatened With A Knife

Cops in Baltimore, Maryland have beaten up and arrested 16 year old Alonzo Cox on Wednesday night. Cox  was being threatened by 14 year old female with a knife when police arrived. Police officers involved didn’t even try to deescalate … Continue reading

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#Minneapolis Fundraiser Movie Night: #Antifa Has 1000s of Dollars in Medical Bills Still to Pay!

On June 26th, 2016, hundreds gathered in Sacramento, CA to confront a planned rally by neo-nazi groups. The rally never happened, however the ensuing clashes resulted in six stabbed anti-fascists.

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#JusticePourTheo #BlocusPourTheo Cops Attacked Student Protest Against Police Violence

Clashes broke out during a student protest for Theo and against police violence in Paris yesterday. Cops attacked the protesting students, saying the protests were “unauthorised”. Image: Clashes during stundent protest in Paris on February 23rd, 2017

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Podcast: What Is Happening In Kurdish Village #Korukoy Under Siege?

Kom News editors Giran Ozcan, Josef Yusuf and Mehmet Aksoy discuss developments in Korukoy village in the kurdish region of Southeastern Turkey. Image: Korukoy village in Nusaybin’s Kurdish region, southeast Turkey has been under siege since February 9th, 2017

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