NSW Aboriginal Land Council Freddy Fricke Scholarship

The History

In 2000 Mr. Frederick (Freddy) Fricke generously bequeathed his home to the NSW Aboriginal Land Council. The Council decided to use the funds from the sale of Freddy's home to establish a Scholarship fund to assist in the education of Aboriginal peoples in NSW.

The Scholarship was launched in July 2002. Since then the NSW Aboriginal Land Council has awarded 47 scholarships to assist Aboriginal students in their studies.

Past Freddy Fricke Scholarship Recipient


Miss Maddison Smart, a Gumbaynggirr woman from Bowraville, received the scholarship during her second year of a Bachelor of Nursing at the University of New England in 2016. Maddison is dedicated to improving the quality and access to medical care for all people in her community. Maddison encourages all Aboriginal students to consider all of the opportunities that are available for further study, and apply for assistance to alleviate the financial pressure. In 2017 Maddison will enter her third and final year of a Bachelor of Nursing. The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) wishes her every possible success.

The Scholarship

Scholarship grants are available to Aboriginal students undertaking a degree or diploma at a University in NSW. The program provides financial assistance to cover related fees and expenses such as accommodation, travel and course materials, depending on the needs of the student.

The maximum scholarship per annum, per student, is $5,000.

Once approved, grants are made through the provision of a one-off grant to the University to allocate the funds toward the student's approved course fees and course related expenses.


To be eligible to receive the scholarship you must:

1.  Be Aboriginal,
2.  Be a resident of New South Wales,
3.  Be enrolled full-time in a diploma or undergraduate degree at a university in NSW,
4.  Complete and submit the application form by 9am, 30th January 2017
5.  Include evidence and supporting documentation including:

a.  Academic records/transcripts,
b.  Enrolment in a University Course,
c. Confirmation of Aboriginality in the form of Membership of a Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC), or a Declaration from a NSWALC Councillor.

What's New This Round?

  • While being a member of a Local Aboriginal Land Council will increase your chances of receiving a scholarship, if you are not a member, you are still eligible to apply.
  • Preference will be given to students who have not previously received the Freddy Fricke Scholarship, however, past recipients are still eligible to apply.

Assessment Criteria

Grants are made at the discretion of NSWALC. Each application will be assessed against the assessment criteria.

Applications will be assessed to determine need and equity. Need refers to the discrepancy between current circumstances and desired future outcomes. Equity involves a consideration of how the completion of the course will impact the applicant, their family and the local community.

The application questions relate to academic history, involvement in the local community, motivation to contribute to a better future for Aboriginal people, and what, if any, barriers to achieving educational aspirations exist.

Benefits of the scholarships include:

  • Enabling Aboriginal peoples to participate in tertiary qualifications where lack of financial support may otherwise have excluded them.
  • The scholarship program is structured to provide a lasting benefit to Aboriginal peoples and communities by promoting the transfer of knowledge and skills within the community.

Application Process

Applications open Monday 28th November 2016.

To be eligible for consideration, you must submit a completed application form, including all relevant supporting documentation by 9am, 30th January 2017.

Please be aware we are unable to accept late applications.

Click on the image for the relevent forms

Freddy Fricke Flyer

Freddy Fricke Guidelines Freddy Fricke Application 17  

Freddy Fricke Flyer

Application Guidelines 2017 Application Form 








For more information about the grant please contact the NSW Aboriginal Land Council Policy and Programs Unit on (02) 9689 4444, Toll-Free on 1800 647 487 or at scholarships@alc.org.au.