Her Voice, Her Action!
Her Voice, Her Action!

Her Voice, Her Action! is a short documentary series of three episodes which show how with hard work and dedication women's empowerment can be achieved in South Sudan. These videos have been prepared on the occasion of the 61st Commission on the Status of Woman in New York (12 to 17 March, 2017).

International Women's Day 2017 - Empowering Women in South Sudan
International Women's Day 2017 - Empowering Women in South Sudan

The overarching goal of UNDP’s Integrated Crisis Response Programme is to support recovery and stabilization and lay down a strong foundation for national reconciliation and sustainable development. Participation and empowerment of women and girls is at the center of this work. On International Women's Day, find out what UNDP has done to empower women in South Sudan so far and what are we planning for this year.

National Audit Chamber Using IGAD Expertise to Meet International Standards in Accountability and Transparency
National Audit Chamber Using IGAD Expertise to Meet International Standards in Accountability and Transparency

Four Ugandan Civil Service Support Officers (CSSOs) are deployed to the National Audit Chamber in Juba, where they mentor and coach up to 100 South Sudanese counterparts, or “twins” on practical aspects of conducting effective public sector audits. During their time, the CSSOs have helped conduct audits on 65 entities and guided the completion of 19 released reports.

Aweil: A New Bill for Transparency and Efficiency in Tax Collection System
Aweil: A New Bill for Transparency and Efficiency in Tax Collection System

Aweil state is one of the first regions taking action to implement a new unified tax collection system. Members of the Parliament are working on the State Revenue Authority bill, which aims to establish non-oil revenue system to enhance transparent and efficient resource mobilization.

Solar Systems Improve Services for Aweil Citizens
Solar Systems Improve Services for Aweil Citizens

In support of optimizing and enhancing the government delivery mechanisms to better serve the citizens of Aweil, UNDP installed solar systems in the offices of the State Governor and State Ministry of Finance and Public Service.

Creating Co-operative Societies for Development in Torit
Creating Co-operative Societies for Development in Torit

Kilara Nasser Tanya is the Deputy Director for Field Management in Torit State Ministry of Agriculture. He works within the Directorate of Community and Rural Development and thanks to the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Regional Initiative for Capacity Enhancement in South Sudan, commonly referred to as the “IGAD Regional Initiative,” he receives support from Francis Kisia, a civil servant from Kenya. Kilara is now a member of a cooperative society which provide credit to him and to the rest of the farmers’ members, the most needed thing in the farming communities.

South Sudan Peace Correspondents Trained In Conflict Sensitive Reporting
South Sudan Peace Correspondents Trained In Conflict Sensitive Reporting

Fifty-one peace correspondents working for radio stations located in various states in South Sudan have been trained in Juba in conflict sensitive reporting, peace journalism and peacebuilding. The three-day training equipped the correspondents with skills and knowledge that enables them to report in a manner that promotes and builds peace.

UNDP Trains Civil Society Actors to Work on Truth, Justice, Reconciliation and Healing
UNDP Trains Civil Society Actors to Work on Truth, Justice, Reconciliation and Healing

The training aimed at equipping participants with the relevant skills to train other civil society actors as well as other actors engaging on transitional justice in South Sudan.

Life Beyond Oil: Momentum for Economic Growth Through Improved Tax Management in South Sudan
Life Beyond Oil: Momentum for Economic Growth Through Improved Tax Management in South Sudan

With the generous support from the Government of Japan, the South Sudan Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning and UNDP are working together on a multi-functional project which aims to support public financial management through improved national, state, and county-level government capacity to collect non-oil revenues.

Stakeholders Developing Communication Strategy to Improve Management of Global Fund Grants to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in South Sudan
Stakeholders Developing Communication Strategy to Improve Management of Global Fund Grants to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in South Sudan

The Global Fund County Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) for South Sudan held a workshop to develop communication strategy in Juba on January 12 – 17, 2017. The strategy is expected to address the internal and external communication needs for the CCM in order to improve engagement with its constituencies and stakeholders in South Sudan.

Promoting Entrepreneurship, Small Businesses and Self-Employment in South Sudan
Promoting Entrepreneurship, Small Businesses and Self-Employment in South Sudan

In June 2016, UNDP launched a national entrepreneurship and enterprise development programme to train current and aspiring young entrepreneurs. By the end of the year, 110 men and women participated in the programme, drawn from a wide-ranging selection of business sectors including vegetable and poultry farming, printing and photocopying, hairdressing, logistics, IT services, engineering, construction, transportation, and public services.

Discussing Peace through Public Debates in Bor, Wau and Rumbek
Discussing Peace through Public Debates in Bor, Wau and Rumbek

More than 700 people participated in peace debates under the theme of "Strengthening the Social Fabrics of South Sudan" in Bor, Wau and Rumbek.

Africa Human Development Report 2016 launched with a frank and interactive discussion on women’s empowerment in South Sudan
Africa Human Development Report 2016 launched with a frank and interactive discussion on women’s empowerment in South Sudan

The United Nations Development Programme and UN Women jointly launched the Africa Development Report 2016 under the theme “Accelerating Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Africa” in Juba on Monday. The event brought together government ministers, civil society, academia, and the private sector for an interactive panel discussion on the key findings of the report and how they apply to South Sudan.

Transitional Justice Working Group launches 5-year plan for truth, justice, reconciliation and healing in South Sudan
Transitional Justice Working Group launches 5-year plan for truth, justice, reconciliation and healing in South Sudan

The Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG) – a coalition of civil society organisations engaged in transitional justice initiatives – launched their five-year strategic plan in Juba, South Sudan. Opening the ceremony, Reverend James Ninrew, Acting Coordinator of the TWJG and Executive Director of Assistance Mission for Africa (AMA), invited civil society to “join forces for the benefit of truth, justice, reconciliation and healing in South Sudan.”

Launch of Technical Committee to Conduct Consultative Process on the Commission on Truth, Reconciliation, and Healing
Launch of Technical Committee to Conduct Consultative Process on the Commission on Truth, Reconciliation, and Healing

The Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs officially launched the technical committee established to conduct a national consultative process on the establishment of the Commission on Truth, Reconciliation and Healing, during a meeting of high-level officials at Juba Landmark Hotel.

Traditional Leaders Resolve to set up Committee for Traditional Justice as a Vehicle for Peace and Reconciliation in South Sudan
Traditional Leaders Resolve to set up Committee for Traditional Justice as a Vehicle for Peace and Reconciliation in South Sudan

The Local Government Board (LGB) and the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs (MoJCA) of the Republic of South Sudan organised the third Annual Rule of Law Forum for Traditional Leaders in Juba. The forum provided a platform for traditional leaders to have discussions on the potential of harnessing traditional justice mechanisms to address legacies of conflict in South Sudan and promote reconciliation and sustainable peace.

The IGAD Regional Capacity Enhancement Initiative Concludes its Annual Review Workshops in Juba
The IGAD Regional Capacity Enhancement Initiative Concludes its Annual Review Workshops in Juba

The Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Regional Initiative for Capacity Enhancement in South Sudan finalized a series of workshops aimed at reviewing the progress, strengths, opportunities, and challenges of mentoring South Sudanese civil servants, which responds to sections of the country’s Peace Agreement that emphasize the rehabilitation and reformation of South Sudan’s civil service.