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Martha Plimpton
I put dead people's hair on my head and talk loudly in front of strangers for money. Pro-choice/repro justice and proud of it.
Martha Plimpton retweeted
Steven Dennis Mar 7
This is really a stunning sentence from the AARP letter to Congress.
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
We are very important to the economy fabric, ladies. We have many roles. And also holes. Roles & holes.
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
Look at all the important desking surface! No one has ever desked this well! Just ask any of them. They KNOW desks.
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
I'd suggest it's the inanity we are fighting against. Status ought not determine access to health care.
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
I mean, not unless he believes in the inherent function of insurance. Which he doesn't. Unless it's for him. Paul Ryan. Man of the people.
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
I see no reason why someone who works out & has as much independent wealth as Paul Ryan should let the American ppl pay for his health care.
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
This guy, . He satirized our dumb world for years, now he's chosen to be accountable for it. Love that.
Martha Plimpton retweeted
Matt O'Brien Mar 8
1. ACA’s problems in one sentence: he’s been “harmed by Obamacare” but “doesn’t want to lose his Medicaid expansion”
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
The many roles they serve. Ok, fine. Shut up & golf, Manchurian President.
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
1: he didn't understand. 2: he lied. Either scenario disqualifies him as AG. Obviously.
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
Hey, thanks, . You're showing up for the shit show and I for one am super grateful. Well done, sir. Keep going. We need it.
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
Of course he did. Blatantly.
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
hey, thanks, buddy. Sending you major love & kisses.
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
Jason Chaffetz's Stance on iPhones and Health Care Is Both Heartless and Unoriginal / INSULTING.
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
It's not ur fault if u can't afford health care. You pay for the health care of your gvmt reps. Ask them why you don't have what they have.
Martha Plimpton retweeted
Lauren Rankin Mar 8
"You have to treat 'em like shit." “I think that putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing." "I moved on her like a bitch."
Martha Plimpton retweeted
The Hill Mar 8
House Democratic women to stage walkout for "A Day Without a Woman"
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
PLUS: Why is reproductive health care the only area of medicine in which we are not allowed to make our own choices? Free market, my butt.
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
Are we to believe that requiring medical care may be universal, yet DESERVING it is another matter altogether? Is that the new plan, ?
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
Is the policy to literally tell people that health care is something you earn through old fashioned stick-to-it-ive-ness?
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
I just want & to make clear who deserves health care. What level of income does one require to see a doctor? Tell us.
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
Wait, so the super ignored unemployed white men in the rust belt who apparently get to pick our presidents...they get Drs AND phones? Or no?
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
In honor of consider donating to an org that works to protect & serve us.
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
Most women can't afford to strike today. Let every hard working broad we meet feel the force of our gratitude.
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
It's super hard to find a positive way to sell "bleed citizens dry for as long as possible" as a policy. It requires finesse.
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
Couldn't be more proud of my lifelong love of & to be employed by them & . It's good to strive for decency. I'm ok w it.
Martha Plimpton Mar 8
The definition of "quietly" being...?