

  1. Photo
    CreditStephen Crowley/The New York Times

    Universities Face Pressure to Hold the Line on Title IX

    The main goal of those involved in the effort is to convince college presidents that the Obama-era policies have positively transformed the lives of women on college campuses.

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    CreditPeter Hvizdak/New Haven Register, via Associated Press

    Yale Will Drop John Calhoun’s Name From Building

    The decision came after a series of protests from students, faculty and alumni who objected to honoring the 19th-century white supremacist statesman.

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    CreditMirko Illic

    Will You Graduate? Ask Big Data

    Colleges are turning to predictive analytics to pinpoint hotspots for failure — say, a C in English comp, a B in a foundational course in your major.

Special Section: Education Life

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    CreditAndrew Spear for The New York Times.

    This Organ Shakes Up Oberlin

    A monthly midnight concert treats audiences to classical music and grand vibrations.