Seattle City Council Districts

In 2013, Seattle voters approved an amendment to the City Charter that changed the way Councilmembers are elected. Seven of the nine councilmembers are elected by district; the other two are elected at-large, e.g. citywide (Positions 8 and 9).

District Boundaries, Councilmembers, and Terms of Office

District Map

Find out which district you live in using Find Your City Council District. See below for the current representative of each district.

If you’d like printable versions of the maps, you can find them at King County’s website or the links below:

Current maps and council members

Terms of Office

In 2015:

  • All nine Council seats were up for election as the transition to the district system went into place.
  • The seven district Councilmembers were elected to four-year terms.
  • The two at-large Councilmembers (Tim Burgess, Position 8, and  M. Lorena González, Position 9) were elected to two-year terms.

In 2017:

  • The two at-large seats will be elected to four-year terms
  • The at-large Council positions will from then on be on the same election cycle as the Mayor and City Attorney

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When did district elections go into effect?
A: The 2015 election was the first election conducted by district. Candidates seeking election to the seven district seats needed to have been a resident of the district for at least 120 days before they filed their declaration of candidacy.
Q: How were the district boundaries drawn?
A: Charter Amendment 19 included the district boundaries in the initiative, which were based on population/census tracts.
Q: If I want to run for Seattle City Council, what do I need to do?
A: Seattle residents interested in running for City Council should visit the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission's Elections page and contact the Campaign Finance and Training staff early in their decision-making process to discuss campaign finance reporting obligations.

In order to appear on the ballot, candidates must file a Declaration of Candidacy with King County Elections. Payment of the filing fee or signatures submitted in lieu of the filing fee must be submitted with the Declaration of Candidacy. For additional information on this process, please contact King County Elections.
Q: When will boundaries be redrawn and how?
A: As established by the voter-approved changes to the City Charter, in the fall of 2022 and every ten years after that, a five-member Districting Commission will be created to redraw the district boundaries (its members will be appointed by the Mayor and the City Council). To the extent practical, the redrawn district boundaries shall follow existing district boundaries, recognized waterways and geographic boundaries, and Seattle communities and neighborhoods.