Thursday, March 9th, 2017
Trump’s "deep state" obsession comes from his ally and advisor, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones

Trump’s "deep state" obsession comes from his ally and advisor, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones
Sessions uses offensive racial language during meeting with Black leaders

Sessions uses offensive racial language during meeting with Black leaders

WikiLeaks' new assist to Trump: Attacking the CIA

WikiLeaks' new assist to Trump: Attacking the CIA
Republicans in Kentucky are trying to strip the Democratic Attorney General of power

Republicans in Kentucky are trying to strip the Democratic Attorney General of power
White House: Don't trust the non-partisan CBO, trust the Trump budget office

White House: Don't trust the non-partisan CBO, trust the Trump budget office

The Resistance in red: Democratic women storm the Capitol

The Resistance in red: Democratic women storm the Capitol
Shock Poll: Majority of Americans think Jeff Sessions lied to Congress and should resign

Shock Poll: Majority of Americans think Jeff Sessions lied to Congress and should resign

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