
Twitter’s First Annual Conference for Mobile Developers

Dick Costolo Keynote

See Fabric in Action

Complete Fabric Walk-through

Jeff Seibert Director of Product, Fabric
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Complete Fabric Walk-through - Jeff Seivert

Fabric Live Demo

Bear Douglas Developer Advocacy, Fabric
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Fabric Live Demo - Bear Douglas

#TwitterFlight Breakout Sessions

Better identity
with Digits

Better identity with Digits

Michael Ducker Product Manager,

Increasingly, the phone number is the primary identifier for an individual. In developing markets, it’s the only identifier.

Digits is a new way for your users to sign in to their apps and websites without using a password. Simple and safe to use, Digits requires only a phone number. Learn more from our Digits session.

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Tap into Twitter

Tap into Twitter

Sean Cook Product Manager,

Getting noticed is often as difficult as getting a high-quality app shipped. Between iOS and Android, there are over two million apps available.

With that in mind, we’re excited to announce the Twitter Kit, which includes three new products to help you tap into Twitter to get the growth you want. Learn more about the Twitter Kit from this session.

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Build better apps with Crashlytics

Build better apps with Crashlytics

Jason St. Pierre &Brian Swift Product Managers,

If you read reviews for apps, you know the fastest way to drop in App Store rankings is to ship before you’re ready.

In this session, you’ll learn how Crashlytics, the world’s best quality tool suite for mobile development, can help to keep your users happy.

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Drive app downloads and growth

Drive app downloads and growth

Kelton Lynn Product Manager,
Mobile App Promotion

Getting noticed among millions in the app store can be incredibly difficult.

Since 75% of Twitter usage is on mobile, it’s the perfect environment for reaching an engaged mobile audience. In this session, you’ll learn how to drive discovery and growth of your apps.

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Monetize your apps with MoPub

Monetize your apps with MoPub

Boris Logvinskiy Product Manager,
John Egan Business Dev,

Turning your app into a business is one of the most exciting moments in the development lifecycle. MoPub is a powerful and sophisticated advertising technology that helps developers monetize apps more effectively.

In this session, you’ll learn how to build ad-supported apps and hear about best practices from a number of successful developers.

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Lightning Theater Talks

Connecting to the Pulse of the Planet

Connecting to the Pulse of the Planet

Romain Huet Developer Advocate,
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Scaling Twitter Core Infrastructure

Scaling Twitter Core Infrastructure

Yao Yue Staff Software Engineer,
Core Infrastructure
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The Open Source Behind the Tweets

The Open Source Behind the Tweets

Chris Aniszczyk Twitter OSS
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Android Development at Scale

Android Development at Scale

Jan Chong Android Engineering
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Twitter in the Internet of Things

Twitter in the Internet of Things

Andy Piper Developer Advocate
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Twitter Data for Mobile Application Intelligence

Twitter Data for Mobile Application Intelligence

Dr. Skippy GNIP Data Scientist
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Growing the Twitter Developer's Toolbox

Growing the Twitter Developer's Toolbox

Andrew Noonan Developer Advocate
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Designing and Building SDKs for Android

Designing and Building SDKs for Android

Andrea Falcone Software Engineer (II)
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Scaling Answers by Crashlytics with the Lambda Architecture

Scaling Answers by Crashlytics with the Lambda Architecture

Ed Solovey Staff Software Engineer
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Crashlytics + Twitter: Inside the M&A Process

Crashlytics + Twitter: Inside the M&A Process

Jeff Seibert Co-founder, Crashlytics
Wayne Chang Co-founder, Crashlytics
Rishi Garg, VP Twitter
Corp Dev & Strategy
Jessica Verrilli Director
of Corp Dev & Strategy
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Customers Success Stories

Fabric Success Stories

Fabric Success Stories

Jeff Sandquist Head of Developer
Relations @Twitter
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How McDonald's is Using Fabric

How McDonald's is Using Fabric

Atif Rafiq Chief Digital Officer
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How the Wall Street Journal is Using Fabric

How the Wall Street Journal is Using Fabric

Raju Narisetti SVP/Deputy Head of
Strategy @NewsCorp
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How Spotify is Using Fabric

How Spotify is Using Fabric

Jorge Espinel Head of Global Business
Development @Spotify
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How DROP is Using Fabric

How DROP is Using Fabric

Hosain Rahman CEO @Jawbone
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Learn more about Fabric here.

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