Welcome to Lanyrd

Discover and get more from professional events

With a host of events around the world, Lanyrd allows you to add events, discover new and exciting conferences and track your friends to see what events they are attending. Go on, join in!

Find fascinating events

See what your friends are going to or speaking at, find conferences near you or browse conferences by topic. There’s a world of events available; find the right one for you!

Enjoy a better event

Track what’s going on during the conference, even if you’re not there. Who’s tweeting what, what links are hot. Use our useful mobile version to decide what to go to next.

Catch up afterwards

Easily discover slides, video and podcasts from conferences you attended or tracked. If you spoke at an event you can build up a speaker portfolio of talks you gave.

Lanyrd blog

Personalized schedules for any event

9th May 2014

Running a multi-track event? Lanyrd makes event planning easy by allowing event organizers to turn on personalized schedules for all of their attendees, synchronized to their mobile phones and tablets through our iOS, Android and Mobile Web apps.

Lanyrd acquired by Eventbrite

3rd September 2013

Lanyrd is becoming part of the Eventbrite family! We’re confident that Lanyrd will be better than ever as a result, whether you plan to sell tickets as an organizer or discover new events as an attendee.

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Lanyrd testimonials

“We couldn’t love Lanyrd, the social conference directory, any more if we’d created it ourselves.”

Jeffrey Zeldman — designer, writer, and publisher

“What a GREAT site.”

John Gruber — writer and editor of Daring Fireball

“Lanyrd is the best way to keep track of what's going on, both as a conference attendee and speaker. I don't know how I lived without it.”

Tom Coates — technologist and early weblogger

“I can hardly wait until everyone I know is using this. They should be.”

Matt Biddulph — software designer and creative technologist

Featured in:

  • Techcrunch
  • The New York Times
  • The Guardian
  • Forbes