
The same, only in a different way - Gabriel Miasnikov

In this essay written in 1920, the Bolshevik left communist Gabriel Miasnikov examines the limitations of the Russian trade unions in the context of what he perceived to be the economic and political supremacy of the soviet institutions, but concludes that the trade unions must be preserved for purposes of domestic public relations (due to the habits of the Russian workers) and international propaganda (due to the predominant concepts concerning revolution outside of Russia where soviet-type institutions do not exist or are quickly destroyed and revolution is conceived as a trade union affair) and therefore they must be given something to do to keep them busy.

Genesis and we

Supply and demand. What comes first? The issue story is primary, not a primitive response like: "If the society needs, we produce» or «We consume because we have that opportunity»

Towards a theory of the development of the world market and the world economy - Isaak Dashkovskij

The first of three articles. Under the Banner of Marxism, 1927, no.1 , 86-117. See part two and three.

How socialism can organise production without money - Adam Buick and Pieter Lawrence

A pair of interesting articles arguing the necessity of communism being a moneyless society, and outlining how parts of it could function.

Why we don't need money - Socialist Party of Great Britain

The SPGB respond to free market capitalist critics of socialism and explain how money is unnecessary.

The political economy of the West Bank 1967-1987: from peripheralisation to development - Adel Samara

An Israeli soldier watches Palestinians flee to Jordan from the West Bank, 1967.

Discussion on the general features of the political economy of the West Bank from 1967 to 1987 and how the Israeli state has both destroyed and transformed it.

Farewell to the middle classes - Matt Cole

When the middle drops to the bottom, the bottom drops out.

The development of capitalism in Egypt - Patrick Clawson

Anwar El Sadat, Egyptian President 1970-1981.

Major work by Patrick Clawson on the structure of Egyptian capitalism and the changes it has undergone throughout its history, arguing that these changes can be understood only as part of developments in international capitalism and the demands of advanced capitalist countries.

What is property? - Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's What is Property? has become a classic of political thought through its wide-ranging and deep-reaching critique of private property as at once the essential institution of Western culture and the root cause of greed, corruption, political tyranny, social division, and violation of natural law.