
Australia you’re standing in it part 2: debt and social reproduction

An attempt to think through the connections between state debt, social reproduction and class struggle in Australia

Global market failure and the necessity for a new world

Globalisation creates externalities of planetary scale that bring with them systemic breakdown. A new world world free of externalities requires economic democracy federated to the global level.

What happened to the economic recovery in the West? The case of the UK

Did the crisis mark the beginning of a new down-swing in capitalist development? If not, why was the economic recovery so slow?

The case against economic calculation - Adam Buick

Randall Park, once the world's largest mall from Black Friday by Seph Lawless

Talk by Adam Buick for the Socialist Party on 27 September 2015 in London. The Economic Calculation Argument is a classic argument against the possibility of socialism put by defenders of free-market, private-enterprise capitalism. It was set out in a particularly clear and concise form in an article in 1920 “Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth” by Ludwig Von Mises, an Austrian member of, appropriately enough, the Austrian School of Economics and translated into English in 1935.

Australia you're standing in it part 1: the pulse rate of accumulation

Part 1 of a series on the current conjuncture of capital accumulation and class struggle in Australia.

Black Flag 235 (2012)

With workfare in the news at the time, this issue focused on the CWU union's enthusiastic support for its use in Royal Mail, alongside articles on the economy, Scottish Independence and the potential consequences of the collapse of the BNP.

For the centre spread, Tom L offered a a slightly different tack on the union question, looking at it from the ruling class point of view, while in history Jack Ray and Iain McKay looked at the 1934 Asturian miners' strike and the Pentonville Five campaign respectively.

China crash: the faltering of economic transition

Chai - destruction of housing in Beijing

The stock market crash happens at a time when the Chinese development model has reached a turning point, and the financial turmoil reflects underlying structural problems of the economy.

Pre-Capitalist economic formations - Karl Marx

Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations is part of a huge manuscript Marx wrote in researching and preparing what would become A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy published in 1859.

Neoliberalism against capitalism? - Neil Davidson

Neil Davidson on how the current neo-liberal project has been almost too successful as a ruling class strategy, creating a form of capitalism which endangers the long-term security of capital itself and edges society ever closer to barbarism.