
Comment Paul Fabra critique Marx - Pierre Rimbert

Pierre Rimbert Paul Fabra David Ricardo Pierro Sraffa

A detailed and levelheaded rebuttal to Paul Fabra's 'Capitalism versus anti-capitalism: the triumph of Ricardian over Marxist political economy' (1993, p. 345).

Behind the soaring price of gold - Ernest Mandel

mandel money gold

On the money-commodity gold, in 1980.

Dunglaboro kaj Kapitalo: Karlo Markso

Artikolo pri la rilato inter laboro kaj kapitolo en klaso socio.

Rescuing Galbraith from the conventional wisdom

Analysis of the ideas in of John Kennedy Galbraith's book on economics, The Affluent Society.

Pri la Demando de Liberkomerco: Karlo Markso

Parolado per Karlo Markso en liberkomerco.

Salajro, prezo kaj profito: Karlo Markso

Parolado per Karlo Markso al la Internacia Asocio de Laboristoj en Junio 1865.

The “gig economy”: Some cursory thoughts and link dump

Despite being a generally annoying term, the “gig economy” does signify some major shifts in class composition and the strategies of capital. But what should it mean for us as radicals?

Colonialism in modern America: the Appalachian case

picture of miners riding hijacked freight train into battle

The essays in this book illustrate a conceptual model for analyzing the social and economic problems of the Appalachian region. The model is variously called Colonialism, Internal Colonialism, Exploitation, or External Oppression. ...Its history demonstrates the concerted efforts of the exploiters to label their work as progress and to blame problems they caused on the ignorance or deficiencies of the Appalachian people.
...We believe that there are peoples all over the world who have experienced this sort of "development" and consequently live in conditions similar to those found in the mountains.
Appalachian Consortium
North Carolina, 1978

Journal of the Communist Academy

Вестник Коммунистической академии Вестник Социалистической академии

Scanned issues of Vestnik Kommunisticheskoj Akademii for 1922–31, with a translated index for issues nr. 1–36 (1922–29).