
The Decline of Capitalism - Yevgeni Preobrazhensky

Preobrazhensky's book on crisis, reproduction and imperialism.

The Preobrazhensky papers

Historians generally recognise Preobrazhensky as the most famous Soviet economist of the 1920s. English-language readers know him best as author of The New Economics and co-author (with Bukharin ) of The ABC of Communism. The documents in this volume, many newly discovered and almost all translated into English for the first time, reveal a Preobrazhensky previously unknown, whose interests ranged far beyond economics to include not only party debates and issues affecting the lives of workers and peasants, but also philosophy, world events, and Russian history, culture and politics.

La konkero de la pano: Petro Kropotkino

La skriboj de Petro Korpotkino en la temo socian organizon en la nova komunismo socio.

Taking Leave of their senses: what does the Brexit vote mean? - Mouvement Communiste and Kolektivně proti kapitálu

Boris Johnson being a twat

An analysis of the meaning of the Brexit vote in the UK, published on 20 October 2016.