WA News

Down to the wire: the 10 seats that matter in the WA election

The magic number for WA Labor on March 11 is 10.

The Opposition, which has been languishing in the political wilderness for eight years, has to pinch 10 seats back from the Barnett government if it wants to form government at the state election.

If you believe the plethora of polls over the past few months, Labor will get those seats and possibly more to romp to victory.

But an exclusive Fairfax Media ReachTEL poll last week showed Labor falling one seat short of winning the election.

One thing is for sure - Saturday's count is going down to the wire and even political experts are reluctant to pick a winner.

The party that will have a critical say on whether Labor or the Liberals win on March 11 is One Nation.


Pauline Hanson's party is expected to grab up to 11 per cent of the primary vote, but the Fairfax Media poll had them grabbing just 8.5 per cent.

Preferences are predicted to decide the outcome, so the Liberals buddying up with One Nation is either going to backfire or drag them over the line for an elusive third term.

Labor will be hoping some Greens preferences will flow their way, with the party tipped to get almost 10 per cent of the primary vote.

In this in-depth election investigation, WAtoday.com.au looks at the 10 seats that could decide the March 11 election.


Glenys Godfrey (Liberals) and Cassie Rowe (Labor) face off in Belmont.

Glenys Godfrey (Liberals) and Cassie Rowe (Labor) face off in Belmont.

The once working class seat was held by former WA Labor leader and one-time Treasurer Eric Ripper from 1989 until his retirement in 2013.

His replacement Cassie Rowe only lost the seat by a handful of votes after a dramatic 13 per cent swing towards Liberal candidate Glenys Godfrey.

After electoral distributions in 2015, the Liberals only hold the seat notionally by one per cent, making it one of the most marginal seats in WA.

Labor will see the seat as their stomping ground and will be throwing everything at Belmont to win it back.

Greens: Bhuwan Khadka
Labor: Cassie Rowe
Liberals: Glenys Godfrey
One Nation: Julie Mitchell


Labor's Stephen Price faces off with Liberal Nathan Morton.

Labor's Stephen Price faces off with Liberal Nathan Morton.

Forrestfield is shaping up as a critical battle ground for both parties.

The seat if held notionally by the Liberals with one of the smallest margins, just 2.1 per cent. Liberal Nathan Morton won the seat at the 2013 election by less than 1300 votes, so the electorate in the battler belt in Perth's South East is going to the one to watch.

Labor has put up one of its many union acolytes with Australian Workers Union official Steve Price to contest the seat.

For Mr Price it's all about crime in the area and he has promised to keep the Forrestfield Police Station open until 7pm.

For Mr Morton it's all about creating jobs in his electorate. With unemployment high in the area, expect One Nation candidate Jenny Bennett to pick up votes from disgruntled voters.

Greens: Eugene Marshall
Labor: Stephen Price
Liberals: Nathan Morton
One Nation: Jenny Bennett


The seat of Perth will be decided between John Carey (Labor) and Eleni Evangel (Liberals).

The seat of Perth is between John Carey (Labor) and Eleni Evangel (Liberals).

Perth was another shock defeat for Labor at the 2013 election. Liberal party candidate and former City of Perth councillor Eleni Evangel won the seat after getting a 10 per cent swing towards her party.

Labor has brought in high-profile candidate and former Vincent mayor John Carey to win the seat back. Both the Liberals and Labor have accused each other of dirty tactics and smear campaigns in the lead up to the election.

With the Liberals holding the seat with a 2.8 per cent margin, Labor will be banking on winning the seat if it has any hope of forming government.

Green: Hannah Milligan
Labor: John Carey
Liberals: Eleni Evangel


In Morley Amber-Jade Sanderson faces off with Ian Britza from the Liberals.

In Morley Amber-Jade Sanderson faces off with Ian Britza from the Liberals.

Labor threw everything at the seat of Morley at the 2013 election putting up star recruit and former TV journalist Reece Whitby.

It was an abject failure and Ian Britza won the seat comfortably. This time around former United Voice organiser Amber-Jade Sanderson is switching from the upper house to the lower house in a bid to win Morley.

It's all about rail in the inner-northern suburb seat. Labor has promised a rail line to Morley as part of its $2.5 billion Metronet project. The Liberals have also promised it will build an underground rail link from Perth to Morley.

Greens: Anne-Marie Ricciardi
Labor: Amber-Jade Sanderson
Liberals: Ian Britza


In Bunbury Don Punch from the Labor Party challenges Liberal Tim Morison.

In Bunbury Don Punch from Labor challenges Liberal Ian Morison.

Bunbury was the state's bellwether seat between 1983 and 2005, with the party winning the seat also winning the election.

Popular Liberal John Castrilli held the seat from 2005, but is retiring ahead of this years' election, leaving the seat up for contest.

A swing of 12.2 per cent is needed for Labor to gain the seat. The area has the highest rates of methamphetamine use in the country.

Labor has announced a funding plan for Bunbury, focusing on transport, tourism, mental health and infrastructure.

Greens: Michael Baldock
Labor: Don Punch
Liberal: Ian Morison
Nationals: James Hayward
One Nation: Sam Brown


In Balcatta Labor's David Michael squares off with Chris Hatton from the Liberal party.

Labor's David Michael squares off with Liberal Chris Hatton in Balcatta.

Balcatta's most famous member was former disgraced WA Labor Premier Brian Burke in one of the seats many incarnations.

The seat was abolished in 1996 then returned as an electorate in the 2005 election.

The electorate had been a Labor stronghold until the Liberals got a 10 per cent swing towards the party which saw Chris Hatton elected in 2013.

Labor is throwing everything at the working class seat, promising a $50 million upgrade to Balcatta Senior High School as both parties try to woo voters with a school on every corner.

The Liberals could lose votes after cancelling a spruce-up of Osborne Park hospital.

Greens: Nicole Harvey
Labor: David Michael
Liberal: Chris Hatton


In Bicton Labor's Sue O'Malley faces off with the Liberal's Matt Taylor.

In Bicton Labor's Lisa O'Malley faces off with the Liberal's Matt Taylor.

The newly-formed seat of Bicton will be one of the fascinating seats to watch in the March election.

There is a lot of anger towards the Barnett government in the electorate with the controversial Perth Freight Link set to barrel through it.

And the Liberal party could lose more votes with anti-PFL campaigner and Rethink the Link member Steve Kepert running an an independent.

The state opposition would be confident it could pick up the new seat of Bicton which the Liberals notionally hold by a margin of 10 per cent.

Greens: Louise Dickmann
​Liberal: Matt Taylor
Labor: Lisa O'Malley


Mount Lawley will be decided between Michael Sutherland (Liberals) and Simon Millman (Labor).

Michael Sutherland (Liberals) and Simon Millman (Labor) fight for Mt Lawley.

Mount Lawley is the seventh most marginal seat which the Liberals hold by a margin of 8.9 per cent.

The seat has been held high-profile Liberal Michael Sutherland since 2008. Despite the Liberals seemingly having a stranglehold on the seat, polling has shown a swing away from the government in the inner-city seat.

Labor has thrown up lawyer Simon Millman who will appeal to the latte sect in the affluent seat.

Here have been dramatic swings in recent federal and state election in seats on the fringes on Perth, so don't be surprised if Mount Lawley goes down to the wire.

Greens: Matt Roberts
Labor: Simon Millman
Liberal: Michael Sutherland


A three-way face-off between Kevin Michel (Labor), Brendon Grylls (Nationals) and Mark Alchin (Liberals).

A three-way face-off between Mark Alchin (Liberals), Brendon Grylls (Nationals) and Kevin Michel (Labor).

All eyes will be on the Pilbara seat with many political pundits predicting the North West seat could be picked up by One Nation.

But One Nation's chances have not been helped by their candidate David Archibald who wrote an article saying taxpayers should not support single mums who are "too lazy" to attract and hold a mate.

Nationals' leader Brendon Grylls won the seat in 2013 with a margin of 11.5 per cent. He has proposed a $5 per tonne mining tax on the iron ore giants Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton.

There has been a fierce campaign by the mining industry against the tax. The Minerals Council commissioned Deloitte Access Economics to produce a report that found it would cut 2900 jobs in the Pilbara region and another 3400 from the rest of the state.

Greens: Brent McKenna
Labor: Kevin Michel
Liberal: Mark Alchin
Nationals: Brendon Grylls
One Nation: David Archer


The seat will be intriguing because of one person: Rob Johnson. He won the seat as a member of the Liberal party in 2013 and then quit the party and will contest the seat as an independent after a dramatic falling out with Premier Colin Barnett.

The former Police Minister continues to be a thorn in the side of the Liberals, continually attacking the party at every opportunity.

Liberal candidate Peter Katsambanis hasn't held back, slamming Mr Johnson as a "tired independent", to which Johnson hit back with a claim Mr Katsambanis' selection had caused a lot of unrest in the community. 

Both are coming out firing before the election; and Labor will hope to do a "Bradbury" and pinch the seat when nobody is watching. 

Independent: Rob Johnson
Labor: Teresa Ritchie
Liberal: Peter Katsambanis

​- with AAP