

A Really Good Day review: Ayelet Waldman and how doses of LSD came to her rescue


A Really Good Day: How Microdosing Made a Mega Difference in My Mood, My Marriage, and My Life 

Ayelet Waldman

Corsair, $29.99

Review by Owen Richardson

Looking for relief from a mild form of bipolar disorder, writer and erstwhile lawyer Ayelet Waldman went through pretty much every prescription psychoactive on offer, from Adderall to Zoloft. None worked, so she turned to microdosing LSD, i.e., taking the drug in amounts far less than those taken by recreational users. The doors of perception didn't swing open, but, as promised by the accounts of microdosing that had inspired her, Waldman did find her disposition and coping skills improved. 


One hook of A Really Good Day comes in the contrast between the cultural connotations of LSD — hallucinations, exalted and terrifying; pop romanticism and counterculture values; embarrassing Timothy Leary; all those people whose brains allegedly got fried on acid — and the decision by a successful middle-aged woman married with four kids to a famous novelist (Michael Chabon) to use the drug in a disciplined way to try to improve her life and the lives of those affected by her mood dysphoria.  

That contrast  leads Waldman to a broader consideration of the cruelty and stupidity of American drug policy. In her legal career, Waldman was a public defender who specialised in drug law: just by themselves, her stories of entrapment, where previously law-abiding citizens found themselves manipulated into committing drug felonies, are enough to suggest that the war on drugs is a social pathology to equal drug abuse. And it is hardly an obscure fact that Hispanics as well as African-Americans are peculiarly ill-treated by the drug laws.  

So what might seem at first to be another quirky memoir turns out to have a polemic woven into it. Waldman goes further than many might care to: although marijuana and heroin have their apologists, methamphetamine has few friends, but, as with LSD, she casts doubt on some of the horror stories.   

Towards the end, Waldman also confesses that she and her husband use MDMA (Ecstasy) as a way to renovate their relationship. Here again, their drug use has a formal, almost ritualised quality (nothing messy or merely hedonistic); unlike the unfortunates who regularly make the weekend news, they know what they are taking. 

Waldman's honesty is admirable, though it also risks discrediting her broader argument in the eyes of people who won't want to see past the tabloid headline aspect: Bay Area Mommies … on acid! Everyone else will find their minds opened a little, if not actually blown. 

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