US/UK allies attack anti-Daesh forces in Iraq, revealing a pattern of betrayal [VIDEOS]



Remember the massacre of Yazidis in Iraq in 2014? Well, they’re under attack again. Yazidi self-defence militias and their affiliates, who have organised to defend themselves from Daesh (Isis/Isil), have been resisting the new assault since 3 March. But this time, the attackers aren’t jihadis. They’re Iraqi Kurdish forces allied with the West. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had met with Iraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani only a week before. Critics argue that the two are acting in concert. And this is only part of an increasingly apparent pattern of betrayal.

For more on this, click here.

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2 Responses to US/UK allies attack anti-Daesh forces in Iraq, revealing a pattern of betrayal [VIDEOS]

  1. SwedishSquadleader says:

    Just passing by. I’ve seen reports that the clashes between YPG/J and PKK stopped. I don’t have a source I’m afraid. Do you have one that it’s ongoing?


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