Get a free voter file for your campaign

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District & County


Need a larger file?
A state or national voter file can be delivered. Processing fees apply. Learn more
Stay up to date with our voter file updates
Over 190 million U.S. voters available
  • Regularly updated
  • Phone numbers
  • Addresses
  • Voter history
  • Email addresses (in select states)
  • Available for political purposes by campaigns & organizations

NationBuilder gathers voter files from across the country. We standardize the data and regularly update the information to include current voter registration and recent elections. We began this process as a resource to help NationBuilder customers run campaigns. You do not have to be a NationBuilder customer to request a voter file.

Restrictions on use
Generally, the voter file must be used for political purposes. Restrictions vary by state. You do not need to use NationBuilder to access the NationBuilder voter file.

A free district or county file may be requested once per election. It can be requested once during a primary and once during a general election. Free updates will happen regularly and automatically when a district or county file is used in NationBuilder.

Learn more about voter data information

National voter file maintained to support customers
NationBuilder gathers voter files from across the country. We standardize the data and regularly update the information to include current voter registration and recent elections. We began this process as a resource to help NationBuilder customers run campaigns.

Obtaining the data is always free when used in NationBuilder.  You will also be subscribed to automatic data updates at no cost. Importing a voter file increases the number of people stored in a nation, usually increasing the cost. NationBuilder pricing varies based on the number of people in your database and the plan selected. We can help you determine the most cost effective way to request voter data. For example, you may want to request one political party during your primary election.

Downloading a district or county voter file as a spreadsheet or CSV file is free. Larger files can are available. Learn more about requesting a state or national voter file.