Building a network is hard work

NationBuilder Network makes everyone’s lives easier with unified infrastructure for your headquarters and local chapters.

Give local leaders everything they need Each chapter can maintain a database that integrates with an action-oriented website, donation processing, event management, and gamification to increase chapter engagement.
Sync data across your entire network Action taken on websites seamlessly updates your databases. Automatically sync data between chapters and network headquarters, and create custom data sharing across chapters.
Ensure consistent branding and design Sharable themes for email blasts and chapter websites ensure that your brand stays intact across your network.
Align your organization around key goals Set goals, track growth, and measure engagement with real-time dashboards to report your progress.

Unleash the power of your network

Hilary Doe on networks

About Hilary Doe

Hilary Doe is the Vice President of Strategy at NationBuilder. Previously, she worked as the Vice President of Operations and Programming at the Roosevelt Institute.

Used and trusted by over 9,000 customers in 112 countries

UK Labour Party
Republican Party of Florida
Leadership for Educational Equity
Liberal Democrats


Learn how the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network uses NationBuilder to better connect across chapters, understand their membership and network activity, and better track how they’re serving and engaging their members.

Read customer spotlight

World class customer support by experts in network leadership

Our customer service goes well beyond tech support.
NationBuilder Community Strategists are leading experts in successful strategies for growing your network engagement, and are available to talk to you and your chapter members about all technical needs. As a NationBuilder Network customer, your dedicated strategist will provide strategic support, training, resources, and insights from our customers, all tailored to your needs.

Onboarding, training, and activating a network of chapters can be a real challenge that too many companies don’t understand. We’re on it.

No matter the job, NationBuilder’s professional services and premium support have you covered. Learn more

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