RV Amalotus cruise ship. Image supplied by APT.  SHD TRAVEL MARCH 3 CRUISE.  AMALotus_Mekong River_FINAL_CMYK_1639al_GU.jpg

Answers sought

After the drama, the investigaton of what disabled a ship in the Gulf of Mexico begins.

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The pool on Lido deck on the way to New Caledonia onboard Pacific Dawn cruise ship, January 2008. Photograph by Ruth ...

Serving up more

To the uninitiated, cruising may appear a one-dimensional kind of holiday, floating on the seas somewhere exotic with many people, eating too much and sunbathing with a cocktail in hand.

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Black Bear

Wild times in a solitary world

It was a very exclusive excursion. Only 40 people out of the thousands of cruise passengers in port that day got to do it.

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A giraffe joins the annual Wildebeest migration.

Do travel agents share their secret hideaways?

The ritual occurs every time I plan a holiday: I sit at a desk, opposite a travel agent, who tries hard to persuade me that this or that destination is my best possible choice.

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  • This article contains a photo gallery