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Identity Protection - ID Theft & Credit Center

Identity Theft Protection

There is one incident of identity fraud every three seconds, but you can protect yourself. Here's what to know.
A fraud alert makes it difficult for ID thieves to open accounts in your name.
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See how you can protect your info amid the frenzied buying and selling of data.
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Last year, identity theft hit 13 million people. Protect yourself using one of these tactics.
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Answer 10 questions to find out if you're begging for your identity to be stolen.
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Here's how to stop thieves from taking your card number, or reduce damage if they do.
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Half the time, criminals can guess correct answers to security questions. Fight back.
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Find out whether you're too trusting or savvy enough to deflect online fraudsters.
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Unlike young people, 50-year-olds have a full financial history that's tempting to ID thieves.
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ID theft is the illegal use of someone else's personal identifying information in order to get money or credit.

Types of Identity theft

From synthetic ID theft to medical and criminal ID theft, thieves can exploit the lives of others in several ways.
How online spelling mistakes can lead to fraud

Misspell your bank's web address, and you may land on a page run by an identity thief.

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Stop low-tech ID theft: Keep your financial paperwork safe

Think you're most vulnerable to ID theft when you're online? Think again.

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How ID thieves steal your information

Gone are the days of the good old-fashioned purse snatcher. These days, ID thieves are getting your data in new tech-savvy schemes.
If you insert or swipe your debit card at these spots, your money could get swiped.
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Deployed service members are targets of identity thieves. Here are tools to fight back. 
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Take this 30-second video quiz to gauge your risk for identity theft.
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You can't prevent a major data breach, but you can help protect yourself when one happens.
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A Bankrate survey finds many of us don't take basic steps to protect our identities.
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Last year, identity theft hit 13 million people. Protect yourself using one of these tactics.
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See how fraudsters can hijack your credit card without pilfering your plastic.
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Answer 10 questions to find out if you're begging for your identity to be stolen.
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Identity Theft News

Concerned about identity theft? From new ID scams to credit fraud, find the latest ID news here.

How to fix your credit report

As soon as you suspect that you've been victimized, take these steps immediately to help clear your name and your credit.
Find out what you must do to clear your good name and your credit record of old bills. 
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A fraud alert makes it difficult for ID thieves to open accounts in your name.
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You can't prevent a major data breach, but you can help protect yourself when one happens.
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Kids can be ID theft targets like adults. Here's what to do if your child is a victim.
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If you're a victim of ID theft, see how to reclaim your identity and restore your good name.
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A judgment will eventually drop off your credit report. But that doesn't mean it's gone.
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It's possible to improve your credit even before the bankruptcy is off your record. Here's how.
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Rebuilding your credit will take time, but there are some ways to get started on the right path.
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Improving your credit score

Beyond the basics many consumers are in the dark about what makes their credit scores go up and down. Here's how to start on the path to good credit.
10 questions to ask before getting a secured credit card

If you don't qualify for a regular credit card, a secured card is a good way to establish credit.

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3 easy ways to rebuild your credit

Everybody makes debt mistakes. Follow this advice and you'll be back with better credit in no time.

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5 huge credit score myths that can hurt you

Consumers just can't shake these credit score beliefs. See how these myths can hurt.

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7 smart steps to a cleaner credit report

Finding credit after bankruptcy means sprucing up your credit report. These tips will get it done.

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