More Chaos in Berkeley

I sometimes find myself wondering these days if we may not be headed for something akin to a civil war in America. This took place over the weekend in Berkeley, where Trump supporters and counter-protesters clashed…

Here is an RT report on threats made against student Trump supporters at UC Berkeley…

But it isn’t just Berkeley. Here is what took place at the capitol building in St. Paul, Minnesota…

The anti-Trump leftists are now ironically on the same side as the deep state and the CIA. And the media are currently waging an open campaign to have Trump impeached. It’s worth recalling what took place at the Maidan in Kiev in 2014 when “protestors” showed up and started firing live ammunition basically in order to inflame the chaos even further. Will the deep state attempt something similar in order to effect a regime change in America? Hard to say for sure, but we’re kind of in uncharted territory here.

One more video, this one in Washington DC…


One Response

  1. I believe that the goal of the unwanted Dem admin and its current supporters IS racial turmoil and further division in AMerica. Civil war would be wonderful in their minds. Remember Russia? Look at the violence erupting from them as it has been since their chosen candidate was shown the road.

    This treachey and recruitment … It it more than Soros & Co: look to Obummer trying to ruin Trump at the behest of his Communist masters. And to me, Communists are merely doing the work of the Talmudics…. Bolsheviks.

    Where Bolsheviks appear, there is no peace until they are dealt with because certainly they cannot be allowed the upper hand ~ which we were in further danger of under an HRC admin. Trump is a hornets’ NEST under the saddle for these sick folks and because of him, the horse is in the process of trying to dump the chumps aka parasites.

    It is obvious to me, when one forms a counter protest against what was originally a quiet approval of the president, and they attend such gathering in full riot gear, it is obvious they are plaid agitators. George’s companies pay $2500 a month plus medical and health benefits. But to be on the payroll you must attend 6 rallies over a certain time span and are also paid $50 per hour to do that. BUT if you are really a good protester and happen to be hurt in the process of causing damage, AND if it gets good media for the lib cause, you get a bonus.

    These yahoos are beginning to seriously agitate the public with their violence and soon things will either accelerate or they will be … ideally… put out of business one way or another.

    I compare Soros & company to Schiff and the bankers who financed the Bolsheviks to bring down Russia 100 years ago.

    Interesting to note that, these folks cause the aggression, then are the first to scream for the police if they feel threatened.

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