Free downloads and book orders


The Free.  2015 edition.. pdf . 7mb.


kitchenFree Ebook Download.. ‘The Free’ ( epub 2015 edition  only 0.5mb. for most readers, tablets,phones)

Free Ebook Download..  ‘The Free’ (illustrated 2015 edition) 6.6mb. epub , for readers, tablets, phones..)

NOTE: this above is the ‘super new illustrated’ epub edition but it’s 6.6mb and still may have bugs on some readers.. if it doesn’t work use the 0,5mb version above The epub files were made on ‘Calibre’ freeware,  where you can view and install on your reader, phone, etc.

The Free

Also it’s in Kindle Stores

(2015 edition, colour illustrated  2.99€ or $3.23.   Search this number on Amazon Kindle: B00VGJ9Z00)


mental prison 4The Free on Google Play/Google Books/

‘the best way to read on phones and tablets’

just open Google PLAY on a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, type in ‘The Free by M Gilliland’ and read immediately or download to ‘your books’ to read when offline.  I found the Google Play reader easy to use, including bookmarks, search, varied size, etc and on my phone will even  present in white on a black background.

Read on Google HERE:….

Hope you like it!

the free coverAvailable now the pocketbook

PRINTED to order as a real ‘dead tree’ book… 441 pages illustrated

Postage is cheaper, or free,  if you order locally..see below

US orders click here:     $15, 454 pgs, 1.7 lbs  (old edition ..  $14, + postage.)

UK orders here:  Active Distribution..The Free  cheapest only 7.89 pounds and  £10.86 & Delivered FREE in the UK

España/Spain pedidos aquí: Precio EUR 13,50  + EUR3 correo , GRATIS los pedidos superiores a EUR 19.

Deutschland  hier:…   Preis: EUR 14,62 Geschenkverpackung verfügbar.

For Canada, China, France,  Italy, Japan google Amazon +country + English books +search, and enter ‘M Gilliland The Free 1501006894

or from the publisher-to-order HERE  


..”we need to rebel, or at least all together stop obeying, if we are to have any chance of stopping capitalist ecocide, and building any future for our children ”..

*************************************anarchist libraryThe Free at the Anarchist Library

‘The Free’ was added to The Anarchist Library.(Thanks a trillion M for your help.)  (but the above links are newer edition with colour illustrations) The beauty of the A LIBRARY IS you can click the references to many great books online in the same library. 

Download or read  CLICK here.

‘The Free’ is also available as a free download on Issuu, Scribd, etc


The Free on Authonomy… 1409 Comments! (Authonomy now closed down.


or read it NOW online!!



‘The Free’: New Slideshow from the 2014 edition

book distribution

Would you like to HELP DISTRIBUTE the printed book? You could just tell your friends.. or ask your local bookstore to stock it by ordering through them. Or ask a library to get it.

Trade price order details

Order at trade price here: The Free’ ISBN 978-1466409323 ..CreateSpace. Direct Reseller Application

Also trade distributors like which unlike Createspace should take returns.

For Libraries the agent is


33 thoughts on “Free downloads and book orders”

  1. Hmm is anyone else encountering problems with the images on
    this blog loading? I’m trying to find out if its a problem on my end or if it’s the blog.
    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Thanks for your comment! It’s the first time anyone said that, maybe a wordpress or internet speed glitch..or maybe I’m making the images with too many pixels!?? can you check if it’s still doing it? Thanks again and good luck with your Red Book project…… mike

  2. Pingback: The Free

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