Tag Archives: United States

STOP Putin and Obama’s Imperialist War Games

The Ukraine is more or less bankrupt, ruined equally by predator capitalist western bankers and rapacious Russian oligarchs and swindlers. Now after 20 years pillage we see nationalists and macho morons on both sides playing WAR CHICKEN for the right to continue sucking the country dry for the foreseeable future.

Police officers arrest an anti-Russian demonstrator from the group Femen outside of an emergency meeting of EU foreign ministers at the EU Council building in Brussels
Stop Putin’s War! Police officers arrest an anti-War demonstrator from the group Femen outside of an emergency meeting of EU foreign ministers at the EU Council building in Brussels

So who is ”right”?  Both the US/EU and the Russian leaders are ODIOUS IDIOTS playing with the lives of us all for their own megalomaniac obsessions with power, prestige, rape culture and greed. Continue reading STOP Putin and Obama’s Imperialist War Games

Monsanto, los transgénicos en España y la compra de políticos..Wikileaks


  Según reveló Wikileaks la empresa Monsanto y el gobierno de EEUU ‘compraron’ secretamente el permiso de políticos españoles para introducir su  OMG Maíz, que depende de su producto cancerígeno Roundup Ready. Luego presuraron la EU con el lema Si España cae, el resto de Europa va a seguir. “ 

Nota sobre peligros del maiz transgénico

El maiz transgénico en España es de las variedades BT que matan el European Bore Beetle y mejoran algo la cosecha. ( Son de Monsanto, Sygenta y Bayer). Sin embargo son más caros y muchas veces hay que usar insecticida  también, y cada vez más debido a la creciente resistencia de los bichos. Además falta la herbicida, o la tradicional, muy tóxico o la herbicida Roundup (glifosato y el glufosinato de amonio ) según la variedad. 

Hay peligros de efectos imposibles de saber o rectificar a largo termino. Además campos de maiz normal y orgánico quedan contaminados por polinización a mucha distancia, y varios formas de vida beneficiosos quedan eliminados, especialmente mariposas y la fauna aquática. Según los nuevos hallazgos, Roundup, del que se rocían decenas de miles de toneladas al año en todo el mundo, sigue siendo tóxico para el ADN humano incluso si se diluye a un simple 0,02 por ciento , es decir un 99,8 más de lo que se hace cuando se utiliza normalmente para su uso en los cultivos transgénicos.

Sigue la presión politica y comercial para extender el ‘experimento de España’ a otros paises de la UE, argumentando que el uso de plantas genéticamente modificado puede ser algo menos peligroso porque a veces disminuye el cóctel de herbicidas, insecticidas y nitratos que ya está destruyendo la tierra cultivable.20121202_152520

Continue reading Monsanto, los transgénicos en España y la compra de políticos..Wikileaks

Femicides in Brazil Hit Civil War Proportions

  |En español  from IPS with thanks
stop feminicides
RIO DE JANEIRO, Nov 28 2013 (IPS) – The number of femicides – gender-related murders – in Brazil has reached civil war-like proportions. In just 10 years 40,000 women were killed in this country merely for being women.

Every year, between Nov. 25 and Dec. 10, the international community and women’s rights groups organise 16 days of activism against gender violence. Continue reading Femicides in Brazil Hit Civil War Proportions

El Papa Francisco quiere Canonizar el autor de un Genocidio de Indígenas

in English below

Junípero Serra fundó el sistema de campos de trabajo que agilizó el genocidio cultural de California. Las misiones españolas fueron verdaderos campos de exterminación. Junípero Serra era un fanático del Nacional Catolicismo que sigue bien vivo hasta hoy día, alcanzando su mayor nivel de locura en los masacres del fascismo bajo el Franco, el robo de decenas de miles de bebés….. etc

Juniper Serra, genocidal priest who abused his power over conquered Indians, trappìng them in ''Missions'' which even the Spanish Governor said were worse than slave camps
Juniper Serra, genocidal priest,  abuser of his power over conquered Indians, trappìng them in ”Missions” which even the Spanish Governor said were worse than slave camps


Borrados dos veces
18 de noviembre 2013
Un caso impactante de negación del evidente resalta el problema  que los católicos – y el Papa Francisco – tienen con la historia.

Por George Monbiot , publicado en The Guardian , 19 de noviembre 2013. Traducción por Google y The Free

Es un pin-up para los liberales y los progresistas “, el nuevo héroe evidente de la izquierda. ” Así dice Jonathan Freedland en The Guardian del Papa Francisco ( 1 ) , y es verdad que la mayor parte de las sorpresas han sido buenas.

Sus declaraciones denunciando el capitalismo son del tipo que casi ningún dirigente de un partido ahora se atreve a respirar (2,3). Él parece haber renunciado a la infalibilidad papal. Tiene la intención de reformar la curia corrupta e intrigante ( 4 ) . Él ha declarado una tregua parcial en la guerra contra el sexo que sus dos predecesores inmediatos perseguidos ( mientras que evita cuidadosamente la vista de la violación de niños ) con tal fervor espeluznante . Continue reading El Papa Francisco quiere Canonizar el autor de un Genocidio de Indígenas

Ice Melt Maps: New York vanished, Bye Bye Miami.. Nat Geographic.

New York vanished. Washington washed out. Bye Bye Miami

bye bye Miami

National Geographic has a good, but disturbing, interactive map showing what 216 feet of sea level rise will do to coastlines around the world.

The maps here show the world as it is now, with only one difference: All the ice on land has melted and drained into the sea, raising it 216 feet and creating new shorelines for our continents and inland seas.

England decimated, Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands to Disappear.

Continue reading Ice Melt Maps: New York vanished, Bye Bye Miami.. Nat Geographic.

Sea Rise Maps.. London to be Atlantis : Nat. Geographic

   interactive world maps

Nat Geog Climate Maps

England decimated, Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands to Disappear.

© National Geographic

National Geographic has a good, but disturbing, interactive map showing what 216 feet of sea level rise will do to coastlines around the world.

The maps here show the world as it is now, with only one difference: All the ice on land has melted and drained into the sea, raising it 216 feet and creating new shorelines for our continents and inland seas.

Continue reading Sea Rise Maps.. London to be Atlantis : Nat. Geographic

Homage to Herman.. innocent dying prisoner ‘free’ after 42 yrs

After 4 Decades in Solitary,

Dying Angola 3 Prisoner Herman Wallace Freed,

Conviction Overturned

A dying prisoner has been released in Louisiana after serving nearly 42 years in solitary confinement, longer than any other person in the United States.homage to Herman

Herman Wallace and two others, known as the Angola Three, were placed in solitary in 1972 following the murder of a prison guard. The Angola Three and their supporters say they were framed for the murder over their political activism as members of one of the first prison chapters of the Black Panthers.

In a surprise development on Tuesday, Wallace was released from prison after a federal judge overturned his conviction, saying he did not receive a fair trial. Wallace, who is near death from advanced liver cancer, was taken directly to a New Orleans hospital where supporters greeted his arrival.

We are joined by three guests: Robert King, who until Tuesday night was the only freed member of the Angola Three and helped deliver to Wallace the news of his release; Wallace’s defense attorney, George Kendall; and Jackie Sumell, an artist and Wallace supporter who is with him at the Louisiana State University Medical Center in New Orleans.

Albert is now the last one in prison..Free him NOW!
Albert is now the last one in prison..Free him NOW!

“This is a tremendous victory and a miracle that Herman Wallace will die a free man,” Sumell says. “He’s had 42 years of maintaining his innocence in solitary confinement, and if his last few breaths are as a free man, we’ve won.”


Angola 3 Newsletter, October 4, 2013: The “Muhammad Ali of the Criminal Justice System” – An Extraordinary Life

This morning we lost without a doubt the biggest, bravest, and brashest personality in the political prisoner world.  It is with great sadness that we write with the news of Herman Wallace‘s passing.

Herman never did anything half way.  He embraced his many quests and adventures in life with a tenacious gusto and fearless determination that will absolutely never be rivaled.  He was exceptionally loyal and loving to those he considered friends, and always went out of his way to stand up for those causes and individuals in need of a strong voice or fierce advocate, no matter the consequences.

Anyone lucky enough to have spent any time with Herman knows that his indomitable spirit will live on through his work and the example he left behind.  May each of us aspire to be as dedicated to something as Herman was to life, and to justice.

Below is a short obituary/press statement for those who didn’t know him well in case you wish to circulate something.  Tributes from those who were closest to Herman and more information on how to help preserve his legacy by keeping his struggle alive will soon follow.

On October 4th, 2013, Herman Wallace, an icon of the modern prison reform movement and an innocent man, died a free man after spending an unimaginable 41 years in solitary confinement.

Herman spent the last four decades of his life fighting against all that is unjust in the criminal justice system, making international the inhuman plight that is long term solitary confinement, and struggling to prove that he was an innocent man.

Just 3 days before his passing, he succeeded, his conviction was overturned, and he was released to spend his final hours surrounded by loved ones.  Despite his brief moments of freedom, his case will now forever serve as a tragic example that justice delayed is justice denied.

Herman Wallace’s early life in New Orleans during the heyday of an unforgiving and unjust Jim Crow south often found him on the wrong side of the law and eventually he was sent to the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola for armed robbery.  While there, he was introduced to the Black Panther‘s powerful message of self determination and collective community action and quickly became one of its most persuasive and ardent practitioners.

Not long after he began to organize hunger and work strikes to protest the continued segregation, endemic corruption, and horrific abuse rampant at the prison, he and his fellow panther comrades Albert Woodfox and Robert King were charged with murders they did not commit and thrown in solitary.

Robert was released in 2001 after 29 years in solitary but Herman remained there for an unprecedented 41 years, and Albert is still in a 6×9 solitary cell.

Herman’s criminal case ended with his passing, but his legacy will live on through a civil lawsuit he filed jointly with Robert and Albert that seeks to define and abolish long term solitary confinement as cruel and unusual punishment, and through his comrade Albert Woodfox’s still active and promising bid for freedom from the wrongful conviction they both shared.

Herman was only 9 days shy of 72 years old.

Services will be held in New Orleans. The date and location will be forthcoming.

For more information visit www.angola3.org and http://angola3news.blogspot. com/.