Tag Archives: Trump

Nuclear War Imminent: UK must hold back Trump and join Weapons Ban

A Nuclear war could unleash a worldwide Nuclear Winter of up to 5 years if President Trump attacks North Korea and China defends her ally.

UK should take a Lead Role in de-escalating Nuclear War threat

Fourteen medical doctors and scientists call on the British government to join the international treaty demanding the ban of nuclear weapons:
”As medical doctors and scientists, we write concerning the escalating crisis between North Korea and the US (World running out of diplomatic levers, 30 August).
The power to kill millions is in the hands of unstable countries and unpredictable people. Tensions between these two nuclear powers clearly illustrate the dangers of nuclear weapons, which make the world less stable.

Evidence is indisputable that any use of such weapons would have a devastating health impact on populations. Robust scientific studies show that even a limited exchange of nuclear weapons would lead to major crop failures around the world. Such a “nuclear famine” scenario would result in mass starvation, potentially affecting as many as 2 billion people.

US and South Korean warplanes fly over the Korean peninsula on 30 July 2017. ‘The power to kill millions is in the hands of unstable countries and unpredictable people,’ writes a group of doctors and scientists. Photograph: US Air Force/Reuters

Venezuela Brings Regional Elections Forward to October. Greedy Capitalists Still Fuming

Imagen relacionadaYesterday the BBC dedicated its top world headline to the fact that an ex Venezuelan judge accused the president of corruption. .. Sorry? What? Who cares?

After 18 years of subversion, infiltration, coercion, bribery and a constant blitz of fake news the US is pushing Venezuela into a horrific civil war in order to take control of its oil.
Venezuelan commune movements march in support of the new Constituent Assembly (photo by AVN)

Trump cries  for lost democracy in Venezuela and threatens to send in the Marines to take the oilfields. Yet Venezuela has had elections almost every year and the latest Constitutional Assembly system is clearly more democratic than  before. We support the popular revolution and force Maduro and the repressive State not to sell out!

See Also.. US Pushing Civil War on Venezuela for Oil Control

Anything goes in he western media to throw mud at Venezuela . Shock, horror and  hate for a popular Social Revolution. And OMG  Scandal that a ‘socialist’ (albeit corrupt and repressive) State still survives . And this despite a blatantly illegal, billion dollar, decades long US subversion effort abetting one of the cruelest most implacable local oligarchies America has ever seen.

Is Maduro a dictator? By whose standards? Remember how we were fooled by the blitz of fake news into condemning Gaddafi, so they could destroy the best welfare state in Africa, leaving him raped and murdered in the street and the country in horrific chaos to this day.  Remember the mega-lying witch hunt against Saddam..Why? To steal rights over their oil.

We publish here an unreported snippet on local elections being brought forward by the new more directly democratic Constitutional Assembly.. But there is little hope of countering the TSUNAMI OF FAKE NEWS.

teleSUR  via  Aletho News           Venezuela’s newly-elected National Constituent Assembly, ANC, has brought forward the regional elections by two months.

The polls, which had been scheduled to take place on December 10, will now be held in October following unanimous approval by the ANC. Continue reading Venezuela Brings Regional Elections Forward to October. Greedy Capitalists Still Fuming

‘Anarchy Works’.. read and download here .. by Peter Gelderloos

free to read and download     plain PDF   ,  EPUB (for mobile etc) https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-anarchy-works

EN ESPAÑOL AQUI https://es.theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-la-anarquia-funciona

This book takes examples from around the world, picking through history and anthropology, showing that people have, in different ways and at different times, demonstrated mutual aid, self-organization, autonomy, horizontal decision making, and so forth–the principles that anarchy is founded on–regardless of whether they called themselves anarchists or not.

Image result for Anarchy Works

Too well documented to be strictly mythology, and too generalized to be strictly anthropology, this is an inspiring answer to the people who say that anarchists are utopian: a point-by-point introduction to how anarchy can and has actually worked.

Anarchy Works by Peter Gelderloos — Reviews, Discussion …

World Guide to Charlottesville Solidarity Actions #RollingThunder

On August 12, a fascist murdered one person and injured dozens more by driving a vehicle into a crowd of anti-racist protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia. Fascists had been calling for violence in advance; they made it very clear that this would happen.Image result for charlottesville anti fascist

We are calling for solidarity actions to take place around the country in response—to support the bereaved, to encourage those who courageously stood up to fascist murderers, to reach out to our communities about this situation, and to show that we will not stand for this. Here, you can find a list of solidarity demonstrations and a PDF of a flier you can print and distribute to inform others about this situation.

To add your event, email: info[at] itsgoingdown [dot] org and send updates about solidarity demonstrations to us via @crimethinc or rollingthunder@crimethinc.com. Continue reading World Guide to Charlottesville Solidarity Actions #RollingThunder

US Warns That North Korea May Be In Possession Of A Godzilla

THE United States have issued a stark warning to North Korea about the level of retaliation they will face if they attempt to attack US citizens or bases with any form of gargantuan mutated monster, following intel from Pyongyang that the DPRK has come into possession of a Godzilla.
“We have received a dossier that North Korea may be about to unleash a Godzilla, or possibly a Rodan on US naval warships in the Pacific Ocean,” stated President Donald Trump, clearing his schedule from any investigations into irregularities with his administration so that he could properly address the developing Kaiju crisis.“The American people will not stand idly by and allow a dictator such as Kim Jon-un to threaten our way of life with a massive, city-stomping, fire breathing lizard creature, okay? Everybody, we need to concentrate all our attention on this. The entire west coast is at risk… have you seen the size of these things? Huge. Trust me”.

The statement was met with scepticism from many opponents of the trump administration, who stated that Godzilla was a creature who was more connected to Japan, not North Korea, and that the North Korean administration had neither the capacity nor the resources to create a Kaiju of their own, even a shit one like Baragon or Megaguirus.Image result for godzilla attack US

Nevertheless, Trump pledged to divert huge amounts of funding into the US Space X and Mechagodzilla program, promising to meet any North Korean Kaiju attack with ‘massive firepower’ the likes of which the world hasn’t seen since Destroy All Monsters.

see also..   US already had A Korean anti-nuke Peace Deal but Violated Every Single Clause.  *real post

US already had A Korean anti-nuke Peace Deal but Violated Every Single Clause

U.S. signed a nuke deal with N Korea; then totally trashed it

Why the US’s 1994 deal with North Korea failed – and what Trump can learn from it Image result for US violated every clause of korean peace deal

…  by michaellee, shared with thanks       If the Trump administration is to avoid spiralling into a nuclear confrontation with North Korea, it needs to understand what North Korea wants and why it behaves the way it does..

‘The North Korean leaders believe, with ample evidence, that they are in a desperate survival race against a rogue superpower which has destroyed a whole series of countries (recently Iraq, Libya, Yemen..) using its military power to try and reassert its dwindling economic hegemony’. The US has 28,500 troops in 11 US military bases in South Korea

… Under the terms of the 1994 framework, North Korea agreed to freeze and ultimately dismantle its nuclear programme in exchange for “the full normalisation of political and economic relations with the United States”. This meant four things:

  • By 2003, a US-led consortium would build two light-water nuclear reactorsin North Korea to compensate for the loss of nuclear power;
  • Until then, the US would supply the north with 500,000 tons per year of heavy fuel;Image result for US violated every clause of korean peace deal
  • The US would lift sanctions, remove North Korea from its list of state sponsors of terrorism, and – perhaps most importantly – normalise the political relationship, which is still subject to the terms of the 1953 Korean War armistice;
  • Finally, both sides would provide “formal assurances” against the threat or use of nuclear weapons.

The US has arrogantly  broken every single clause of the agreement

The light-water reactors were never built. The US-led consortium tasked with constructing them was in severe debt; senators accused Clinton of understating their cost while overstating how much US allies would contribute to funding them. Hawkish Republicans in Congress derided the framework for supposedly rewarding aggressive behaviour. Continue reading US already had A Korean anti-nuke Peace Deal but Violated Every Single Clause

El Frack Gas de Trump llega a España via Gas Natural Fenoso

post actualizado 08/09/17

El buque ‘Ribera Del Duero Knutsen’ de Gas Natural levantó un cargamento en el pase Sabine el 9 de julio y lo entregó a Cartagena, España, el 21 de julio”.

Al alba del 21 de julio, un gigantesco petrolero de gas natural líquido (GNL) apareció por la niebla en el puerto de Cartagena en Murcia. Nada sorprendente… Sólo que era el primero de cientos de cargamentos de frack gas de los Estados Unidos destinados por GNF para europa, y el final de un camino de crímenes contra el clima, el planeta y la humanidad.

El 25 de agost del 2017 llegó otra metanero de Gas Natural, el ‘Rioja Knutsen’ a la planta de GNL en HUELVA, SPAIN y dejó gas de fracking que recojó en SABINE PASS, USA el 11 de agosto del 2017.

.Frack Gas (de esquisto) es el mismo que el gas normal, sólo que es hasta 3 veces más letal que el carbón para el clima. Esto es debido a que su extracción requiere fracturar el esquisto en centenares de miles de pozos pequeños con sustancias químicas ultra tóxicas que causan fugas masivas de metano (ver nota al pie 1).methane

Ahora, con la orden ejecutiva de Trump, todas las pretensiones de control del metano, mitigación del cambio climático, protección del agua o del medio ambiente han sido suprimidas en una mezcla tóxica de falso patriotismo, corrupción e insaciable avaricia.

Los pozos de fracking normalmente duran poco, dejando más de un millón de ellos ya abandonados, muchos de ellos con fugas masivas de metano 100% descontroladas y acuíferos y piscinas  de ‘agua’ del fracking, muchas veces contaminadas con químicos tóxicos y cancerígenos

(Véase la nota de pie 2)

Debido a la falta de control, los subsidios ocultos y el dinero ‘gratis’ hay un exceso de gas de fracking en los EE.UU. El plan es forzarlo a Europa, incluso con una pérdida de dinero masiva y con daños climáticos incalculables, como parte de su guerra comercial y armamentística contra Rusia, que suministra el 34% del gas europeo.

Toda una serie de plantas de licuefacción se están lanzando a la operación en Louisiana y Texas, hasta ahora tres enormes líneas están en operación en Sabine Pass, con secciones enteras dedicadas a Gas Natural Fenosa de España y Shell que han firmado insensatamente contratos de 20 años con la cláusula ”hay que  pagar el gas si usted lleva el gas o no “. Continue reading El Frack Gas de Trump llega a España via Gas Natural Fenoso

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