Tag Archives: social revolution

Radical Cities and Social Revolution: An Interview with Janet Biehl

Activist and prolific writer Janet Biehl has famously taken up the theory and practice of Municipal Anarchism, as theorized by her companion Murray Bookchin in his lifetime. Recently the ideas have been taken up by the Kurdish leader Ocalan and enthusiastically implemented in the Rojava Revolution and Nth Kurdistan. biehl

Radical Cities and Social Revolution:
An Interview with Janet Biehl

The abstractness and programmatic emptiness so characteristic of contemporary radical theory indicates a severe crisis in the left. It suggests a retreat from the belief that the ideal of a cooperative, egalitarian society can be made concrete and thus realized in actual social relationships. It is as though – in a period of change and demobilization – many radicals have ceded the right and the capacity to transform society to CEO’s and heads of state.

Janet Biehl’s new book, The Politics of Social Ecology: Libertarian Municipalism, is an affront to this. It challenges the politically resigned with a detailed, historically situated anti-statist and anti-capitalist politics for today.

I asked Biehl about her new work in the fall of 1997 by email. ~ Chuck Morse

Your book is essentially programmatic: you set libertarian municipalism in a historical context and offer concrete suggestions for practice. What political circumstances made it seem especially important to produce this book now?facebook_event_173832189658154

As the political dimension of social ecology – the body of ideas developed by Murray Bookchin since the 1950s – libertarian municipalism is a libertarian politics of political and social revolution. It constitutes both a theory and a practice for building a revolutionary movement whose ultimate aim is to achieve an equal, just, and free society. My book is intended as a simple articulation of these ideas, which Bookchin himself has expounded elsewhere Continue reading Radical Cities and Social Revolution: An Interview with Janet Biehl

#NuitDebout occupies Paris. March 51 marks 20th day of mass protest siege.

By Eric Verlo   NOT MY TRIBE – 4/19/2016

NUIT DEBOUT started as a protest against the weakening of labor protections. It’s grown since March 31 into a pan European movement driven by students who resume daily protests every night at six.

What’s being lauded as a Paris Spring is also being likened to Occupy Wall Street because the assemblies have no leaders nor do they make any demands. They do present an ultimatum. The month of April will not begin until economic policies are reformulated.

Until then the Nuitdeboutistes are counting successive days against March, not April, so today is March 51. If you think mainstream media is ignoring #DemocracySpring it’s unanimously mum about this spontaneous uprising spreading across French cities and European capitols.

Spreading ‘nuit debout’ Occupations demand Revolution Now

Nuit debout protesters occupy French cities in revolutionary call for change

from The Guardian   For more than a week, vast nocturnal gatherings have spread across France in a citizen-led movement that has rattled the government4899018_6_bbfc_des-manifestants-discutent-entre-eux-le-8_ff15974e6ec4ff1e198a3632ed7a6511 in Paris     As night fell over Paris, thousands of people sat cross-legged in the vast square at Place de la République, taking turns to pass round a microphone and denounce everything from the dominance of Google to tax evasion or inequality on housing estates.

update here.. International Call for Nuit Debout Solidarity

Vive la révolution: demonstrators gather in Place de la République for a nocturnal sit-in. Photograph: Ian Langsdon/EPA
Vive la révolution: demonstrators gather in Place de la République for a nocturnal sit-in. Photograph: Ian Langsdon/EPA

The debating continued into the early hours of the morning, with soup and sandwiches on hand in the canteen tent and a protest choir singing revolutionary songs.

One of the demands is the repeal of the Jobs Law approved last week
One of the demands is the repeal of the Jobs Law imposed  last week

A handful of protesters in tents then bedded down to “occupy” the square for the night before being asked to move on by police just before dawn. But the next morning they returned to set up their protest camp again.

Spanish 15M groups are occupying across the country in support of the ‘outraged’ French…Dozens of people have camped at the gates of the City of Valencia after a busy demonstration for the Nuit Debout Paris. Continue reading Spreading ‘nuit debout’ Occupations demand Revolution Now

Chief Theresa brings Social Revolution to Girls and Women

Malawi’s fearsome chief, terminator of child marriages
Chief Kachindamoto has broken up 850 child marriages in three years, and banned the sexual initiations of young girls.

by Hannah McNeish  Al Jazeera 

b54f8a77d1aa479399009a503e27fc6a_18 (1) Theresa Kachindamoto was the youngest of 12 children born into a family of chiefs [Hannah McNeish/  

Mtakataka, Malawi – The mild-mannered woman who zips around a farmhouse packed with knick-knacks and insists her guests eat a meal before any introductions, presents a character at odds with her fearsome reputation of being Malawi’s top marriage terminator.

Thirteen years ago, Theresa Kachindamoto could not have conceived of ever leaving her job of 27 years as a secretary at a city college in Zomba, another district in Southern Malawi.

Chief annuls child marriages so that girls in Malawi can go to school
Chief annuls child marriages so that girls in Malawi can go to school

She had no desire to return home to Monkey Bay, a stunning cluster of mountains in Dedza District around Lake Malawi. Although she had the blood of chiefs – Malawi’s traditional authority figures – running through her veins, as the youngest of 12 siblings, a woman, and a mother of five, Kachindamoto never expected to become a senior chief to the more than 100,000 people. Continue reading Chief Theresa brings Social Revolution to Girls and Women

Tiger Women.. Proud of our Stretch Marks

tiger woman stretch marks
tiger woman stretch marks

translated from proyecto-kahlo.com     In southern Europe it’s starting to get warm already and soon we ladies will face the dreaded # operaciónbikini. What’s better than a gallery of stretch marks to give us a boost of self-esteem when we need it? Lots of ‘Fridas’ pose proudly for naturalizing what nobody dares to make visible.

proud to be hairy

Last year we set out to face the warm weather by making our hair visible ,woman’s hair, body hair that appears from all our corners and often seems that it should not be there. Continue reading Tiger Women.. Proud of our Stretch Marks

London 2016…Seeds Of Resistance

“London 2016: the terrain of struggle in our city” – Aylesbury Estate and some seeds of resistance

By Some London Foxes.   This is a small contribution towards mapping the terrain of social conflict in London today.

First, it identifies some big themes in how London is being reshaped, looking at: London’s key role as a “global hub” for international finance capital; how this feeds into patterns of power and development in the city; and the effect on the ground in terms of two kinds of “social cleansing” – cleaning out undesirable people, and sanitising the social environment that remains.

Second, it surveys recent resistance and rebellion to this pattern of control including the short-lived “grassroots housing movement” of last winter, the confrontational Aylesbury Estateoccupation, anti-raids mini-riots, and some riotous street parties.

Third, it tries to stimulate some positive thinking about what we can do now to help anarchy live in “the belly of the beast”. Continue reading London 2016…Seeds Of Resistance

Zapatista squat center Violently Evicted but Reoccupied

After huge solidarity Chanti Ollin has been reoccupied.. though at least 9 people are still arrested, needing bail money, and some injured, the damage is huge, things have been robbed, children terrorised, workshops ransacked, etc.10906574_872615249468829_4235216083727232436_n

here’s the reoccupation video….

Continue reading Zapatista squat center Violently Evicted but Reoccupied

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