Tag Archives: sexism

Turkish State Closes and Bans the World’s only Feminist News Agency: JINHA

jinha-banned-in-turkeymacho dictator abolishes and seals the only feminist news agency

Jinha News Agency continues on Twitter, although the Internet is also closed down for millions of  Kurds in 11  cities.

Women: ‘JINHA cannot be silenced, long live women’s solidarity!’ http://jinhaber.link/en/ALL-NEWS/content/view/67660 …

 JINHA News Offices have been closed down and sealed this morning by the police of the conservative Islamist regime of R. T. Erdogan. The news agency offered written and audiovisual content about women in general and globally.
Its closure is a victory for machismo that wants women invisible, his voice and his worldview. The last few remaining Kurdish media including Women only news agency JINHA & DIHA, Azadiya Welat were closed with new statutory decrees in Turkey.

‘Women’s resistance has begun’ http://jinhaber.link/en/ALL-NEWS/content/view/67556 …

 With JINHA, the Turkish government has closed a dozen newspapers, publications and six Kurdish news agency Dihao.

Erdogan succeeded in his coup of July 15, and now closes the media.

Not only that, yesterday 1,267 more Turkish academic teaching staff were sacked. And, as always, a huge silence, bitter and infinite, from world public opinion, and especially its institutions. This is  impunity.

  • original en Catalan  from Kurdish Cat..

Clausura i precinta l’única agència de notícies feminista del món

JINHA News ha quedat precintada aquest matí. Ahir fou clausurada pel règim islamista conservador de R. T. Erdogan. L’agència de notícies oferia continguts escrits i audiovisuals sobre aspecte de les dones en general i a nivell mundial. El seu tancament suposa una victòria del masclisme que vol invisibilitzar les dones, la seva veu i la seva visió del món. La seu a Amed ha quedat tancada.

BREAKING: Turkish government shuts pro-Kurdish/opposition 10 newspapers, 3 magazines & major Kurdish agencies #DİHA/#JİNHA under decree-law

Amb JINHA,el govern turc ha clausurat una desena de diaris, sis publicacions i l’agència de notícies kurda DIHA. Quan triomfa un cop d’estat, el més habitual és que els colpistes tanquin mitjans de comunicació no afins. Erdogan va triomfar en el seu cop d’estat del 15 de juliol, un auto cop, i ara tanca mitjans.

No només això, ahir va expulsar 1.267 acadèmics turcs de la docència. I, com sempre, un enorme silenci, agre, infinit, de l’opinió pública mundial i, sobretot, de les seves institucions. Té impunitat.

‘We won’t give up our stance against misogynists’ http://jinhaber.link/en/ALL-NEWS/content/view/67527 …

YJŞ Commander: We will succeed with the spirit of Bêrîtan’s resistance #Shengal http://jinhaber.link/en/ALL-NEWS/content/view/67286 …

Women smash up Newspaper with hammers for Misogynist Policy

if I had a hammer

Toulouse: ‘Naked, drunk or isolated, we are not prey…’

Via ContraInfo…    La Dépèche is a big regional newspaper from the South West of France 

La Dépèche isn’t an un-attackable fortress. All big companies have their weaknesses, its for us to be inventive, cunning and insightful enough, to find them. La Dépèche Intéractive is a subsidiary of La Dépèche group. This is enough for us to make them a target.

The reasons to hurt the media are uncountable. It’s even a widespread discourse of those who understood that the public opinion will never be our friend. This attack is a reaction to the publication of an article promoting the idea that “we, women” create the circumstance for our aggressors, in not embodying the desires of man’s model wrought, that want us to be silent, submissive, obedient and an object of consumption.

anarcha feministThe hammers that this time aimed for windows – like they can aim for heads – arm our rage towards all those who reinforce this rape culture. This action is more of a stride in the never-ending path of our freedom from all oppressions.

We clearly never repeat it enough; sexual assaults are not the isolated act of a dangerous individual who watches from an alley-way corner – but actually – if not a weapon, its often the threats and the correctional punishment, for all women who have taken part in rebellion in their life, or simply searching to exit the cage that is patriarchy. And its always the reflection of a world that envisages women as objects to submit.

The media instrumentalises us to distil fear, in creating a need for security which should be urgently met, with ever more control over our lives, cameras, DNA profiling. They don’t seek to protect us, this discourse is to lure us in, to increase their domination.

We don’t want to delegate our protection, but try to organise to defend ourselves, and attacking is one way to do that.

To imply, as Jean Cohadon did in his article, that alcohol and drugs are recurring problems with women – that can’t be dissociated from sexual violence and other aggressions that they are subject to – is holding their legs open whilst tormentors do their business. This mediocre newspaper, passionate about various facts and police operations, is one of the thousands of unpunished accomplices that nobody dreams, or dares, to attack. La Dépèche publish their article in their infamous rag, this is another.affiche-fete-v2-pas-lourde-ad890

Amongst women, we’re organising, so that one day we not only take on windows and walls, but also the people that hide behind them, who are the subject of our hatred. We want them to be in fear, so they know that their actions won’t pass without a response. We want them to think of all the pissed off women who watch them from an alley-way corner, who one day dream of thrusting a hammer into their hearts. They want us to be responsible for the horrors that they make us suffer, we want the fear to change sides.

This action is dedicated to all pissed off women, we hope that it warms your hearts.

So that actions multiply against the patriarchy!

At your hammers… Ready? Go!arton1031-786e1

signed: Some Furious Women

  EN FRANCAIS ICI…original in French   https://iaata.info/Apres-midi-et-soiree-d-autodefense-feministe-1212.html

note: Many more Direct Actions are continuing In Toulouse and throughout France as the uprising continues, centred round the Nuit Debout movement and resistance to the neo-liberal slave Loi du Travail…

in Spanish…

Francia – Destrozadas a martillazos las vidrieras del periódico por publicar artículos misóginos

Recojo de Contra Info y difundo el siguiente comunicado reivindicando los sabotajes a unas oficinas del medio burgués La Depeche por parte de un grupo de mujeres que firmaron la acción como“Algunas mujeres rabiosas” y que golpearon a esta sede rompiendo sus cristales a martillazos por haber publicado un artículo misógino donde se culpaba a las mujeres de las violaciones y de otras agresiones sufridas por ellas cotidianamente.———————————————–——————–-

La Depeche no es una fortaleza inexpugnable. Todos los grupos principales tienen sus debilidades, a nosotras de ser bastante inventivas, listas y bastante perspicaces para encontrarlas. La Depeche Interactiva es una rama del grupo Depeche. Esto es suficiente para que sea un objetivo.

Las razones para dañar a los medios de comunicación son innumerables. Incluso es más bien un discurso común entre aquell@s que han entendido que la opinión pública nunca será nuestra amiga. Este ataque es una reacción a la publicación de un artículo propagando la idea de que “nosotras mujeres” estamos creando las condiciones de nuestras agresiones, no incorporando el modelo en forma por los deseos de los hombres, que nos quiere silenciosas, sumisas, obedientes, y objeto de consumo.

Los martillos que esta vez apuntaron los escaparates -ya que podrían apuntar a las cabezas- arman nuestra rabia hacia todxs aquellxs que fortalecen la cultura de la violación. Esta acción es un paso hacia adelante en el camino sin fin de nuestra liberación de toda opresión. Obviamente, nunca repetimos lo suficiente, la violación no es el acto aislado de un individuo peligroso que acecharía su presa en la esquina de un callejón, sino un arma, a menudo la amenaza y el castigo correctivo para todas las mujeres que hicieron de la rebelión su vida o que simplemente buscan de salir de la jaula del patriarcado. Y siempre es un reflejo de un mundo que considera a las mujeres como objetos destinados a servir.images

Los medios nos están instrumentalizando para destilar el miedo, creando una necesidad de seguridad a la que tuviéramos que responder, en emergencia, para obtener más y más control sobre nuestras vidas, cámaras, registros de ADN. No tratan de protegernos, este discurso es un señuelo para aumentar su dominio.

No queremos delegar nuestra protección, sino que intentamos organizarnos para defendernos, y el ataque es una manera de hacerlo.

Dar a entender, al igual que lo hace Jean Cohadon en su artículo, que el alcohol y las drogas son problemas recurrentes de las mujeres, los cuales no pueden ser separados de las violaciones y otras agresiones a las que están sujetas, es mantener sus piernas abiertas mientras que los verdugos están haciendo sus asuntos. Este pobre periodista, apasionado por las noticias de crónica y las intervenciones policiales, y miles de cómplices suyos impunes, a los cuales nadie piensa, o se atreve a atacar. La Depeche, publicando su artículo en su infame trapo, es un cómplice demás.

Nos organizamos, entre mujeres, para que un día no ataquemos sólo a los escaparates y a las paredes, sino a las personas escondidas detrás, y son aquellas personas que son objeto de nuestro odio. Queremos que tengan miedo, que sepan que sus comportamientos no quedará sin respuesta. Queremos que piensen en todas estas mujeres rabiosas que les acechan en la esquina de un callejón, y que sueñen en un día en el que les golpeemos con un martillo en el corazón. Quieren hacernos responsables de los horrores que nos hacen sufrir, queremos que el miedo cambie de bando.feminist

Esta acción está dedicada a todas las mujeres enojadas, esperamos así calentar vuestros corazones.

¡Que las acciones contra el patriarcado se multipliquen!
¡En sus martillos… listas… fuera!

Algunas mujeres rabiosas

Outcry against Sexist Violence in Gasteiz: photos

fem marchMass demo against sexist violence takes over Gasteiz  

(en español abajo)

The march was joined by more than 250 groups and organizations.emakumeak-321-090416Thousands of people supported the call of the feminist movement in Euskal Herria last Sunday in a protest under the slogan ‘Feministok Prest !!! Continue reading Outcry against Sexist Violence in Gasteiz: photos

Collectives and Groups opposing Machismo in Liberated Zones: Counter-Communiqué

stop machismo

original en castellano abajo.

Due to events that have been occurring in the Iberian Occupied Social Centres for some time we feel morally obliged to write this informative text. We are fed up with sexist and condescending, complicity and hetero speeches. We believe that feminism is a cornerstone on which to base the Commons and everyday politics and in occupied social centers, and that sexism is not  just the ego of a group of people who refuse to recognize its dynamic in their ‘machirulo’ speeches but also a structural system that we need to question, analyze and oppose every day. (note: ‘machirulo in this context seems like ´laddish male bonding that relishes machismo’) These facts only serve to confuse people and do a disservice to the world of punk, hardcore and music linked to social movements.

Let’s speak clearly: We believe  ( Occupied Self-Managed Social Centres), assemblies, collective groups and comrades should take a position against gender violence from thousands of possible fronts, and that includes exposing socially for public knowledge and collective scrutiny such ‘ anarkopunkarras’ groups  as Penetrazión Sorpressa (note. ‘Surprise Penetration’.. refers to rape while being deniable). Continue reading Collectives and Groups opposing Machismo in Liberated Zones: Counter-Communiqué

STOP Femicide. Mass Demos In Argentina vs Male Violence

#NiUnaMenos      BY     http://revolution-news.com   An Argentine woman is murdered every 31 hours in a domestic violence incident


Buenos Aires – The # NiUnaMenos (“Not One Less”) campaign against femicides and gender violence started last month as a grassroots protest against the epidemic of violent crimes committed to women and the lack of action by state authorities on solving the crimes and prosecuting the perpetrators.

Igniting popular support for this movement against femicides was last months murder of Chiara Paez (14), a pregnant teenager, that was found dead and buried in her 16-year-old boyfriend, Manuel Mansilla’s backyard in the city of Rufino (Santa Fe).femicide

Though Chiara’s murder triggered a sense of social urgency, organizers have been discussing possible moves for months. In March, they held a meeting at the Museo del Libro y de la Lengua. Continue reading STOP Femicide. Mass Demos In Argentina vs Male Violence

Women hold Biggest Ever Feminist Strike Day yet

On Wed 22 Oct thousands of women went on social and work strike in the biggest action yet of the Vaga de Totes ( Womens strike of everybody) movement.Vaga de totes (Strike of everyone) is a collective of women “tired of social, economic and legal politics that threaten seriously our rights, our dignity and our freedom” as we can read in their manifesto.

Feminism is the radical idea that we women are people
Feminism is the radical idea that we women are people

They talk about: the conservative laws on abortion and assisted reproduction that want to control the woman’s body;

the femicide ; the cuts in health care, social assistence and education;

the repression; the immigration laws and the health care apartheid and – last but not least – the laboral reform that increases the gender discrimination. Women in our society, being responsable quite entirely for care tasks, are now working harder and longer for balancing cuts and privatization of social services out .

Continue reading Women hold Biggest Ever Feminist Strike Day yet

Feminists We Love: Marissa Alexander

By Aishah Shahidah Simmons and Alisa Bierria


Today is the first day of Standing Our Ground Week of Action (July 25 – August 1, 2014) in Jacksonville, FL and everywhere in support of Marissa Alexander’s case. The Free Marissa Now Mobilization Campaign is a coalition of organizations and activists that has been mobilizing people in Jacksonville, across the US and around the globe to support the call for Marissa’s freedom.

Less than two weeks ago, I had the opportunity to break bread and talk with my sister and comrade Alisa Bierria, a Free Marissa Now member based in the Bay Area, about what Marissa Alexander’s case means for feminist social movements and the current push for grassroots support for her freedom during the week of action.

Since Ms. Alexander is under house arrest, I asked Alisa if she would partner with me on a Feminists We Love feature on Marissa Alexander. Ms. Alexander’s current struggle for freedom exemplifies many aspects of The Feminist Wire’s mission and vision. We are in unwavering solidarity with the movement to free her. If you aren’t aware of Ms. Alexander’s case or if you don’t have a full grasp of what’s at stake for Ms. Alexander, and by extension all women who are or will be in similar situations in the future; we hope that after reading this conversation you will be called to action.

Continue reading Feminists We Love: Marissa Alexander

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