Tag Archives: racism

World Guide to Charlottesville Solidarity Actions #RollingThunder

On August 12, a fascist murdered one person and injured dozens more by driving a vehicle into a crowd of anti-racist protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia. Fascists had been calling for violence in advance; they made it very clear that this would happen.Image result for charlottesville anti fascist

We are calling for solidarity actions to take place around the country in response—to support the bereaved, to encourage those who courageously stood up to fascist murderers, to reach out to our communities about this situation, and to show that we will not stand for this. Here, you can find a list of solidarity demonstrations and a PDF of a flier you can print and distribute to inform others about this situation.

To add your event, email: info[at] itsgoingdown [dot] org and send updates about solidarity demonstrations to us via @crimethinc or rollingthunder@crimethinc.com. Continue reading World Guide to Charlottesville Solidarity Actions #RollingThunder

UK Activists Block Runway, close Stanstead Airport and Stop Mass Deportation

United Kingdom: Activists Blockade Mass Deportation Flight.. 17  arrests

Police have arrested 17 anti-deportation protesters who locked themselves to an aircraft at Stansted airport, preventing a charter flight due to remove asylum seekers and other migrants from the UK from taking off.

The protesters locked themselves to the wing of a Titan Airways flight and refused to move.  All 17 protesters involved with the action have been arrested on suspicion of aggravated trespass and are now in police custody.

Essex police said they had received reports that a group of protesters gained access to Stansted airport’s airside at about 9.30pm on Tuesday night. A spokesman said: “We were contacted by Stansted airport after protesters entered and locked themselves on to an aircraft destined for Nigeria. Officers remain at the scene to carry out further investigations. Inquiries are ongoing.”

Campaigners said the protest was to stop a Home Office “mass deportation charter flight” from the Essex airport to Nigeria and Ghana. They said that deportees on the flight included people who feared for their lives and had claimed asylum…… Continue reading UK Activists Block Runway, close Stanstead Airport and Stop Mass Deportation

Palestinian women lead resistance in Budrus

Amira Awad's son, Lafee, was killed by Israeli forces during a non-violent protest in 2015 [Jaclynn Ashly/Al Jazeera]
Amira Awad’s son, Lafee, was killed by Israeli forces during a non-violent protest in 2015 [Jaclynn Ashly/Al Jazeera]

Fighting back against Israel’s incursions has become second nature for residents of the West Bank village.


Ramallah, occupied West Bank – When Israeli military jeeps approached the village of Budrus last month, every resident was notified within minutes.

Through the speakers of the village’s mosque, a warning was issued: Israeli forces had entered the area and were preparing to demolish a house.

Men, women and children rushed towards the site of the impending demolition. The village’s women were the first on the scene. Continue reading Palestinian women lead resistance in Budrus

Turkey blackmails Trump to help Destroy Democratic Rojava and Hold it as a Turkish Jihadi ”Safe Zone”

erdogans-planThe racist dictator, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is trying every means to blackmail and bribe the US into creating the Trump requested ”safe zone” in Syria by destroying the only progressive multi ethnic, multi religion, non sexist area in the whole of the Middle East, .. Rojava.

Blackmail.. by threats to leave Nato, to join the Russia/Iran/China axis, to expose the US creation and financing of ISIS.. etc, and   Bribery.. by promising to conclude the huge new arms purchases, by perhaps blocking the Russian South Stream gas pipeline, etc.

Will Trump betray the only progressive future for Syria? ..Syrian-Kurdish women carry the coffins of female fighters in Syria's northeastern city of Qamishli on July 21, 2016 during the funeral of sixteen fighters killed battling the Islamic State (IS) group in Manbij. 150 SDF volunteers died liberating the town, including six from the International Brigade.(William Savage, from the US was killed rescuing civilians). Now Turkey is pressurizing Trump to betray the SDF, destroy the democratic revolution, and hand Manbij to Turkish controlled jihadi FSA mercenaries.
Will Trump betray the only progressive future for Syria? ..Syrian-Kurdish women carry the coffins of female fighters in Syria’s northeastern city of Qamishli on July 21, 2016 during the funeral of sixteen fighters killed battling the Islamic State (IS) group in Manbij. 150 SDF volunteers died liberating the town, including six from the International Brigade.(William Savage, from the US was killed rescuing civilians). Now Turkey is pressurizing Trump to betray the SDF, destroy the democratic revolution, and hand Manbij to Turkish controlled jihadi FSA mercenaries.

The Plan is to effectively annexe the north of Syria as a ‘safe zone’ run by his own paid jihadi proxies, the FSA. Russia seems now to reluctantly go along with this, and excludes the SDF and Kurds from all negotiations.

Now the ruling Turks only need to get Trump on board.. so that their 5000 tanks can roll, the Rojava revolution can be destroyed, women can again be slaves, and a new 40 years war with Syria can begin. Continue reading Turkey blackmails Trump to help Destroy Democratic Rojava and Hold it as a Turkish Jihadi ”Safe Zone”

‘Take them in!’ 500,000 march for Refugees in Barcelona

‘Take them in!’ Massive Barcelona march urges Madrid to welcome refugees View image on Twitter

“Enough Excuses! Take Them In Now!” and “No More Deaths, Open The Borders!” slogans have been heard since 4 pm in Barcelona when hundreds of thousands gathered in support of the refugees. Over 5000 people died by drowning in the Mediterranean last year trying to escape to Europe. Continue reading ‘Take them in!’ 500,000 march for Refugees in Barcelona

Sara Kaya the Kurdish mayoress of Nusaybin now jailed in Solitary without trial

 Friday, Feb 17, 2017sara-kaya
Sara Kaya was detained by police of Erdogan last January. The democratic mayoress of the devastated border town is accused of “wanting to break the unity and integrity of the Turkish state.”

She was decreed jail without bail on 27 January. She was detained in prison of Mardin E-type but now has been transferred to solitary confinement in a high security prison of the type E, Wan.nusaybin-destructionChildren shelter from the indiscriminate police and army attacks on Nusaybin

No one knows why. E-type prisons are a high security level but below the dreaded F-type prisons where torture is practiced regularly.

Sara Kaya is one of dozens of Turkish mayors and Deputies arbitrarily imprisoned without trial in Turkey

Genocide in Europe: Nusaybin surrenders after 74 days ..in total ruins and  deafening silence Continue reading Sara Kaya the Kurdish mayoress of Nusaybin now jailed in Solitary without trial

General Strike Fri 17th as anti Trump demos go Viral.. Strike back Now or Never!

 It could be the biggest Strike in the US for generations and spread through Mexico, Latin America and even to  Europe.general-strike-17-feb

Millions of women came out worldwide after Trump’s neo-fascist inauguration. In  recent days hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets against the deportation of their neighbours. Tens of thousands of Latinos have struck, 70 cities have seen demos against Standing Rock and fossil fuels…..

Now is the time!  We must strike while the issues are hot.. Before the new nazis and thought police  make resistance impossible

Los Angeles protest occurring now against ICE raids following reports that ICE took non-criminals into custody today. pic.twitter.com/apVCJxLTMd

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Continue reading General Strike Fri 17th as anti Trump demos go Viral.. Strike back Now or Never!

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