Tag Archives: Prison


From Enlace Zapatista  Translation submitted to It’s Going Downfreedom-fernando-sotelo

The modification enacted by the Superior Court of “Justice” on the sentence of our compañero Luis Fernando Sotelo is a joke. The reduction of the sentence to 13 years [from 33 years], is not to serve justice, but is a mockery of it. The irregularities in the process have been denounced innumerable times. Evidence doesn’t exist to incriminate him and during the trial the only eyewitness, the driver of the metro-bus, said he did not recognize our compañero.

Why is he still in prison? It is not for judicial reasons, but political ones. It is punishment for social protest. They want to keep him imprisoned as an example. Our compañero is detained under the command of the government of Mexico City, lead by Miguel Ángel Mancera. Or perhaps also the rumors of corruption of the Fourth Chamber of the Superior Criminal Court are more correct?libertad-sotelo1


Editor of anarchist paper in Turkey jailed for 15 months


The wave of repression unleashed by the Turkish state against the left and the Kurdish freedom movement that has seen tens of thousands fired from their jobs and thousands jailed, including many HDP MPs,has also hit the anarchist movement there. We heard last night that Hüseyin Civan has been sentenced to 15 months for editing the anarchist paper Meydan Gazetesi.

They have reported the sentencing as below;

Turkey: Editor of Meydan Gazetesi anarchist newspaper Hüseyin Civan sentenced to 1 year, 3 months imprisonment
“An investigation was started by Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s office about our newspaper related to articles “Both Arrival and Departure of State is From Fear”, “Banned Until Further Order”, and “Recreating Life” in issue 30 of our newspaper published on December 2015 with the caption “Banning Everything”. The lawsuit following the investigation ended after almost a year of trials. Continue reading Editor of anarchist paper in Turkey jailed for 15 months

Anarchists Monica and Francisco Win Jail Cut to 4 yrs 6 Months


It should have been an acquittal. This was a political show trial with lots of media hype over what was basically a large firework. The aim of the police was to link Monica and Francisco with anarchists arrested on suspicion in the Piñata and  Pandora police raids and brand them all as terrorists in an organisation called GAC.CcsR6VkWAAAUqYV

None of this worked out for them despite choosing rabid far right prosecutors and magistrates. There was extensive solidarity and support  and instead of 44 years they got 12 years jail, on the basis of blurry security camera photos that ”proved” they were in the city at the time.

Now the Supreme Court has reduced that to 4 and a half and since they have already endured nearly 3 years incarceration we will be planning freedom celebrations soon!!

….media circus inventing the ''shocking destruction'' after the ”bomb” which Monica and Fran are accused of planting in the Zaragoza Basilica, symbol of the Catholic/Fascist dictatorship… State demanded 44 yrs jail each with zero evidence.
….media circus inventing the ”shocking destruction” after the ”bomb” which Monica and Fran are accused of planting in the Zaragoza Basilica, symbol of the Catholic/Fascist dictatorship… State demanded 44 yrs jail each with zero evidence.


After 3 years in jail the Supreme Court has reduced the sentence from twelve years to four and a half years for two Chilean anarchist militants who  supposedly attacked the Basilica of El Pilar de Zaragoza Continue reading Anarchists Monica and Francisco Win Jail Cut to 4 yrs 6 Months

IV Marcha de antorchas contra la carcel de Ponent y los centros de reclusion del estado; concierto La chispa.

by Cruz Negra Anarquista


Hace mas de 500 años que la prisión existe, y en todo este tiempo no han dejado de haber robos, tráfico de drogas, de personas y mucho menos se han acabado los maltratos, asesinatos o violaciones y esto es así, aparte de porque somos una sociedad enferma, porque la prisión, que fue creada para reeducar a las personas que han roto la ley, no ha cumplido ni cumple esta función, porque la prisión no es ninguna solución sino que es parte del problema.

Y decimos que es parte del problema porque nosotros queremos señalar los verdaderos intereses que se esconden detrás de las instituciones penitenciarias: por un lado mantener este sistema social y económico injusto y por el otro hacer que nos creamos la mentira de que las prisiones son necesarias.

El col·lectiu okupant tem que "aquest procés judicial acabi derivant en un desallotjament que posi fi a aquests nou anys de lluita en defensa de l’horta de Lleida i l’okupació política d’espais socials" Dànae Quiroz
El col·lectiu okupant tem que “aquest procés judicial acabi derivant en un desallotjament que posi fi a aquests nou anys de lluita en defensa de l’horta de Lleida i l’okupació política d’espais socials” Dànae Quiroz

Continue reading IV Marcha de antorchas contra la carcel de Ponent y los centros de reclusion del estado; concierto La chispa.

Freedom for Lola! .. Activist jailed for Refugee Solidarity

Solidarity against Repression, Lola freedom! ..Please help.freedom-for-lolka

Lola was arrested and jailed when accompanying a Kurdish refugee who tried to take a  flight from Greece to Barcelona

Letter sent to Greek Authorities.. please sign here

from:    CGT (Anarcho syndicalist trade union).. Sent by on Sun, 12/04/2016 – 17:32.

to:   Mr. Fernando Turro Homedes Honorary Consul Genera, Consulate General of Greece in Barcelona

Last Sunday, November 27, Lola Gutiérrez from the CGT union section of the Barcelona Provincial Council, , was jailed by the Greek police for helping a Kurdish refugee travel to Barcelona.

She said she acted as she has done all her life, “out of political conviction and solidarity,” one more case in the long history of an exemplary activist in the struggle for social rights.

demo for Lola outside Greek Consulate in Barcelona
demo for Lola outside Greek Consulate in Barcelona

Continue reading Freedom for Lola! .. Activist jailed for Refugee Solidarity

Germany: Two Forest Defenders from Spain arrested in Hambach Forest still Jailed

   transslation by .. shared with thanks


Yesterday, November 30, 8 people were arrested in Hambach Forest. Among them, 2 comrades from Spain. Everybody was released last night except for the 2 comrades who were transferred to Cologne today for pre-trial detention. The names that they were known as in the forest were Siao and Hodey although in Spain we knew them by other names.
Así es como queda el bosque con el avance de la mina.. Con el carbón marrón se alimenta la planta energética que se ve al fondo

The last few days in Hambach Forest have seen an escalation of tension. On November 17 a road block action took place with a burning barricade and rocks thrown in clashes with the security company and the ‘installation’ of a fake explosive device that delayed the dismantling of the barricade and the tree felling for several hours. Continue reading Germany: Two Forest Defenders from Spain arrested in Hambach Forest still Jailed

We Support the Revolutionaries Accused of Aachen Bank Robberies..

The gang hit for the first time at the Aachener Bank in July 2012.
Around noon, they ran into the bank and demanded money at gunpoint. Then they shut the bank employees in one room. One woman wearing a blond wig, sunglasses. They spoke good German.

The Dutch press reports highlighted that the German police had been harassing and seeking to arrest the Dutch woman dubbed by them and the predatory media as the ‘leader’ for years and she had previously been held for 5 months and released as there was no evidence.restemos-personas2rescue people not banks

The Dutch anarchists who demonstrated and continue to campaign for the release of the 3 described the charges as fabricated. The leaflets and declarations emphasize support for the arrested comrades whether ‘guilty’ or ‘innocent’ and some justified bank expropriations in the context of trillion euro bank fraud, capitalist extortion and planetary destruction. (see translations and signed communiqué below).

The police claim they have ‘DNA trace evidence’ on at least one of the women, but of course thousands of people go to banks, DNA evidence is unreliable, easy to plant and left behind on all kinds of objects..

They also claim to have photo proof and have released both security camera images and arrest photos of the accused, which show their ”proof” to be ridiculous. See below. Continue reading We Support the Revolutionaries Accused of Aachen Bank Robberies..