Tag Archives: permaculture

Peaceful warrior: Permaculture visionary Bill Mollison

Permaculture 'inventor' Bill Mollison, who died this weekend. Photo: Permaculture Association / Magazine.
Permaculture ‘inventor’ Bill Mollison, who died this weekend. Photo: Permaculture Association / Magazine.

Australian educator, author and co-inventor of Permaculture, Bruce Charles ‘Bill’ Mollison, died on the 24 September 2016 in Sisters Creek, Tasmania. He has been praised across the world for his visionary work, and left behind a global network of ‘peaceful warriors’ in over 100 countries working tirelessly to fulfill his ambition to build harmony between humanity and Mother Earth.

The Tasmanian rainforests gave him the founding structure for his life’s passion, Permaculture: the idea that we could consciously design sustainable systems which enabled human beings to live within their means and for all wildlife to flourish with us.

Born 1928 in the Bass Strait fishing village of Stanley, Tasmania, Bill’s life story included backwoodsman, academic, storyteller, lady’s man, and to many just ‘Uncle Bill’, doing all these things par excellence.

Bill was co-founder, with David Holmgren, of the permaculture movement – a worldwide network of remarkable resilience, with organisations now operating in 126 countries and projects in at least 140, inspiring individuals and communities to take initiatives in fields as diverse as food production, building design, community economics and community development. Continue reading Peaceful warrior: Permaculture visionary Bill Mollison

ZAD: anti-airport Occupation a battle for France’s future

How an anti-airport occupation became a battle for France’s future

Emilie Papillon reports from the ZAD – an occupation of the site of a proposed airport that has turned into something more
April 2014

The anti airport movement proposes an anti-capitalist assembly based revolution
The anti airport movement proposes an anti-capitalist assembly based revolution

After avoiding the police checkpoints, heading down road D42 and passing multiple barricades made out of wood, tires, hay bales and anything else burnable, you will eventually find yourself staring at a hand-painted sign: ‘welcome to the ZAD’. Continue reading ZAD: anti-airport Occupation a battle for France’s future

The Solidarity Economy..money-free Revolution

The Solidarity Economy as a Strategy for Revolution

reblogged with thanks from:   http://www.corfizz.com/story.html

money free revolution

There are three roads to revolution. Some focus on seizing state power, others on revolutionary expropriation. The third strategy is to think seriously about how we would actually like to organise our lives and then to start putting these ideas into practice, constructing the new world directly, as a parallel alternative to capitalism.

Let’s be clear that the solidarity economy already exists and people are already fully engaged in the approach that I am describing. I am not messianically opening a new revolutionary pathway; I am merely reporting on a fruitful line of action, introducing it to newcomers, as well as offering some ideas about how it could develop to those who are interested.

Continue reading The Solidarity Economy..money-free Revolution

Trailer: United Natures – a United Nations of all species.


United Natures – a United Nations of all species. Official documentary trailer 2013 from United Natures on Vimeo. Continue reading Trailer: United Natures – a United Nations of all species.

Serial of The Free Ch 47 PERMACULTURE

The Free best colour Jan22  2012. _Page_300_Image_0001Act Five

Chapter forty seven


-‘They’d finally figured out what wild is’-

Macker narrating


            ‘Hi Jerry. Hi James thanks for coming so early.’-

            -‘Hello Macker, are you okay? Hi Duna, you got him out!’-

Jerry and James appeared first, all smiles and poring over a portable. Standing too close to each other, just accidentally jostling, in that obviously affectionate way. Continue reading Serial of The Free Ch 47 PERMACULTURE

Can Piella evicted in 6 hrs. Motorway blocked, New occupations

desalojo can piella.The resistance has hampered the evicion of  Can Piella that has been extended over six hours

After holding out for more than 5 months since the Court Order the Can Piella ‘Land and Liberty’ occupation was evicted yesterday, on the 2nd anniversary of the start if the 15M ‘Take The Streets’ uprising. The squat had become a symbol of anarchist type collective action, permaculture, and resistance to rampant capitalist speculation, with countless mobilisations and widespread public support, even by local councils.

The eviction comes on the same day as an ”anti terrorist” raid detained 5 local anarchists see here and in the context of a 15M offensive, with demonstrations and new occupations daily. See  here,  here  here  and here (Catalan) Continue reading Can Piella evicted in 6 hrs. Motorway blocked, New occupations

Permaculture Project: reinvent ourselves

The Free best colour Jan22  2012. _Page_300_Image_0001Why start with: what permaculture means? Because many people don’t know what  it means, A lot of people think that it’s the normal agriculture with nothing different and that you are crazy because in this time of crisis, catastrophes and war you think only about nature and having some lush vegetables in your garden…but permaculture or synergistic agriculture, as you prefer, is not only a method to work the soil and have lush and sane vegetables but it’s above all “taking care of people”. Continue reading Permaculture Project: reinvent ourselves