Tag Archives: Monsanto

Biologists say Monsanto’s glyphosate is devastating wildlife; deer populations down 50 percent

In Europe millions have come out against Monsanto’s top selling, cancer causing, herbicide Roundup, forcing the pro-business European Commission  to ban it, only to then slip in a clause giving it 2 years more at least. But several countries and hundreds of Cities and Local Councils have already prohibited glyphosate spraying and now the movement has spread to Canada with the focus that wildlife is also being decimated.

Canada’s New Brunswick province has lately become a center of controversy regarding the use of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, and the latest revelations involve the decline of deer populations due to widespread spraying of glyphosate – the active ingredient in Roundup.stop Glyphosate spraying NOW

Environmentalist groups are calling for a ban on the use of glyphosate for “forest management” purposes, after it was revealed that deer populations in the province have been reduced by half since 2007.

Groups such as Greenpeace and “Stop Spraying New Brunswick” are also demanding a review of “for industry and by industry” provincial forest management strategies, which appear to be largely focused on creating more timber for pulp mills, with little regard for the environment or taxpayers who are footing the bill for the spraying – whether they like it or not. Continue reading Biologists say Monsanto’s glyphosate is devastating wildlife; deer populations down 50 percent

Non-GM crops will feed the world; GMOs decrease yield, enslave farmers and destroy the environment


Monsanto's Roundup is a potent poison which can only be used GMO crops that are resistant, causing ba worldwide massacre that illustrates the dangers of GMO foods.
Monsanto’s Roundup is a potent poison which can only be used on GMO crops that are resistant, causing a worldwide massacre that illustrates the dangers of GMO foods.

In fact, observations in Africa have found that smallholders in South Africa are actually burdened by genetically modified maize, which was forced on them through government program interventions starting in 2001. A paper in the South African Journal of Science by researchers Klara Fischer, Johnnie van den Berg and Charles Mutengwa found that South African smallholders would benefit more from a diverse selection of seed that is suitable to various growing conditions and changing pest pressures. Continue reading Non-GM crops will feed the world; GMOs decrease yield, enslave farmers and destroy the environment

GMO Industry abuses Gullible Celebs to launch false ”Golden Rice Blocked by Greens” campaign

It’s easy to demonstrate (see below) that this is  a campaign of lies.  ‘Golden Rice’ has been a total flop, still doesn’t exist and so hasn’t even been presented for legalisation, never mind blocked.GMO-Rice_Filipinos-oppose_735_350_2-735x350But the damage is done.. GMO big money allies with the right wing popular media and gullible celebs to broadcast the populist message, repeated forever in the media and in homes and bars worldwide ..that ‘stupid reactionary greens are causing millions of deaths by blocking GMO ‘miracle rice’.
By the same token if anti-GMO activists had the same money and influence they could send a true and proven  message.. That by allowing and promoting GMO crops designed to work with the ‘probably carcinogenic’ glyphosate weedkiller the industry is profiting from a crime against humanity and nature, no less than a huge and continuing massacre worldwide, and has been knowingly doing so for decades! .

Pro-GMO campaign exploits Nobel laureates to attack Greenpeace and fool the people.

by Claire Robinson. shared from The Ecologist with thanks

Golden Rice Dreams

Greenpeace is being criticized for blocking GMO golden rice – even though the crop is years away from being ready, reports Claire Robinson

A new pro-GMO propaganda campaign has been launched in which, in the words of a Washington Post article, “more then 100 Nobel laureates have signed a letter urging Greenpeace to end its opposition to genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Continue reading GMO Industry abuses Gullible Celebs to launch false ”Golden Rice Blocked by Greens” campaign

Shock: Monsanto could lose Europe Glyphosate Battle

”All in all this is adding up to a refreshing popular revolt against the GMO death industry. Hooray for those of us who wish to live”.
protect the people

by  F. William Engdahl       Last month three EU member states unexpectedly refused to go along with the decision of the EU Health and Food Safety Commissioner and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to re-approve the world’s most widely used weed killing chemical, Glyphosate.
This dramatic and encouraging developments suggest that for the first time the power of GMO agrochemical giants like Monsanto and Syngenta, Dow and DuPont, BASF, Bayer could undergo a devastating defeat.
Were this to happen, it could well be the death knell for the misbegotten Rockefeller Foundation Genetic Manipulation project that has destroyed much of Western farmland and poisoned hundreds of millions of GMO fed farm animals and humans.

monsanto-death-logosee also:  Will Monsanto’s Cancer Chemicals be approved? Glyphosate banned in 50 Spanish Cities

Continue reading Shock: Monsanto could lose Europe Glyphosate Battle

Chickens have Rights to a Good Clucking Life

return me to my farmHere in our occupied center we have about 26 chickens, pretty fat and healthy, and they give us maybe 12 eggs a day, depending on the season. Sometimes they just go on strike.

They run free but are usually locked up at  night in case of wild animals getting in. The yard is too small so we feed them kitchen scraps, old recycled bread and market veg, they love it! Sometimes they get a little grain, you can still find GMO-free here in Spain. We all take care of them so sometimes they get fed twice! Continue reading Chickens have Rights to a Good Clucking Life

Monsanto’s toxic Roundup BANNED in 1st country

Glyphosate blamed for kidney failure.. banned in Sri Lanka


By Don Asoka Wijewardena

President Mahinda Rajapaksa has banned the import of all weedicides containing ‘Glyphosate’ with immediate effect as the chemical cocktail commonly  known as roundup has been found to be the main cause of chronic kidney disease.monsanto-in-argentina

Senior Lecturer of the Rajarata University Medical Faculty Dr. Channa Jayasumana told The Island, quoting Special Projects Minister S. M. Chandrasena that President Rajapaksa ordered the ban. Continue reading Monsanto’s toxic Roundup BANNED in 1st country

Monsanto, los transgénicos en España y la compra de políticos..Wikileaks


  Según reveló Wikileaks la empresa Monsanto y el gobierno de EEUU ‘compraron’ secretamente el permiso de políticos españoles para introducir su  OMG Maíz, que depende de su producto cancerígeno Roundup Ready. Luego presuraron la EU con el lema Si España cae, el resto de Europa va a seguir. “ 

Nota sobre peligros del maiz transgénico

El maiz transgénico en España es de las variedades BT que matan el European Bore Beetle y mejoran algo la cosecha. ( Son de Monsanto, Sygenta y Bayer). Sin embargo son más caros y muchas veces hay que usar insecticida  también, y cada vez más debido a la creciente resistencia de los bichos. Además falta la herbicida, o la tradicional, muy tóxico o la herbicida Roundup (glifosato y el glufosinato de amonio ) según la variedad. 

Hay peligros de efectos imposibles de saber o rectificar a largo termino. Además campos de maiz normal y orgánico quedan contaminados por polinización a mucha distancia, y varios formas de vida beneficiosos quedan eliminados, especialmente mariposas y la fauna aquática. Según los nuevos hallazgos, Roundup, del que se rocían decenas de miles de toneladas al año en todo el mundo, sigue siendo tóxico para el ADN humano incluso si se diluye a un simple 0,02 por ciento , es decir un 99,8 más de lo que se hace cuando se utiliza normalmente para su uso en los cultivos transgénicos.

Sigue la presión politica y comercial para extender el ‘experimento de España’ a otros paises de la UE, argumentando que el uso de plantas genéticamente modificado puede ser algo menos peligroso porque a veces disminuye el cóctel de herbicidas, insecticidas y nitratos que ya está destruyendo la tierra cultivable.20121202_152520

Continue reading Monsanto, los transgénicos en España y la compra de políticos..Wikileaks