Tag Archives: Greece

Community self-defense Athens Style

from subMedia.tv on Vimeo.

We continue to be in awe, of the spirit of direct action by our anarchist comrades in Greece.

The fascist political party L.E.P.E.N. was gearing up to open its doors on September 18th, the same day that Antifa rapper Killah P was murdered by neo-nazis. A large crew of Antifa comrades went to the new L.E.P.E.N. HQ and demolished it.

This was followed up, by a clean-up of Exarhia Square. Comrades crewed up and kicked out drug dealers, out of this historically anarchist neighborhood.

Some more context on the situation – https://en.squat.net/2016/07/14/athens-responsibility-claim-for-the-execution-of-mafioso-habibi-in-june/#more-17519

Video Ninjas –   Perseus 999   Mavra Mesanyxta   Music by Killah P

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Greece: Anarchist Refugee Collectives Displace state Detention Centres


While the world’s media is suitably distracted by the Olympic Games in Brazil, the war in Syria and beyond continues to see thousands of people – men, women and children – killed each week and many more attempting the perilous journey as refugees to seek safety.

from  nfo  with thanls

Meanwhile in the last two months there has been a deafening silence in the media about the plight of the thousands of refugees still stuck in Greece. Only 2500 refugees have so far been granted asylum status – the process is excruciatingly slow and most of those granted this status have yet to be relocated.

A report by the Greek Centre for Disease Control recommended all 16 of the refugee detention centres it inspected be closed due to unsanitary conditions and poor water supply. But while the Greek authorities seem unable to move forward, grassroots activists – anarchists – have yet again taken matters into their own hands and are providing shelter and food to those in need. However, this is not charity, or the result of a philanthropic endeavour, but direct democracy in practice.cbglyagumaas_qq

Anarchists in Greece have been providing squatted accommodation – abandoned schools, hotels etc – for refugees – since the current conflicts in Syria began. And as soon as the Greek authorities organised evictions of these premises, more buildings have been squatted. Continue reading Greece: Anarchist Refugee Collectives Displace state Detention Centres

Protests as 3 Refugee Occupations evicted in Greece

UPDATE:   see the GOOD NEWS:   Greece: Refugee solidarity anarchists Found Innocent by Court

As explained by the Marea  Refugees Support Collective, thirty people have been expelled to other “unspecified” camps and there have been some 50 arrests.
thessaloniki evictions

translated from  with thanks     redaccion@lamarea.com

Three houses where dozens of refugees were staying in Thessaloniki have been vacated by order of the government of Tsipras , according to reports from support collectives on the scene.

old photo of the evicted Orphanage
old photo of the evicted Orphanage

One building, a former orphanage, is being demolished. As they explained to La Marea, 32 refugees have been transferred to other  “unspecified” camps and there have been around fifty arrests.

In protest, support groups, refugees have occupied the headquarters of Syriza: “In quick response to government action to evict the squatters for refugees, have occupied the headquarters of Syriza in Thessaloniki, demanding the release of our colleagues and halt the demolition of Orfanotrofio, because within it has been a lot of material necessary for the daily life of refugees (clothing, food, medicines …) “they say. Continue reading Protests as 3 Refugee Occupations evicted in Greece

40 Anarchists confront 5000 right wing protesters. Video (Greece)

 SYNTAGMA RIOT40 Anarchists infiltrate and confront 5000 right wing protesters in favour of austerity (Greece)

On Monday 22 June 2015, 40 anarchists of anarchist collective “Rouviconas” in Athens, defied the so called majority in the streets, infiltrated at the center of a right wing protest of approximately 5.000 protesters demonstrating in favour of EU and IMF austerity measures in front of the Greek parliament in Syntagma square and burned several European Union flags shocking the ultra conservative crowd. Continue reading 40 Anarchists confront 5000 right wing protesters. Video (Greece)

Stamp-scrip anti-money could Save Greece..Sabotage Capitalism

 If we accept that our predator capitalism is  rushing into financial and environmental disaster we need an equally vigorous and attractive alternative that people can turn to as things get worse.destroy the banksOne possibility is local ‘stamp-scrip’ (freemoney), which gradually loses its value if not spent, so people spend it immediately and the local economy booms. There’s no use hoarding capital in this scheme.

Continue reading Stamp-scrip anti-money could Save Greece..Sabotage Capitalism

Greece. Don’t accept more Fake Bail-Outs!

263041-cant-pay-wont-pay-play(…update: after various threats and deadlines by the ECB, Germany, IMF, etc. have passed, and with Syriza openly threatening to get a loan from Russia and China,  leaked rumours of a a deal and partial Greek victory are in the air, causing the euro to rise briefly. We hope Syriza will NOT back down and sell out, Greece wants and needs a revolution!…  …….thefreeonline   )10947208_787185401356145_465179737588896753_n

 With a sane (and apparently honest/legitimate) government achieving election in Greece, the past six years of European “bail-out” fraud is about to be fully exposed. Indeed, the recent history of Greece, alone, is little more than a road-map of fraud, conclusively illustrated by a concise summation of events.

a) In 2009 and early 2010, the ECB “bailed-out” Greece on several occasions – and then it immediately went bankrupt, defaulting on 75% of its national debt.

indexSyntagma Square..11th Feb

Continue reading Greece. Don’t accept more Fake Bail-Outs!

Nikos Romanos ends strike. World solidarity helps Triumph

nikos-romanosNikos Romanos has triumphed. After 31 days of hunger strike and thirst strike beginning today the Greek government has yielded to his demands and has agreed to allow leave to study, as Nikos claimed and to which he was legally entitled.With this agreement consisting of about 6 months distance learning from prison first, then exit permits on electronic tracking device to study later, Nikos Romanos abandoned today the hunger strike and thirst having not only jeopardized the Greek state, but having overcome with a historic hunger strike.

Few is any similar examples can be found of the solidarity movement that has risen with this hunger strike.ÓÕÍÅÄÑÉÁÓÇ ÕÐÏÕÑÃÉÊÏÕ ÓÕÌÂÏÕËÉÏÕ Continue reading Nikos Romanos ends strike. World solidarity helps Triumph