Tag Archives: Feminism

Abuse is not always ‘Visible’ as Megan Short was Punished by Death for Realizing

by  on Feminist Current.. shared with thanks

‘On August 6, Short’s planned moving day, she was found shot to death alongside her three children, her husband, and their dog in the family’s Pennsylvania home. A “murder/suicide note” was found “near one of the deceased adults,

Megan Short, 33, posted a request to Facebook, asking for help moving on August 6. Only weeks earlier, she had commented under an article posted by a friend, saying she was leaving her husband.

The article, written by Leigh Stein, was titled, “He didn’t hit me. It was still abuse.” In it, Stein explained that, while working at a diner, her boyfriend made her shower twice a day, so she “wouldn’t smell like French fries after work” and so that she could shave her entire body, “or else he wouldn’t touch me.”

He also told Stein she “wasn’t sexy” and that, therefore, he needed to sleep with other women. Stein didn’t see her relationship as abusive, at the time, because her abuse was invisible — there were no bruises to prove it. “I didn’t know what to name what I couldn’t see,” she writes.

Like so many other women, Stein had learned that red flags were, in fact, “romance.” She writes, “I felt like I was in a movie — how quickly we moved in together and isolated ourselves from friends and family, because all we needed was each other.” Women are groomed to become victims of abuse, in this way. Continue reading Abuse is not always ‘Visible’ as Megan Short was Punished by Death for Realizing

Show #125 Carrie Reichardt’s Revolutionary Art

First a small gallery of Carrie’s art.. 

to listen to her INTERVIEW click The Circled A

Mayday demonstration at Bank. People protest against police violence and dress as convicts, prisoners or police. Organised by Space Hijackers. London. © Jess Hurd/reportdigital.co.uk Tel: 01789-262151/07831-121483 info@reportdigital.co.uk NUJ recommended terms & conditions apply. Moral rights asserted under Copyright Designs & Patents Act 1988. Credit is required. No part of this photo to be stored, reproduced, manipulated or transmitted by any means without permission.
Mayday demonstration at Bank. People protest against police violence and dress as convicts, prisoners or police. Organised by Space Hijackers. London.








fight for your roght to be arty

to listen to her INTERVIEW click The Circled A


The Circled A


Carrie Reichardt is a contemporary artist, who works from a mosaic-covered studio in London. A member of the Craftivism movement, she uses murals, ceramics, screen-printing and graphic design in her work. She is a dedicated advocate of the movement and curated one of the few exclusively Craftivist exhibitions in the UK. She talks about the ‘Disobedient Objects’ exhibition at the V&A, Angola 3 and much more!

Listen Now:

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Lee Lakeman: Lifelong Feminist Activist

rape relief

‘We are in the midst of an uprising’: An interview with Lee Lakeman

Jess: Thanks for agreeing to meet with me today. As a young feminist I’m wondering how you became involved in the feminist movement and how you decided to make it your life’s work.

Lee: In a way, I had absolutely no excuse. I was roughly twenty, living in Toronto and studying at Ryerson, so lots of things were going on all around me, including meetings about women’s liberation and meetings about the civil rights movement. It was right there. You had to work atnot being involved when I was young.


reblogged with thanks from: http://www.feministcurrent.com/…-interview-with-lee-lakeman/

To top it all off, I became pregnant by a foreign student so I was, all of a sudden, right in the middle of the race questions, poverty questions, and women’s rights questions. That made them all profoundly important to me. I didn’t think about it as my life’s work until later.

I owned a house with some friends, and we made it available to women who had no place to go. It became the Woodstock Women’s Emergency shelter. So, there I was in the middle of learning about violence against women, and I haven’t looked back. The work is rewarding, and the more I did it, the more I understood how important it was. It was a place to stand. Continue reading Lee Lakeman: Lifelong Feminist Activist

Potent Pussy ‘Coño Potens’: Diana J Torres Reclaims Female Sexuality

powerful pussyCOÑO POTENS..Manual sobre su poder su próstata y sus fluidos

Powerful Pussy..manual on your power, your prostate and your fluids

For centuries, medical science has been one of the main enemies of the body and sexuality of women, silencing and pathologizing anatomical realities and everything that did not fit within the parameters of phallocracy, binary heterosexuality and gender roles.


The words of this book sprout like daggers, revealing one of the most controversial sexual aspects of our vaginas: ejaculation. In a didactic way,  from a radical and militant feminist view ( and plenty of ill feeling), and based on her own personal experience and a long process of research, the author presents a new ‘pornoterrorist’ explosive device, a liquid pump with which to blow up the hetero-patriarchic colonization that official medicine has created in our bodies and minds throughout history. Continue reading Potent Pussy ‘Coño Potens’: Diana J Torres Reclaims Female Sexuality

Dilar Dirik promotes Women’s Revolution in Rojava

The Women’s Revolution in Rojava: Defeating Fascism by Constructing an Alternative Society

by Dilar Dirik

This piece is a book chapter in “A Small Key Can Open A Large Door: The Rojava Revolution” by Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness (Ed.), March 2015 (Combustion Books).24795b9d45550d61cc9f6bee7a09a629_LThe resistance against the Islamic State in Kobanê has woken the world to the cause of Kurdish women. Typical of the media’s myopia, instead of considering the radical implications of women taking up arms in a patriarchal society – especially against a group that systematically rapes and sells women as sex-slaves – even fashion magazines appropriate the struggle of Kurdish women for their own sensationalist purposes today. Continue reading Dilar Dirik promotes Women’s Revolution in Rojava

Free the Women’s Day Five! – Chinese Feminists and Workers unite

Free the Women’s Day Five! – Statements from Chinese workers & students

 Translation of a statement by the partner of “Da Tu” (Giant Rabbit), one of the feminists detained on March 7, focusing on mutual aid between feminists and workers, with solidarity photos workers have posted online. Followed by translation of a petition by students at Da Tu’s alma mater, Sun Yat-sen University (one of many petitions circulating in China, despite censorship).  domestic violence awareness demo

Feminists in Danger, Workers in Support

By Wei Lizhi

Translation of 《女权陷牢狱 工人来声援——工人声援3月7日被带走的女权行动者》from iLabour.org (March 10, 2015)

“When you’re in a battle against an enemy so much bigger, so much stronger than you, to find out you had a friend you never knew existed, that’s the best feeling in the world.”

Continue reading Free the Women’s Day Five! – Chinese Feminists and Workers unite

-To Change Everything- world campaign kickstarts

The Crimethinc collective have raised more than enough to launch ‘TO CHANGE EVERYTHING’.


‘To Change Everything’ is a book that shows the way to a future

without bosses, oppression, and poverty.

It’s being produced in 14 languages at the same time.

It’s a series of interactive websites being set to start on the same day.

It’s an amazing video version. Continue reading -To Change Everything- world campaign kickstarts